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Chapter 796 Please Die, Please?

Chapter 796 Please Die, Please? (16 more)
Is it time to perform real pretense?

Before Yu Yuan could react, Lin Xiu had already walked out.

Xie Xiu would never believe that his foster son, whom he had adopted for many years, would be a white-eyed wolf!

At such a time, Xie Zheng actually wanted to kill him!
"Why?" Seeing this scene, Xie Xue was shocked and angry, "Brother, why!"

"Why? Because it's impossible for us to rush out. In this case, foster father, you might as well go to death. If that's the case, I can also go to the Demon League to get a good identity!" Xie Zheng's face showed a ferocious expression. smile.

"You..." Xie Xiu covered the wound on his lower abdomen, but this sword is not an ordinary weapon, how could the wound he caused stop bleeding so easily?
Moreover, Xie Xiu's awe-inspiring aura can make him recover perfectly once, but it is impossible to have a second time!
"Don't blame me, foster father, after you die, I will take good care of Xue'er!" Xie Zheng said with a ferocious smile on his face.

"I will definitely not let you go, even if I die, I will not be with you!" Xie Xue had already understood Xie Zheng's words, she said angrily.

All I saw was Xie Xue's palm hitting Xie Zheng.

"It's useless, your strength is too weak!" After Xie Zheng finished speaking, he slammed the same slap, and the two slapped each other. Xie Xue was repelled more than ten feet away, and she only felt the qi in her body. Blood churned, and his face changed drastically.

"Okay, you have potential. If you join our Magic League, you will definitely become a talent!" Bi Yi said with a smile after seeing it.

"Thank you, Elder Bi Yi, for your compliment. I will definitely..." Xie Zheng didn't finish his sentence, but a voice interrupted him.

"You will definitely go to hell!" A young man came out with a calm expression on his face, but this sentence surprised the people present. Why did they feel Lin Xiu's voice seemed to come from all directions? from?
Now that Lin Xiu has used the Spiritual God Talisman, his spiritual power has also doubled. Lin Xiu's spiritual power was already hard to match in this continent, but now it is doubled, and his spiritual power, But it can far surpass the people present.

"Who are you?" Peng Ze frowned.

"Who is this young master? Do you have the right to ask?" Lin Xiu's voice made Peng Ze stunned.

How long had it been since no one had spoken to him like this?This young man is so arrogant!
"Bold, how dare you talk to Mr. Peng Ze like this!" Xie Zheng said immediately.

"Why don't I dare to talk to him like this? The identity of this young master is not something he can compare to, but you, I won't accept even the sky, I will submit to you!" Lin Xiu looked at Xie Zheng, and he said lightly.

If you don't even accept the sky, you just obey Xie Zheng?

Everyone present looked at Lin Xiu with some doubts. What is this mysterious boy who suddenly appeared talking about?
"Look, this human is so strange!" one of the dragons said suddenly.

"I also think he is very strange, he seems to have dragon power!" Another dragon said.

"Is he a dragon?" said the third dragon.

"It would be great if he is really a dragon, we can have a good meal!"

If a few giant dragons discuss it, the humans here can't hear it, otherwise they will be surprised, the dragons will eat dragons?
And Lin Xiu's words also attracted everyone's attention. Lin Xiu continued: "It's rare for me to be as shameless as you in life. Of course I want to convince you!"

"You..." As soon as Xie Zheng heard Lin Xiu's words, he felt that he couldn't calm down at all.

"What? Don't tell me you can no longer understand human speech?" I only heard Lin Xiu continue to say, "That's right, even my adoptive father will be killed. Is a person like you worthy of being called a human? I I'm afraid you won't be able to understand what you said!"

"Bastard!" After Xie Zheng heard this, the anger in his heart could no longer be suppressed.

"Xie Zheng's dislike for you has increased, and it is currently 30!"

"Ding... hate value +"

"My young master has met many people in his life, but it is rare to see a humanoid animal like your Excellency!" Lin Xiu continued.

"You dare to scold me?" Xie Zheng's eyes were red.

"Xie Zheng's dislike for you has increased, and it is currently 60! Enter the first-level rage state!"

"It turns out that you can still understand what I'm saying. I'm still hesitating what language to use to communicate with you. After all, I only know human language. It's very difficult for us to communicate with something like you that is not human!" Lin Xiu He continued.

"I'm going to kill you!" Xie Zheng said angrily, and had already rushed towards Lin Xiu.

"In this case, I'll stand here and let you kill me!" Lin Xiu said calmly, a man in armor suddenly appeared behind Lin Xiu, and the man slashed in front of him.

A flash of saber flashed, Xie Zheng stepped back quickly, how could he dare to take Bai Qi's saber.

"Aren't you going to kill me? This young master is waiting here, why don't you come? Could it be that you can't hold a knife anymore?" Lin Xiu started to taunt. After this sentence, no one else heard it Pass.

"As a disciple of the Zhengqi League, betraying the Zhengqi League is disloyal!"

"Xie Zheng's dislike for you has increased, and it is currently 70! Entering the second level of rage!"

"Murting your companions is injustice!"

"Xie Zheng's dislike for you has increased, and it is currently 80! Enter the third-level rage state!"

"It's unkind and unfilial to take action against my adoptive father and younger sister. I really admire you for being unfaithful, unrighteous, unkind, and unfilial. How dare you survive!"

"Xie Zheng's dislike for you has increased, and it is currently 100! Enter the fifth-level rage state!"

It has to be said that now that Lin Xiu's spiritual power is soaring, his words of ridicule will seriously affect the other party's thinking. This Xie Zheng's original strength is not considered strong, and his mental power is also weak. The fact that he murdered his adoptive father had already been imprinted in his heart.

The current Xie Zheng has not had the opportunity to learn the skills of the Demon League. His inner demons will always haunt him, but now Lin Xiu's words have provoked the inner demons in his heart.

Xie Zheng, who was mentioned here, already looked like a devil. After the other people around saw it, their faces showed shocking expressions. It was the first time they could see people being crazy!
Xie Zheng was already crazy, he rushed towards Lin Xiu, desperate to kill Lin Xiu.

"Get out of the way, let this young master come in person!" Seeing this Xie Zheng, Lin Xiu sneered and punched him in front of him.

"I'm going to kill you!" Xie Zheng roared loudly, the sword in his hand had already stabbed towards Lin Xiu.

"After talking for so long, I'm already tired. Your Excellency, please die, please?" Lin Xiu's fist had already been thrown out.

(End of this chapter)

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