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Chapter 812 Dragonscale Armor

Chapter 812 Dragonscale Armor (32 more)
When everyone saw an ordinary spiritual fruit in Lin Xiu's hand, and shouted to Kong Hong not to run away, black lines immediately hung down from their heads.

This Lin Xiu is also bold, isn't he afraid that Kong Hong will find out and come back to seek revenge on him?
Will Lin Xiu be afraid?Of course not!
If he comes back—then run away!
When the people around saw that Lin Xiu had avenged Xie Xiu and beat up all the people in the Holy Court, they cheered immediately.

But Lin Xiu didn't pay attention to them, his eyes fell on the Wind Dragon King in front of him: "You are also a dragon!"

Lin Xiu naturally devoured the dragon blood of the Wind Dragon King in front of him unceremoniously. After devouring, the Dragon Swallowing Art in Lin Xiu's body unexpectedly changed significantly.

This made Lin Xiu very happy. It seems that Dragon Swallowing Jue is breaking through. If Dragon Swallowing Jue can become an emperor-level exercise, then Lin Xiu's strength will definitely increase again, and his body can go a step further!
Lin Xiu no longer wants to take care of the affairs here, he has to go into seclusion first!

When the Dragon Swallowing Art started to work, Lin Xiu only felt that the dragon scales on his skin had turned into armor. The armor on Lin Xiu seemed to be composed of dragon scales, shining golden and extremely majestic.

This time, Lin Xiu had already retreated here for ten days.

When Lin Xiu's mouth opened suddenly, only a long howl suddenly appeared. Everyone was shocked that Lin Xiu's voice directly knocked all the surrounding houses away.

Although the people here had already been evacuated by Xie Xiu, people who were hundreds of miles away still felt pain in their eardrums.

When Xie Xiu and others rushed here, they saw that the houses in front of them had all collapsed. It could be seen how terrifying Lin Xiu's dragon chant was just now!

This dragon-swallowing formula has entered the realm of emperor-level kung fu, allowing the dragon scales on his body to transform into dragon-scale battle armor, and it also gave him the voice of a dragon chant.

This sound is estimated to be able to stun the other party. If it is unexpected, it may have a good effect!
After Kong Hong escaped this time, he was both depressed and angry. Lin Xiu's strength is not strong, but he has a lot of treasures on him. How did this person get so many treasures?

No matter what, this matter must go back, he will not let others bully him, after he goes back, he will ask the teacher for a few treasures, and then deal with Lin Xiu!

This month's matter in Yuefeng City is over. After Lin Xiu woke up, he said goodbye to Xie Xiu.

Of course, after leaving, Lin Xiu needs to know the location of the Magic Mountain. It will take a lot of time to reach the Magic Mountain from here, but if there is a Tianyi flying boat, it will only take about a month to get there.

After Lin Xiu got on the flying boat, he waved to Xie Xiu and the others, and said, "This time, we will see you again, and everyone, don't miss me anymore!"

When Lin Xiu left Fengyue City, the magic mountain.

The Magic Mountain is indeed a mountain, but this mountain has reached above the sky as if it can reach the sky. The Magic Mountain is called the Magic Mountain because the magic fog is thick on it, and there is no sunshine all year round. On this mountain, there are still many demon slaves.

These demon slaves are either monsters or humans, and they are all controlled by the people of the Demon League.

Most of the exercises circulated in the Magic League use flesh and blood as the basis of cultivation. The more people's flesh and blood are absorbed, the faster the cultivation will be. Of course, this cultivation method is likely to affect future growth, so as long as it is People with outstanding talents don't even bother to practice this kind of magic skill!

Of course, in addition to this, there are many exercises in the Momeng, but when it comes to cultivation, there will be more or less evil methods.

And the most important thing is the competition of the Magic League, which is not so easy. In the Magic League, the most respected principle is the principle that the strong is king.

If the strength is too weak, not only do you have no power, no resources, even your own body does not belong to you!
There are quite a few women who join the Magic League, they will cling to the strong, otherwise, the end will be a bit miserable.

In the city covered by the Momeng, those city lords are the local kings!
On the Demon Mountain at this time, in a cave, there was a middle-aged man whose body was bound by chains, and there were still a few iron thorns stuck in his back, which seemed to be locking his cultivation base.

The man's hair was disheveled, his upper body was naked, and his eyes were full of evil intent. He was sitting there quietly at this moment, motionless.

And on his forehead, there is a strange mark that is emitting light from time to time.

A man in black came slowly from outside the cave. Hearing the footsteps, the bound man raised his head, his eyes filled with coldness, but he didn't speak.

"Lin Zhenfeng, it's been a long time, and we haven't seen each other for almost a month!" The man in black raised his head and showed a smiling face, but this smiling face gave people a very strange feeling. He looked at the man in front of him. , a smile can make people feel hairy.

The man here is actually named Lin Zhenfeng, who is also Lin Xiu's father, and he will be bound in such a place!

"..." Lin Zhenfeng didn't speak, as if he didn't hear.

"What? You don't want to see me?" the man in black said again.

"What are you doing here?" Lin Zhenfeng said coldly.

"What am I doing here? Of course I'm here to see you!" the man in black said with a smile.

"Xie Zu, I have nothing to say to you!" Lin Zhenfeng said.

"Is there really nothing to say? If that's the case, then I will leave, although I really want to tell you about your son, Lin Xiu!" Xie Zu turned around and said after finishing speaking.

"What did you say?" Lin Zhenfeng's face changed drastically when he heard it.

"Your son is quite good. He has become the holy son of the Zhengqi League, and he seems to want to save you! After all, your son seems to be about the same!" Xie Zu sighed a little, "It really deserves to be My brother's son!"

"I'm not your brother, your brother is dead, I'm just his reincarnation!" Lin Zhenfeng said immediately, the imprint on his forehead flickered.

"It's been a year, since you're still not enlightened like this, then you can't blame me!" Hearing this sentence, the evil ancestor sighed and had no choice but to say.

"What did you say?" Lin Zhenfeng said.

"Starting tomorrow, I will take away your soul power. The soul power in your body belongs to my brother. In this case, I will resurrect him. Of course, you are the best sacrifice!" Said with sharp eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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