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Chapter 783 Pill Tribulation

Chapter 783 Pill Tribulation (3 more)
Zhu Shu's words, everyone can be heard, Zhu Shu said this, isn't it obvious that Lin Xiu does not have enough experience?

"Master Zhu Shu is right. Even if he started alchemy from the mother's womb, he might not have become a tenth-rank alchemist. He said that, but he is just grandstanding!" Only another alchemist next to him said.

"My thoughts are the same as Elder Wang Fei's!" said the third alchemist, Yin Gao.

Zhu Shu is a ninth-rank alchemist. It is said that he is about to become a tenth-rank alchemist, and the other two are both eighth-rank alchemists. Their status in the Zhengqi League is not low. These three alchemy masters Having said that, when other people heard it, they immediately echoed it.

"Actually, I also think that it is impossible for the Holy Son to refine a tenth-grade elixir!"

"That's right, and it's still Emperor Yuan Pill. Even among the tenth-grade pills, this must be a relatively high-value pill!"

"This time, let's take a look here. Whether or not His Royal Highness can make alchemy is also a question!"


Under everyone's gaze, Lin Xiu had already appeared.

When Wu Xie heard that Lin Xiu was going to make alchemy here, he also felt very puzzled. He was really worried about what would happen if Lin Xiu failed in alchemy.

After all, even if it is innocent, it is hard to believe that Lin Xiuhui is a ten-rank physician and also a ten-star alchemist?
In the dark night, Zhentian and Zhentian were beside Wuxie. Zhentian was not surprised that Lin Xiu did such a pretentious thing. Since he knew Lin Xiu, he knew that Lin Xiu was such an arrogant person.

Xiaotiangou and the others also appeared here, and they were also quite surprised to see Lin Xiu wanting to make alchemy.

At the location of Zhengqi Palace Square, there is a huge cauldron. Everyone is looking at the one in the center of this square. It is Lin Xiu. Lin Xiu is standing on the square, and the strange fire that appeared in his hand has been thrown into the cauldron. .

A variety of medicinal materials were thrown in by Lin Xiu with familiarity. The medicinal materials were melted into medicinal juice, and then condensed into pills. Lin Xiu's alchemy was done in one go, very smooth.

"Isn't this technique the lost Qi-Huanglong Hand?"

"What kind of flame is this? It melted the medicine so quickly?"

"Look, his fire control technique is not comparable to that of ordinary alchemists!"


Everyone was still despising Lin Xiu for sensationalism, but they found out, how could Lin Xiu be an ordinary alchemist?Even a master of alchemy is nothing more than that!

Lin Xiu's current alchemy technique is much more powerful than other alchemy masters.

Even Wang Fei had to admire him.

But Zhu Shu was a little unconvinced, what is Lin Xiu?It's fine if Lin Xiu can become the Holy Son, but if Lin Xiu is really a ten-star alchemist, wouldn't that steal his limelight?

If Lin Xiu is really a ten-star alchemist, his status will definitely drop a lot.

"It's just messing around here. I've never seen such alchemy. He obviously used his special flame to make alchemy. If this is the case, he would never be able to make alchemy!" Zhu Shu immediately Said.

"Look, he's about to condense his pill!" Someone said.

So fast?Many alchemists turned their eyes to the square worker, only to see that Lin Xiu really started to use the alchemy technique, and Lin Xiu's hands were like phantoms, and the alchemy techniques appeared one by one.

"This...his alchemy technique is too powerful. I have never seen a person who can use so many alchemy techniques at the same time!"

"His alchemy time is too short, and he has already made an alchemy in less than half an hour?"

"Will this pill fail?"


Many alchemists saw this scene at this time, and they were all shocked. After all, the alchemists here already had a little admiration for Lin Xiu's alchemy.

At this moment, all the people present could smell a faint fragrance, and it seemed that this elixir was about to be completed!
When Zhu Shu saw this, his face was a little ugly. Just now he said that Lin Xiu could not become a pill, but now Lin Xiu has already become a pill!

Fortunately, other people didn't notice him, and their eyes were all on Lin Xiu!

"This Emperor Yuan Pill is not an ordinary pill. If this pill is really refined, I'm afraid it will attract the jealousy of the heavens!" Wang Fei sighed.

"Looking at his appearance, he must have never tried to refine such a high-level pill, and he didn't even prepare for a lightning-proof pill!" Yin Gao said.

"What is the lightning protection pill?" someone asked.

"Lightning Avoidance Pill is a must-have for refining eighth-grade elixir, because above the eighth-grade elixir, as long as the refining is successful, there is a chance to attract catastrophe!" Only Wang Fei said.

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone was surprised. The Heavenly Tribulation of alchemy is called Dan Jie. Some alchemists have heard of it, but few people have seen it.

"Even if he can refine the Emperor Yuan Pill, so what, if he can't protect the pill in the pill robbery, this pill is still a failure in refining!" Zhu Shu said, but his words were a bit sour .

It's a little unbelievable that Lin Xiu can actually refine tenth-rank pills, which is enough to make him jealous. Regardless of whether Lin Xiu can refine it successfully, he will become a tenth-rank alchemist in the future, but it is a certainty!
Bursts of black clouds appeared above the sky. Everyone here already knew that Dan Jie was about to appear!
What the hell?What is this?Lin Xiu looked at the sky with a strange expression. Lin Xiu had never seen this kind of catastrophe, and he never knew what it was.

"No way? Has he really never seen Dan Jie?" Everyone's expressions changed.

"Is this elixir going to be destroyed like this?" Wang Fei said with a bit of regret.

At this moment, a ray of light suddenly appeared in the cauldron, and everyone could see that a elixir shining with seven colors of light had appeared in the air.

The moment this elixir appeared in the air, Lin Xiu could also feel that there was a terrifying pressure in this sky, and the black clouds in this sky were so thick.

Some people with weak strength were so frightened that their legs became weak. You must know that this sky is full of Tianwei, even those who are strong in the Martial Emperor Realm can feel their whole body trembling.

It's terrifying, what kind of power is this?
Everyone's eyes fell on Lin Xiu, only to see that Lin Xiu's face was calm at this time, as if he didn't care about this kind of Dan Jie at all.

In fact, Lin Xiu has no idea what this Dan Jie is!
At this moment, a huge thunderclap appeared in the sky, and a thunderbolt struck the Emperor Yuan Pill in front of Lin Xiu.


(End of this chapter)

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