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Chapter 817 This young master can't stand this kind of grievance

Chapter 817 This young master can't stand this kind of grievance (38 more)
Emperor Dragon Sutra, this skill is the fundamental skill of the Long family, how could it be handed over?

So now the members of the Long family are very angry.

Long Yan said angrily: "Hong Yutang, don't go too far, how can we easily hand over the exercises of our Long family?"

"Can't easily hand over the skills of the Long family? Don't worry, Patriarch Long, Long Ya is my woman, so I won't hand it over to anyone else!" After hearing this, Hong Yutang said.

Ghosts believe you!

Obviously Long Yan didn't believe it, and neither did the other members of the Long family, but whether they believed it or not, this time, Hong Yutang would not give up until he achieved his goal.

Seeing that Long Yan and the others were silent, Hong Yutang sneered and said, "Patriarch Long, you are embarrassing me, you know, these guests in our Hong family will also feel very distressed, they don't want to Too much time wasted here, if you offend them, the consequences will be serious!"

What Hong Yutang said was a threat, he was threatening the Long family!

Long Yan's eyes widened, and he said, "Don't think too much, the exercises of our Long family will only belong to the Long family!"

"Brother, don't you know? If they want this exercise, you can give it to them, otherwise, we will all be in trouble!" said the dragon stone very boneless.

Long Shi actually persuaded Long Yan to hand over the Emperor Dragon Scripture?This incident made Lin Xiu quite surprised. Is this Longshi short-hearted, or too scared?Or have any ideas?
Lin Xiu didn't know, anyway, he didn't plan to make a move yet.

"Long Shi, I'm the head of the Long Family!" Long Yan said loudly, "I'm here to listen to you!"

Hearing these words, Longshi had no choice but to shut his mouth, but a sinister look flashed in his eyes.

"From Patriarch Long's words, it seems that he doesn't intend to hand over the Emperor Dragon Scripture this time?" Hong Yutang said with a sneer, "If that's the case, I don't know if Patriarch Long can bear the consequences!"

"As long as I am still the Patriarch of the Long Family, I will not hand over the Emperor Dragon Scripture!" Long Yan said loudly.

"In this case, what if you are no longer the Patriarch of the Long Family?" Behind Long Yan, a voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw that Long Yan suddenly passed out and fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the members of the Long family present were shocked. What happened?Why did Long Yan fall into a coma?

Why did Long Yan fall into a coma?Of course someone knew about it, and only heard Longshi say loudly: "Long Yan doesn't know how to praise, and wants to offend the Hong family. I, Longshi, will subdue him now. From now on, I will temporarily take the position of the Patriarch of the Long family!"

Everyone present was startled when they heard that Longshi wanted to replace Long Yan!

"Oh, it seems that you are smarter, Second Master Long. If you are here, then I can rest assured!" Seeing this, Hong Yutang was also very happy in his heart, and said, "In this case, the Emperor Dragon Scripture should also You can leave it to me!"

"Of course, we will send the Emperor Dragon Sutra to the Hong Mansion immediately, Young Master Hong Yutang, don't worry!" Long Shi flattered immediately.

"Okay!" Hong Yutang said with a smile.

Long Shi ignored the gazes of other people, his eyes fell on Lin Xiu who was not far away, and he said: "Master Hong Yutang, I wonder if I can ask you to do something for me?"

"Don't worry, Second Master Long, we are already a family. Your business is also my business. If you have anything to say, just say it. As long as I can help, I will definitely do it!" Hong Yutang immediately patted Said with chest.

"In this case, I'm relieved!" Long Shi stared at Lin Xiu and said, "Dugu Qiubai, I'll ask you one thing, where is my Shan'er now?"

"Are you talking about Long Shan? Since you have said so, I will tell you that Long Shan was killed by me!" Lin Xiu said calmly, listening to him was like trampling an ant to death.

When the people present heard this, their faces showed shock. In Long's house, Lin Xiu actually killed Long Shan?How could Lin Xiu do such an excessive thing?
But when Lin Xiu said this, he didn't show any panic, he was very calm, and he wasn't afraid of Longshi's revenge at all.

Yan Li who was beside Lin Xiu heard this, his face changed slightly. Yan Li had no interest in Lin Xiu. He persuaded Lin Xiu to leave before, but he just didn't want Lin Xiu to take action to destroy the good things of the Hong family. In fact, in Yan Li's view, even if Lin Xiu made a move, there would be no waves.

It's just that Yan Li didn't expect Lin Xiu to kill Long Shan!

Long Shi was so angry that his face was shaking, he said angrily: "Why did you do this? Did you covet my Shan'er's beauty, so you wanted to attack her, but the plan failed, and finally became angry and killed her! "

"Nimma, old guy, can you stop saying this in reverse? Are you so mean? This young master doesn't like your daughter. It's your daughter who wants to fascinate this young master. If I want to use a strong one, I just want to protect my innocent body, so I just hit harder!"

"Besides, in the Long family, Miss Long Ya's beauty and figure are many times better than your daughter's. This young master will take a fancy to your daughter, unless I am blind!"

Saying that Lin Xiu killed Long Shan, Lin Xiu must bear the crime, but saying that Lin Xiu failed to rape her, that's not acceptable!
Lin Xiu would not accept such an insult to his reputation!

When the people around heard Lin Xiu's words, they felt that what Lin Xiu said made sense, didn't they?

After all, Long Ya's appearance and figure were much better than that of Long Shan, even if she really wanted to make a move, it was impossible for her to fall in love with Long Shan!
This can be seen from Hong Yutang's choice!

But Long Shi didn't mention how angry he was at this moment, his eyes were about to burst into flames: "My Shan'er is naturally beautiful, how dare you say that about her? No matter what, you have already killed my Shan'er, I will never let you go!"

"You want revenge, don't you? Just say it directly. Revenge is revenge. Don't slander others, you know? I can't bear this kind of grievance. Since you want revenge, then do it!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said.

Since this matter could no longer be hidden, Lin Xiu had no choice but to come directly.

"Okay, if this is the case, then if I catch you, your life will definitely be worse than death!" Long Shi said loudly, "Catch him!"

People from the surrounding Long family had already made a move, but Lin Xiu immediately waved his hand and said: "How can I say that this young master is also a strong Martial Emperor, you are too shameless? If you want to make a move, let someone who is stronger come over!"

"Since this is the case, Patriarch Longshi, why don't our Hong family guests vent this anger for you!" Hong Yutang said.

(End of this chapter)

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