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Chapter 779 Teacher Lin Xiu

Chapter 779 Teacher Lin Xiu
The incident on Mount Wuji has already spread, and the members of the Zhengqi League also know that their Son is a powerful existence.

So when Lin Xiu said that he wanted to open a lecture hall, he immediately attracted many people.

However, only some of these people are sword cultivators, and what they want to learn is only Lin Xiu's kendo. There are only a few people who are not sword cultivators. They came here just to watch the excitement.

No matter what, there were only more than 100 people who came here, and they seemed a little suspicious of Lin Xiu.

"His Royal Highness, can you really guide us?"

"His Royal Highness, I am a knife repairer, can you also guide us?"

"My martial soul is a volcanic ape. Your Highness, can you guide me?"


There are quite a few such questions. Lin Xiu raised his hand and pressed it. He said: "Don't worry, everyone, this guide has already said that I will definitely guide you. No matter what kind of martial spirit or strength, This holy son will guide everyone!"

"Really? This is great!" Someone immediately cheered.

"Okay, it's not too late. Now, you will come out first, and you will use a martial skill for me! My son will take a good look at it for you!" Lin Xiu said.

"Yes!" The person who was pointed by Lin Xiu walked forward immediately. This person used a sword. When he swung the sword, the sword came out like lightning. A strong swordsman is also at the first level of Martial Emperor Realm.

"Ding, collect the data of the strong in front of you, Chen Xuan, Martial Soul, Panshi Sword (Tenth Level), Bloodline, None, Kungfu, Ling Jianjue, Soul Skill...Weaknesses, poor foundation in kendo, limited achievements! Comprehensive evaluation, Earth level!"

"Ding, collect the earth-level talents and get 100 talent points!"

Earth-level talent is 100 talent points, sky-level talent is 1000, king-level talent is 1, and emperor-level talent is 10!
It's just that what Lin Xiu didn't expect was that the talent of this strong man in the Martial Emperor Realm was only at the prefecture level!Isn't this too weak?
However, Lin Xiu still pointed to the man in front of him. He said, "Your swordsmanship is good, and your sword skills are strong enough. It's a pity that you didn't pay attention to the most basic sword skills!"

"Basic swordsmanship? Your Royal Highness, don't we only need strong swordsmanship to cultivate swords?" Chen Xuan said hastily.

"Do you think that only strong sword skills are enough? Do you know that because of your thinking, you have already caused a lot of trouble? Swordsmanship is like building a house. If you want to build higher, you need to lay the foundation Well, only in this way can we go higher and farther!" Lin Xiu shook his head and said.

"Now you have acquired powerful sword skills, but you haven't even learned the most basic sword skills. How can you continue to move forward? How can you comprehend the laws of the sword, or even 'enter the Tao'?"


Lin Xiu's words made Chen Xuan bow his head in shame. He fell on the ground, kowtowed to Lin Xiu and said, "Mr. Lin Xiu, thank you for your guidance. If I didn't hear the teacher's words today, I'm afraid I can only stop at That's it! If I, Chen Xuan, achieve something in the future, it will be a blessing to the teacher!"

"After you go back, practice the most basic sword moves first!" Lin Xiu said with a wave.

"Yes!" Chen Xuan stepped back immediately.

"Next!" Lin Xiu said again.

"His Royal Highness, let me try it next. I am a knife repairer. Your Highness, can you guide me?" Another man came out and said.

"Come on, show off your martial arts first!" Lin Xiu said.

"Yes!" The man said, and immediately waved the knife in his hand. Lin Xiu frowned when he saw this man's knife.

"Ding, collect the data of the strong in front of you, Shi Guang, Martial Soul, Jade Spirit Sword (Earth), Bloodline, Wu, Gongfa, Moon Slashing Art, Soul Skill... Weaknesses, the lack of momentum in Dao of the Sword, the reason is because of the lack of self-confidence , because he was once abandoned by a fiancée in the Martial Emperor Realm, and his achievements are limited! Comprehensive evaluation, prefecture level!"

"Ding, collect the king-level talent and get 10000 talent points!"

This man's talent is better than the one just now, he is a king-level talent, but his realm is a bit low, only [-]% of the Martial Alchemy realm.

But what the hell is this lack of self-confidence?

"Shi Guang, right? I've seen your sword. You know that you are good at sword repair and talent, but you lack self-confidence!" Lin Xiu sighed.

"Lack of self-confidence..." Shi Guang sighed after hearing Lin Xiu's words, and he naturally knew the reason for this.

"If you continue like this, your Dao of the Sword will not improve. Not only that, you won't even be able to step into the Martial Emperor Realm!" Lin Xiu said with a sigh.

As soon as Lin Xiu said this, Shi Guang lowered his head even more. As Lin Xiu said, if he continues like this, he will never be able to step into the Martial Emperor Realm.

"If I'm not mistaken, your lack of self-confidence may be related to something that happened to you before!" Lin Xiu continued.

"His Royal Highness, did you know?" Shi Guang was shocked when he heard it.

"Since you practice the Dao of the Sword, I will make it clear to you that the cultivation of the sword requires an indomitable momentum and requires absolute self-confidence. No matter what kind of opponent you face, you need the courage to fight, and..." Lin Xiu said all the records about Dao Xiu in his stomach.

These words were originally just used to fool people, but when Lin Xiu said it now, Shi Guang's eyes became brighter and brighter. He repaired the knife, and naturally understood what Lin Xiu said.

Shi Guangfeng fell to the ground, and he said: "Thank you Teacher Lin Xiu, Teacher Lin Xiu's guidance, I, Shi Guang, will never forget it!"

"Shi Guang, this is the end of my talk about the Dao of the Sword. I think you are also a piece of jade in the rough, so I don't want to let you be dusted!" Lin Xiu seemed to think of a very powerful sentence from his previous life, and he said, "I still want to send you One word!"

"Mr. Lin Xiu, Shi Guang will definitely remember what you said. I don't know what you want to send me?" Shi Guang was very respectful to Lin Xiu at this time, he said hastily.

"Originally, I can't take care of your own private affairs, but since I met you, I will give this sentence to you!" Lin Xiu said lightly, "30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor. !"

30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor!
As soon as this sentence came out, everyone present was shocked by it. Seeing the expressions of these people, Lin Xiu knew that his words, no matter in the past life or in the present life, were words that could shake people's hearts.

However, the effect this time was beyond Lin Xiu's expectation.

I only saw Shi Guang chanting: "30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor, 30 years in Hedong..."

The more Shi Guang read, the brighter his eyes seemed to understand the meaning of this sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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