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Chapter 785 Are you selling pills?

Chapter 785 Are you selling pills? (5 more)
"It's true that he was lucky. He refined two Emperor Yuan Pills at the same time. What luck!" Yin Gao said.

"Is it really just luck?" Wang Fei looked at Lin Xiu with some doubts, and Lin Xiu didn't seem surprised at all by the second Emperor Yuan Pill that flew out.

Moreover, these pills hit Lin Xiu, and Lin Xiu still didn't feel normal at all.

The current state of Dragon Swallowing Art has actually reached the king-level state, and Lin Xiu's body has been strengthened many times. Even some king-level weapon attacks can be ignored. Naturally, this kind of alchemy cannot hurt him.

At this time, Lin Xiu also felt that this pill robbery seemed to be able to temper his body and make his body stronger.

The next Nine Dao Pill Tribulation came over, Lin Xiu still didn't mean to get hurt at all.

But everyone found that Jieyun hadn't disappeared, and had become even bigger!
"This...isn't it?" Zhentian's expression changed.

"Could it be..." Heiye also thought of something.

"The third Emperor Yuan Pill has appeared!" Wu Xie looked at the colorful light with a strange expression on his face.

The third Emperor Yuan Pill!

There are not only two Emperor Yuan Pills, but three?

"Genius, this is definitely a genius! And it is a peerless genius, otherwise, it would be impossible to refine three Emperor Yuan Pills at the same time!" Wang Fei became excited.

"His Royal Highness, you are really a master of alchemy!" Yin Gao was convinced at this time. Lin Xiu refined three Emperor Yuan pills at the same time this time. This kind of ability is not comparable to him. How can he? Not convinced?
"This...impossible, I don't believe it!" Zhu Shu's heart was extremely jealous, but he also had a feeling that what Lin Xiu did was true, maybe, it was indeed true, Zhu Shu's heart was actually Already a little admired.

Three tenth-grade pills were refined in one furnace. This kind of thing had never happened in the whole continent, but Lin Xiu was able to do it!

Young, talented, and superb in alchemy...

It's all on one person, which is a bit scary!

The Nine Dao Pill Tribulation has fallen, and Lin Xiu's body has endured the Nine Dao Pill Tribulation, but it has no effect at all.

However, another pill flew out this time.

The fourth one!

The people present were already a little numb, they were just a little curious, how many Emperor Yuan pills were there in that pill furnace of Lin Xiu?
The fifth, the sixth...

Until the end, when the No.12 Emperor Yuan Pill appeared in front of everyone, everyone's expressions were a little weird.

Twelve Emperor Yuan Pills, are you selling pills?

A furnace of twelve elixirs, this kind of thing is the most difficult thing to do in alchemy, but it happened here now, and the most terrifying thing is that what Lin Xiu refined this time is tenth-grade elixir, even if it is the elixir of the entire continent. Among them, the tenth grade elixir is also the most difficult to refine.

No one can make a batch of three pills, but Lin Xiu can make a batch of twelve pills!

Finally, Dan Jie's Dan Jie has disappeared, and the people around have seen Lin Xiu reappear in front of them.

"Ding...Pretentious value +"

"Ding...shock value +"

It has to be said that Lin Xiu's pretense was very successful this time. His pretense value has already reached 80. With another 20, his pretense value can be exchanged for a Martial Emperor Realm Experience Pill Box!

Wu Xie said: "We are going to congratulate him this time!"

Heiye and Zhentian nodded at the same time. This Lin Xiu is a master of alchemy. Even without the identity of the Holy Son, even without the identity of the Dragon God, he can be regarded as a top existence on this continent!

"Lin Xiu, congratulations, this time there is a furnace of twelve pills, and they are all tenth grade pills, it really opened my eyes!" Only Wu Xie said.

"It's also the first time I've seen someone concocting a tenth-grade elixir, Lin Xiu, you're amazing!" Hei Ye said.

"So what you said is true, you are really a tenth rank alchemist!" Zhen Tian also said.

"These are just trivial things, not to mention tenth-grade elixir, even if it is an elixir, I can refine it!" Lin Xiu immediately boasted.

As soon as this sentence came out, no one believed it. Forget about the tenth-grade pill, and refine the elixir?
At this time, those alchemists had already walked towards Lin Xiu.

"What do they want to do? Look at their appearance, they look fierce!"

"They don't want to be rude to His Royal Highness Son!"

"These people are all masters of alchemy. Now that His Highness Lin Xiu is so powerful, will they be jealous?"


The faces of the disciples of the Zhengqi League around them became strange at this time. Judging by the appearance of these alchemists, they really seemed to be looking for revenge.

Lin Xiu also noticed these people. He was a little surprised. If these people really wanted to do something, Lin Xiu would not let them go. After all, Lin Xiu is also a powerful warrior, and he will not be afraid of these alchemists!
Just when Lin Xiu thought that he might have a fight with these alchemists.

Those alchemists all walked in front of Lin Xiu, only to see the leader suddenly kneeling on the ground.

"Master Lin Xiu's kindness in guiding us today is something I will never forget!" The person who said this was Wang Fei.

Wang Fei is an eighth-rank alchemist, and now he would be so respectful to Lin Xiu.

"Master Wang Fei, what's wrong with you?" Hei Ye asked.

"We just saw Master Lin Xiu concocting alchemy and learned a lot. Being able to see Master Lin Xiu's alchemy technique can be regarded as Master Lin Xiu guiding us. This is the grace of preaching!" Wang Fei replied immediately.

"Master Lin Xiu, I, Yin Gao, are convinced!" Yin Gao also said.

The two eighth-rank alchemists were so convinced by Lin Xiu, let alone the others.

At this time, some people's eyes fell on Zhu Shu. Zhu Shu is a tenth-rank alchemist. I don't know what he thinks?

Zhu Shu finally sighed and said, "Master Lin Xiu, I am short-sighted. I always thought that you are so young that it is absolutely impossible to refine a tenth-grade pill, but now it seems that I am indeed wrong!"

Lin Xiu didn't expect that he was just refining alchemy, and he would convince these alchemists, and his face was a little weird.

"Master Lin Xiu, I have a heartless request!" Zhu Shu said.

"Since it's an unfeeling request, don't say it!" Lin Xiu said with a wave.

"Master Lin Xiu, can you accept me as a disciple..." Zhu Shu just realized what he said.

The corners of their mouths twitched when other people heard this sentence. This His Royal Highness, the Holy Son, is really extraordinary. Other people would not have spoken to such a degree, but Lin Xiu is different. This one The man directly refused.

(End of this chapter)

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