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Chapter 797 Fudge the title of Emperor Wu?

Chapter 797 Fudge the title of Emperor Wu? (17 more)
"My lord, be careful!" Xie Xue called out quickly, this Xie Zheng's strength was only at the sixth level of the Martial Emperor Realm, how could this kind of strength be comparable to that of a young man?Lin Xiu was obviously at a disadvantage when he fought against him!

The other people present were also very surprised. If Lin Xiu asked the armored man beside him to make a move, then Xie Zheng might not be his opponent, but now Lin Xiu actually wants to make a move himself!

And now Xie Zheng seems to have lost his mind, if he fights with him, he will probably attack Lin Xiu desperately!

Lin Xiu actually wanted to use his fists to fight Xie Zheng's sword?

"Be careful, his sword..." Before Xie Xiu finished speaking, his eyes widened.

How can it be!

With a clear and crisp sound, Xie Zheng's sword was directly broken, and Xie Zheng's chest was sunken. Xie Zheng flew upside down hundreds of feet away. After falling to the ground, he never stood up again. Got up.

"Okay... so powerful, how powerful is his fist?"

"What a terrifying attack power!"

"That sword was also broken. This is a king-level weapon!"

"Who the hell is he?"


The people around obviously have never seen a martial artist as terrifying as Lin Xiu's body. This kind of body is too destructive!

"Who the hell are you?" Bi Yi finally realized, he said.

In Bi Yi's eyes, the ability that the other party displayed just now, just like him, is used to confuse people.

"I've already said, you have no right to know who this young master is!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said calmly.

"Why can't I care who you are? Your Excellency, you are too arrogant. Do you know who we are? I'm not afraid to tell you, we are members of the Demon League!" Bi Yi said immediately.

"A member of the Demon League? So what?" Lin Xiu said calmly.

"Don't you worry, Your Excellency, we only need one sentence, and you will have nowhere to go on this continent?"

"This is the funniest joke this young master has ever heard! Do you know that one sentence from this young master can destroy your Devil League?"

"What did you say?"

This time, Bi Yi's face changed drastically, but his mental strength is also very strong, so naturally he would not easily believe Lin Xiu's words.

Before Lin Xiu left the Zhengqi League, Wuxie once told Lin Xiu about the Fenggu Holy Academy. Lin Xiu knew about it, and now it can be used to fool people. This Bi Yi is also a master of talking , but compared with him, it is still far behind!

"What is the Magic League? In my eyes, it is nothing!" Lin Xiu waved his hand, only to see that Bai Qi had already taken a step forward, and his aura exuded.

"What? Martial Ancestor..." Peng Ze's expression changed drastically.

"No, this is a puppet! A puppet of Martial Ancestor level?" Bi Yi realized that he couldn't believe it.

Martial ancestors are hard to see. What kind of person would have a puppet of Martial ancestor level?

At least in the entire continent, no one can make this kind of puppet, unless... a look of shock appeared in Bi Yi's eyes, and a terrible idea appeared in his heart.

"Young master, did you come from..." Bi Yi's attitude changed drastically, and he said hastily.

"Master Ben said that you have no right to know who I am!" Lin Xiu said with a sneer, "You two, if you kneel down to Master Ben now, Master Ben can spare your lives, otherwise, you will stay forever Get down here!"

As soon as these words came out, both Bi Yi and Peng Ze turned pale.

Other people here don't know the crazy hint in Lin Xiu's words, but they can see that Bi Yi and Peng Ze are very scared.

Not only them, but even Xie Xiu and Xiang Kong, who were seriously injured, felt incredible. They could hear the meaning of Lin Xiu's words.

Could it be that this young man is from the Holy Court?
Lin Xiu looked only seventeen or eight years old, but he was able to defeat the strong man at the sixth level of the Martial Emperor Realm with one punch. It can be imagined that his strength is definitely not weak, and he may even have the strength of the eighth or ninth level of the Martial Emperor Realm !

There are not many existences of this level in this continent, and more importantly, Lin Xiu is too young!

Such a young man with such great strength, this young man will definitely not be able to be cultivated by any sect on the mainland. If there is one, it will only be in one place!
Holy House!

Is he really a member of the Holy Court?

At the thought of this thought, shock and fear appeared in the hearts of several titled Emperor Wu.

The name of the Holy Court is not well-known in the entire continent, because the only people who know it are those who are titled Emperor Wu, or even those who are at the level of Martial Ancestor!

Of course, there are also some powerful people in the Emperor Wu realm who are related to the title Emperor Wu know, but they have never seen anyone in the Holy Court.

Now that Lin Xiu is pretending to be this identity, they don't know whether Lin Xiu is real or not.

"What evidence do you have to prove that you are from there?" Bi Yi asked immediately.

"Young master, do I need to prove it to you? What are you?" Lin Xiu said arrogantly.

As soon as this sentence came out, Bi Yi and Peng Ze believed it even more. If Lin Xiu really produced evidence to prove it, they would not hesitate to do it, because the person who can prove himself is absolutely impossible to come from the Holy Academy people.

Those disciples of the Holy Court are all arrogant people, especially those who are more outstanding disciples of the Holy Court. They can still show up in this continent to prove that their identities are unusual or that they are powerful.

No matter which point it is, it is very terrifying. Of course, if there is a token of the Holy Court, it can naturally prove that it is a member of the Holy Court.

If not, for an existence like Lin Xiu, the more arrogant the opponent is, the more afraid Bi Yi and the other two will dare to do it easily.

"You are too arrogant, do you think we will believe you?" Although he thought so, Peng Ze would not just admit defeat like this, he continued, "Since you don't reveal your identity, even if we kill you, there won't be any any problem!"

"Are you going to kill me? Just rely on you?" Lin Xiu said arrogantly, "This young master can still talk to you, it's already considered your luck, if it weren't for the good mood of this young master today, you are already two corpses! "

A strange color flashed in the eyes of the two people, but they didn't speak.

But Lin Xiu continued: "I will give you two a chance now. If you kneel down and beg me for mercy, I will let you go. Otherwise, you will surely die today!"

As soon as Lin Xiu waved his hand, an astonishing aura exuded from his body. The emperor's aura and dragon power were released at the same time. Anyone who felt Lin Xiu's aura would know how extraordinary it was.

(End of this chapter)

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