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Chapter 813 Evil Ancestor

Chapter 813 Evil Ancestor (33 more)
What?Lin Zhenfeng looked at the Xiezu in front of him, and he was shocked.

"You can rest assured that if your son comes here, I will send someone to take care of him!" Only the voice of Xie Zu said.

"How dare you!" Lin Zhenfeng's eyes were red when he heard these words, and the imprint on his forehead was emitting a violent breath.

Terrifying fluctuations of soul power surged out, even the evil ancestors were moved by the tyrannical power.

Xie Zu's eyes were full of excitement: "It's so strong, as expected of my younger brother's strength, that's great!"

Lin Zhenfeng's originally surging soul power gradually disappeared, and the iron spikes on his back kept absorbing his soul power.

"Your struggle is useless, collarbone spur, but it can take away all your soul power. You should cherish the time you survived. Of course, before you die, I will find a way to arrange for you father and son to meet , Of course, what you see will be Ye's corpse!" After Xie Zu finished speaking, he laughed and left.

Lin Zhenfeng's eyes were full of anger, but there was nothing he could do.

"Xiu'er, you must survive and don't come here!" Lin Zhenfeng said to himself.

How dangerous is the Devil's Mountain? Lin Zhenfeng doesn't know how old Lin Xiu is, so it's impossible for him to come here, let alone save him!
Lin Xiu didn't know all this, but even if he knew, with Lin Xiu's character, he wouldn't let it go.

Whether it's for his parents, or for pretending to be aggressive, Lin Xiu must go.

Although Lin Xiu wanted to fly directly to the Devil's Mountain, but according to what Lin Xiu had learned so far, it was impossible to go directly to the Devil's Mountain.

Not to mention the magic fog accumulated over the years on the magic mountain, it is said that to enter the magic mountain, someone needs to lead the way, otherwise, even if you can see the magic mountain in front of you, you will never be able to enter.

But from Xie Xiu's mouth, Lin Xiu had already got a useful piece of news.

The Momeng will hold a competition in Mota Town not far from the Moshan, and whoever wins will be qualified to become the deputy leader of the Momeng and the disciple of the evil ancestor!

Of course, if you can perform well in this big competition, you may also be favored by the elders of other magic leagues, and you can also become the disciples of other elders at that time!

This grand event is very attractive, and it is not difficult for everyone to imagine that if they can become the disciples of the elders of the Devil League, or even the deputy leader, they will have the opportunity to reach the sky in one step.

The Magic Mountain is the site of the leader Xie Zu, Lin Xiu's goal is obvious, it seems that he needs to get close to the Xie Zu first!

Kill the evil ancestor?Even if Lin Xiu has such strength, he still needs to weigh the consequences of doing so. If his father Lin Zhenfeng is in the hands of the Demon League, killing the evil ancestor will undoubtedly push Lin Zhenfeng into the fire pit.

Thinking about it this way, participating in the Demon Tower Town Competition seems to be a better choice!

But if you want to participate in the Demon Tower Competition, you must have a recommendation from a family attached to the Demon League.

Many families in the cities around Mota Town are attached to the Demon League, so Lin Xiu decided on the next way to go, and stopped in the city in front of him.

This city is called Taluo City.

Lin Xiu entered the city and began to inquire about the families here.

What?Into the restaurant to inquire?Just kidding, how could Lin Xiu do such a meaningless thing, since it is the Momeng, Lin Xiu needs to use the method in the Momeng to ask!

I only saw Lin Xiu directly grabbing the city guard at the door, and he said, "What kind of family do you have here, tell me about it!"

"Bold, what are you doing?" Another city guard shouted loudly upon hearing this.

They are the city guards of Taluo City, how dare someone dare to touch them?Don't want to live anymore?

"Didn't you see? This young master is asking questions!" Lin Xiu glanced at this person before saying, "Do you have any objections to this young master?"

"This is our Taluo City. Do you know who our city owner is? Our city owner is..." Before the city guard finished speaking, Lin Xiu had already lifted him up with one hand.

"I don't want to know who your city master is, I just want to know the news I want!" Lin Xiu said, throwing the city guard to the ground.

The aura radiated from Lin Xiu's body, and the city guards here couldn't resist it at all, and fell to their knees directly on the ground.

It's too scary, what kind of momentum is this?
At this moment, the two city guards knew that the man in front of them was not an ordinary person.

The two felt a little rejoiced that this Lin Xiu was not the kind of person who would kill people casually, otherwise, they would be a corpse now.

You must know that most of the people in the Momeng are unreasonable. They only act according to their mood, so they don't reject killing at all.

Even if Lin Xiu kills people here now, they are not surprised at all.

"My lord!" I saw an officer of the City Guard hurried over and apologized to Lin Xiu, "Please forgive me, my lord. It's because I can't discipline you well. If you want to ask any questions, just ask me!"

The officer of the City Guards Army was also very smart. As soon as he arrived, he knew that Lin Xiu was not an ordinary person, so he quickly apologized to Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu is not usually an unreasonable person, and bullying these ordinary people, Lin Xiu doesn't have much sense of accomplishment. If he wants to bully, he should bully people with the title of Martial Emperor, or even Martial Ancestor, so this time, Lin Xiu really Just asking for directions.

In this Taluo City, there are three big families, except for the city lord, all have a strong man of the eighth level of the Martial Emperor Realm sitting in the town.

Lin Xiu was not surprised. After all, although this place cannot be regarded as the core of the Magic League, it is near the Magic Mountain and is a family attached to the Magic League. As long as this kind of family has a person with good talent, they can cultivate Emperor Wu. It shouldn't be difficult to reach the eighth level of the realm, or even the title of Emperor Wu.

Among the three families, one is the Xiao family, the other is the Long family, and the other is the Hong family. Among the three families, only the Long family still has a place to recommend to the Demon Tower Competition.

The recommendation places for the other two families seem to be full.

After listening to Lin Xiu, it seems that he can only go to Long's house!

"My lord, it's better not to go to Long's house now!" the city guard officer said again.

"Why?" Lin Xiu asked.

"There is something wrong with the Long family now, if you go now, you may get into some unnecessary trouble!" said the officer of the city guard.

"Oh? Since this is the case, I'm going even more. The so-called people in my generation draw their swords to help when they see injustices." Lin Xiu waved his hand and said.

In Lin Xiu's heart, he was actually thinking that trouble is the source of pretense, and this time he went to Long's house, it seemed that he had a chance to pretend to be a good one!

Lin Xiu took a few steps forward, then suddenly turned around and asked, "Which direction is Long's house in?"


(End of this chapter)

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