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Chapter 816 This young master is not interested in old women

Chapter 816 This young master is not interested in old women (37 more)
"Forget it, Aunt Long Shan, this young master is not interested in old women!" Lin Xiu waved his hands, annoyed.

"Long Shan's dislike for you has increased, and it is currently 60! Enter the first level of rage!"

"Ding... hate value +"

Lin Xiu's words made Long Shan angry. What women care most about is that someone says such things.

"Little bastard, I want you to die! I'll squeeze you dry!" Long Shan was furious, and those heavily made-up faces became even more ferocious.

"A woman with the art of mending actually wants to threaten me?" After hearing this, Lin Xiu had a sneer on his face, "Since you want to be my young master's enemy, then I will help you!"

"Little beast, if you beg for mercy now, I can let you go!" Long Shan said coldly, only seeing two intertwined snake martial souls appearing in front of her, "Otherwise, it is impossible for you to walk out today. This room!"

Seeing Long Shan's appearance, Lin Xiu was a little surprised: "The sixth level of the Martial Emperor Realm? No wonder, it seems that the technique of harvesting and nourishing can improve your strength very quickly. You have already possessed the strength of the sixth level of the Martial Emperor Realm so quickly!"

"It's good that you know, if you promise me to be my face-to-face, I can let you go!" Long Shan said immediately.

"Here, the sixth level of the Martial Emperor Realm is indeed very strong, but in front of me, the sixth level of the Martial Emperor Realm is nothing at all!" Lin Xiu's body flickered, and he had already appeared in front of Long Shan.

Long Shan couldn't see Lin Xiu's movements clearly, so she realized that there was a hand at her throat, and this hand had already lifted her up.

A trace of fear appeared in Long Shan's eyes. How strong is Lin Xiu's realm?
Why does such a young person have the power to scare her?

Long Shan's martial soul, the two spirit snakes wanted to pounce on Lin Xiu, but were sucked in by a door without even a chance to struggle.

Will it be a little difficult for the Gate of Devouring to devour a tenth-level martial spirit?

"No... Impossible!" Losing her martial spirit, Long Shan seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar, and only now did she realize that she seemed to have offended someone who shouldn't be offended!

"Although I don't want to kill you, but now it seems that killing you is less troublesome. In this case, please die!" Lin Xiu threw Long Shan into the gate of devouring.

Lin Xiu didn't have a good impression of this woman. Since the other party wanted to harm him, Lin Xiu didn't mean to let her go.

After doing all this, Lin Xiu continued to practice, as if he hadn't found anything.

The next day, the entire Long family was shrouded in a heavy atmosphere.

The members of the Hong family had already arrived with drums and gongs. Among the people who arrived this time, besides Hong Yutang, there were many members of the Hong family, and even four guests of the Hong family.

"People from the Hong family finally came. I heard that Hong Yutang is going to marry Miss Longya, a daughter of the Long family!"

"Miss Long Ya's talent is not bad. If Miss Long Ya is given ten or twenty years, she may even surpass her ancestors!"

"Then I'm afraid there is no chance. The one who will marry Miss Long Ya this time is Hong Yutang from the Hong family!"

"No way? The Long family will agree?"

"The Long family has no way not to agree!"


Outside the Dragon Mansion, there are quite a few people around. The marriage of the Long and Hong families this time has already spread throughout Taluo City. Regardless of whether the Long family is willing or not, Hong Yutang will not let Long Ya mean.

The faces of the people of the Long family were very ugly at this time, Long Ya sighed, it seems that there is no way to change all this, even if she is not willing, but this time, she has to marry, if she does not marry, I am afraid that the whole The Long family will be buried with him.

Lin Xiu and Yan Li also appeared here, but what happened here seemed to have nothing to do with them, neither of them intended to intervene.

However, Lin Xiu found a pair of eyes staring at him, which were Longshi's eyes.

Did he see something?Lin Xiu knew that Long Shan was Long Shi's daughter, but Lin Xiu didn't panic, even if he could tell, wouldn't Lin Xiu be afraid?

Not to mention a Dragon Stone, Lin Xiu would not be moved even if the entire Talo City came, so Lin Xiu wasn't worried at all about Dragon Stone's threatening eyes, but Lin Xiu was a little curious Did he realize that he had already killed Long Shan?So he intends to avenge his daughter?

Regardless of whether it was true or not, as long as this dragon stone came to him, he would not bother to pay attention.

But Yan Li saw that Lin Xiu was still there, so he nodded to Lin Xiu, as if he was greeting Lin Xiu.

And Lin Xiu was naturally very polite, and he also returned the courtesy.

The members of the Hong family had already arrived outside the Dragon Mansion, and the sedan chair was parked in front of the Dragon Mansion.

The gate of the Dragon Mansion had already been opened, and Hong Yutang led a group of people directly into the Dragon Mansion.

Long Yan brought other members of the Long family to greet him immediately. Long Ya had already put on a red dress, but she looked even more beautiful.

It seems that the Long family is really planning to hand over Long Ya. Long Yu's face is full of anger, but he dare not speak.

"Patriarch Long, it turns out that Long Ya has already prepared, this is really great, come, invite Miss Long Ya to the sedan chair!" Hong Yutang smiled on his face.

After the members of the Long family heard this, they couldn't help but sigh in their hearts. It seems that Long Ya today is about to be ruined by Hong Yutang!
But even so, no one in the Long family dared to make a move, and no one dared to refute. Lin Xiu also saw it, but Lin Xiu was only in charge of watching the show. If the Long family's affairs are in charge now, it's not the best time to pretend to be aggressive!
How troublesome it is to step forward to stop it now, let's watch the show first, so that we will be impressed!Lin Xiu thought so.

Long Ya had obviously been sent out, and the sedan chair was sent directly to the Hong Mansion, but Hong Yutang and the other strong men seemed to have no intention of leaving, which made Long Yan a little puzzled: "Hong Yutang, Long Ya has already been picked up by you, what else do you want?"

"It's okay, since Long Ya is already a member of our Hong family, then I think the exercises of the Long family, the Emperor Dragon Sutra, should also belong to our Hong family!" Hong Yutang smiled.

Emperor Dragon Scripture?After Hong Yutang snatched Longya away, he still didn't give up, and wanted to take away the Emperor Dragon Scripture?
The Emperor Dragon Sutra of the Long family is a very powerful exercise. It is said that this exercise was obtained by the Long family from a martial ancestor level expert.

This kind of exercise is quite domineering, and its power is astonishing, so many people want to get this exercise, and the Hong family naturally wants to get this exercise. They not only want people, but also want to get the exercise !

(End of this chapter)

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