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Chapter 815 Let's go tomorrow!

Chapter 815 Let's go tomorrow! (35 more)
Li Jun, Huang Cai?Didn't these two people have already got their places in the Long family and are living here now?What did they come to see me for?
No matter what, Long Yan still met the two of them first.

Seeing only two middle-aged men walking in, Li Jun said: "Patriarch Long Yan, we two are here to resign!"

When the members of the Long family present heard their hearts trembled, Long Yan asked: "The two of you want to resign? Don't you two need the recommendation of our Long family?"

"No need, Patriarch Long, the two of us still have something to do, so if we want to leave first, I'm afraid we won't be able to participate in this Demon Tower Competition!" Huang Cai also said.

The two said the words they had prepared before, but Long Yan didn't stop them, so he could only say: "Since this is the case, I won't stop you two either!"

The two said goodbye and left.

"These two bastards... probably got scared off by the Hong family!" Long Yu said coldly.

"We have such a trouble with the Hong family, it is normal for them to leave, after all, if we become enemies with the Hong family, they will suffer with us, niece Long Ya, you should think about it, if you follow us this time Hong Yutang, maybe he will treat you well!" Long Shi said immediately.

"Second Uncle, you said it so well, why didn't I see you marrying Cousin Long Shan to Hong Yutang? Who is Hong Yutang, don't you know? You obviously want to push my sister Ya into the pit of fire!" Long Yu Said very angrily.

"Long Yu, are you talking to me like this?" Long Shi dissatisfied, "Aren't I thinking of our Long family? Now what Hong Yutang wants is Ya'er, not my Shan'er, otherwise, I will definitely give my family away. Shan'er hand it over!"

Looking at Long Shi's appearance, he didn't have a backache when he spoke. Long Shan's looks were not bad, but he was far worse than Long Ya. Hong Yutang also wanted Long Ya, not Long Shan.

But if Longshi is really asked to hand over Long Shan, it is obviously impossible!No one knows this, but no one has dismantled Dragon Stone now, because even Dragon Stone has no effect on what is going on here.

Everyone can't blame Longshi, now they can only see how Long Ya decides.

"Okay, stop arguing. Now that Li Jun and Huang Cai have both left, Yan Li is the only guest left. By the way, there is also Lin Xiu. We just need to treat them well!" Long Yan had no choice but to say.

Everyone stopped talking, and came back after a long time after investigating Lin Xiu's matter, because they couldn't find out Lin Xiu's identity at all, and they couldn't find out the name of Dugu Qiubai, as if this person appeared out of thin air.

Who this person is and where he came from is completely unclear, and no one can find out his identity!

Lin Xiu was also bored here, but at this moment, Lin Xiu heard someone knocking on the door. He opened the door, only to see a middle-aged man standing outside the door.

"Dugu Qiubai, right? I wonder if Yan can come in and meet you, Young Master Dugu Qiubai?" said the person outside the door.

"Oh? You are?" Lin Xiu was even more confused.

"Your Excellency, Yan Li, is also a guest of the Long Family!" said the middle-aged man.

Lin Xiu finally understood. It seems that this Yan Li is also a guest of the Long family just like himself, and he also came to ask for a recommendation.

Lin Xiu let him into the room, and then heard Yan Li say: "Master Dugu Qiubai, if I were you, I would leave Long's house as soon as possible!"

"Oh?" After Lin Xiu heard this, he was a little surprised. This Yan Li actually persuaded himself to leave the Long family?

"I believe you don't know, Young Master Dugu Qiubai, that the Long family has offended an elder of the Demon League!" Yan Li said.

"Offend the elders of the Demon League?" Hearing this sentence, Lin Xiu was even more surprised.

"That's right, it's like this. The Hong family here has a marriage contract with the Long family, but now the Long family seems to want to regret the marriage. I'm afraid the Long family will be in trouble tomorrow. If I were you, Young Master Dugu Qiubai, I would definitely Leave this Long family early!" Yan Li said again.

"So it is!" Lin Xiu suddenly said after hearing it.

Next, Yan Li explained the matter very clearly. After Lin Xiu heard it, he became more interested.

"Master Dugu Qiubai, you understand now, it's better to leave here earlier!" Yan Li said.

"Since Master Yan Li knows so much, why don't you leave?" Lin Xiu asked.

"Oh, I have friendship with the Long family, otherwise, I wouldn't have stayed!" Yan Li said.

"If that's the case, I also intend to... leave tomorrow!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"Aren't you leaving?" Yan Li said after hearing this, his face changed slightly.

"My forced marriage scene is so beautiful, if I leave, what will I do?" Lin Xiu replied.

"This young master, I'm really not joking. This matter..." Yan Li persuaded for a while, and found that Lin Xiu was really determined to stay, so he had no choice but to say: "Since the young master has made a decision, I will I won’t persuade young master any more!”

After Yan Li left, a cold light flashed in his eyes. Although Lin Xiu didn't want to leave, it didn't matter. After all, he was just a young man, so he couldn't affect them at all!

Although Lin Xiu was in Long's house, the members of Long's family did not restrict Lin Xiu's actions. Lin Xiu could walk around in Long's house at will.

Now Lin Xiu is beside the pool of the Long family, with a beautiful figure and a young figure, who are obviously the Long Ya siblings of the Long family.

The two seemed to have spotted Lin Xiu, only to hear Long Ya smile and say, "Young Master Dugu Qiubai!"

"I heard that the Long family and the Hong family will marry tomorrow. The two of you are still so interested. Are you here to see the lake?" When Lin Xiu opened his mouth, the expressions of both of them changed.

This bastard is really the one who lifts any pot if it is not open!

"My sister Ya will not marry that bastard Hong Yutang!" Long Yu said immediately.

"Xiao Yu!" Long Ya shook her head, signaling Long Yu to stop talking.

"Master Dugu Qiubai, this matter is still unknown, but Long Xie is very interested in knowing about your origin, Mr. Dugu Qiubai. After all, we have never heard of it, and you are also known as a sword demon. !" Long Ya seemed to want to change the subject.

"My master is a peerless expert. His surname is Jin. He gave me the name of Sword Demon. I have been practicing on the mountain. This is the first time I have gone down the mountain. That's why I came here. But I mean It’s to join the Demon League, as for participating in this competition, it’s just by the way!” Lin Xiu replied.

By the way?When the two heard Lin Xiu's words, the corners of their mouths twitched obviously.

"Cousin Long Ya, you are here, I finally found you!" Only a voice sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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