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Chapter 784 How many Daoes of Pill Tribulation are there?

Chapter 784 How many Daoes of Pill Tribulation are there? (4 more)
Lin Xiu scolded directly, what the hell is this?This holy son finally refined a pill here, so what the hell is a pill calamity?
Are you kidding me!
Lin Xiu really wanted to point the finger at the sky and scold. With Lin Xiu's current alchemy ability, it would not be difficult for Lin Xiu to refine this kind of elixir again, but the problem is that there are not enough medicinal materials!
The medicinal materials needed for this Emperor Yuan Pill are very precious, even the entire Zhengqi League can only gather a pair of medicinal materials at a time.

If the Emperor Yuan Pill is destroyed this time, it will take a while for the next time.

Lin Xiu doesn't want to waste too much time here, and so what if it's the sky?Dare to break the pill of the Holy Son?If Di Yuan Dan is not saved this time, how can he continue to pretend?
"Boom!" The lightning has already struck!
The light on the Diyuan Pill immediately dimmed a little. After all, if it is directly hit by this kind of pill, even if it is a tenth-grade pill, it may not be completely unharmed. If this continues, it is estimated that there will be less than three pills. , it will be destroyed!
"He's still too young!" Wang Fei shook his head, "It's a pity that this is a good pill!"

"This elixir is so rare! But who can be blamed for this? If you want to blame, you can only blame him for not being ready!" Yin Gao pouted.

"It seems that there is no way to refine this elixir!" Zhu Shu also said, but there was joy in his tone, "I thought he could really refine a tenth-grade elixir!"

With this elixir, so what if Lin Xiu really refined a tenth-grade elixir?It will also be destroyed by the pill robbery, and the pill will turn into waste, and he will also fail in alchemy.

Thinking of this, Zhu Shu's heart is even happier. It seems that his status will not change!

In front of so many people, if Lin Xiu loses face this time, it is obvious that no one will believe that Lin Xiu is a ten-star alchemist!

"This seems to be a pill robbery, I didn't expect him to be able to refine a tenth-grade pill!" Only Heiye said.

"Looking at his appearance, it's true that he didn't lie to us, but he doesn't seem to know about Dan Jie!" Wu Xie said with a strange expression on his face.

Don't know Dan Jie?
how come?Both Heiye and Zhentian's eyes fell on Lin Xiu. How could an alchemist who could concoct tenth-grade pills not know about Pill Thunder Tribulation?This is too weird!
Just looking at Lin Xiu's appearance, it seems that he really doesn't know how to overcome the Dan Jie!
For other alchemists, if they want to survive this pill calamity, they must have the lightning avoiding pill, use the thunder avoiding pill to attract the pill calamity, and then save this elixir that they have refined.

This kind of lightning protection pill is a seventh-rank pill, but Lin Xiu didn't prepare this kind of thing. His pill is likely to be destroyed by Dan Jie.

Everyone around sighed, and Lin Xiu couldn't be blamed for this, Lin Xiu was too young after all.

When the second elixir fell, the Emperor Yuan elixir was already on the verge of falling, and everyone could feel that this elixir would disappear if it was touched again.

Is Lin Xiu really helpless?Of course not, I only saw that Lin Xiu had jumped up and appeared above the Emperor Yuan Dan.

"What does he want to do?" When everyone saw what Lin Xiu did, their expressions were a little strange.

"Does he have this kind of lightning protection pill in his hand?" Yin Gao asked doubtfully.

"No way? Even if he has a lightning protection pill in his hand, he shouldn't be doing this!" Wang Fei also looked puzzled.

"He doesn't want to resist this alchemy by himself?" Someone said suddenly.


When everyone heard Lin Xiu's words, their faces changed drastically, and they came to resist Dan Jie by themselves?What are you kidding?
If this is the case, how strong is his physical body?
And Lin Xiu said loudly at this time: "Since this elixir was refined by my holy son, if you want to hack it, you should hack me, and you should not split the elixir refined by my holy son!"

Lin Xiu really wanted to use his body to overcome the alchemy!
"Master, he will be all right?" Wangcai said.

"Your Highness's body is indeed strong, but it may be difficult to resist the thunder!" Xiao Tiangou said.

"Daddy will be fine, Xiaobai trusts Daddy!" Xiaobai Long said.

When everyone saw Lin Xiu's actions, they were a little confused. Lin Xiu was on top of the pill, did he want to use himself to resist the pill robbery?
Sure enough, at this moment, the third pill calamity fell, and Lin Xiu used his body to block this pill calamity. In the eyes of other people, the powerful pill calamity couldn't even hurt Lin Xiu even half a point.

What's the matter?This Dan Jie couldn't hurt Lin Xiu, how strong is Lin Xiu's body?

The eyes of the people present looking at Lin Xiu were full of shock.

Then came the fourth...

A series of nine pills fell, and Lin Xiu remained motionless in the air.

"It's too powerful. It's never happened before to use the body to resist the Nine Dao Dan Tribulation!" Wang Fei said in surprise.

"It's also the first time I've seen a person who has crossed the pill calamity like this. It seems that he succeeded with this Emperor Yuan pill!" Even if Yin Gao didn't want to admit it, Lin Xiu's pill was indeed a success.

"Even if he succeeds, it's just luck this time... No, the Pill Tribulation Cloud hasn't disappeared!" Zhu Shu said suddenly.

Hearing Zhu Shu's words, the faces of the people around him also changed. Yes, they saw it, and the robbery cloud in the sky did not disappear.

Generally speaking, there are only nine ways of pill robbery, but now the pill robbery has obviously dropped to nine ways, why hasn't it disappeared?
Everyone present felt very puzzled. Could it be that this Dan Tribulation is not over yet?
If not, then why?
It is impossible for Dan Jie to last forever. The reason why it does not disappear may only be that its mission has not been completed.

But what could be the reason?
Just when everyone was thinking this way, someone suddenly said, "Look, what is that?"

The people around looked in the direction the man was pointing at, only to see a ray of light appearing in the pill that Lin Xiu had refined just now.

"What...he has refined more than one Emperor Yuan Pill?
Everyone's expressions became weird. A normal tenth-rank alchemist can refine one pill, which is already good, but Lin Xiu actually refined two tenth-rank pills!This is too powerful!
"He...impossible, he must be lucky!" At this time, Zhu Shu still didn't believe it, even if Lin Xiu was young, so what if he could refine a tenth-grade elixir?It must be good luck!

After all, even if it is a tenth-grade pill, if you are lucky, you may be able to refine two pills, yes, it must be like this!

The others looked at Dan Jie falling from the sky again, and their thoughts were actually similar to Zhu Shu's.

(End of this chapter)

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