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Chapter 822 Not worthy of a sword

Chapter 822 Not worthy of a sword (43 more)
The title Martial Emperor, this is a title that can only be possessed at the ninth level of the Martial Emperor Realm, and it also represents the most powerful warrior in the entire continent!
There are actually very few Martial Ancestors on this continent, but in the two major alliances, there are quite a few Martial Emperors, but not many have reached the level of title Martial Emperor.

Even if it is the two major alliances, if the title of Emperor Wu is lost, it will be very distressing for the two leaders. Now that the ancestor of the Hong family has cultivated to the ninth level of Emperor Wu, he is naturally eligible to be titled.

Lin Xiu has seen many titled Emperor Wu, but Lin Xiu has never seen one as weak as the ancestor of the Hong family!

On the one hand, Lin Xiu's realm has broken through, and the Dragon Swallowing Art has also broken through, which has greatly improved his strength, and on the other hand, it is the problem of the ancestor of the Hong family himself.

This ancestor of the Hong family was able to cultivate to the current level, especially when he entered the ninth level of the Martial Emperor Realm, he used too many medicines. Even if he could break through, he would not be able to continue his cultivation. His strength is much weaker than other titled Martial Emperors.

That's why Lin Xiu said that now, but when Lin Xiu said this, the patriarch of the Hong family became even more angry. Lin Xiu dared to say this about him, how could he not be angry?
Everyone was quite surprised to see Lin Xiu appeared at the palm print without any injuries. The palm of the ancestor of the Hong family just now did not affect Lin Xiu at all, and even Lin Xiu's clothes could not be destroyed. Can it be surprising?
"Ding...Pretentious value +"

The patriarch of the Hong family was completely angry now, he said: "I didn't just test my skills just now, I want to see how you can take my palm again!"

The palm of the patriarch of the Hong family patted Lin Xiu again. This palm is called Earth Fiend Palm. The palm contains evil energy. It can injure people and at the same time invade the opponent's body with evil energy and hurt its internal organs. This is a very vicious soul. technology!

But Lin Xiu was still there motionless, as if he didn't see it.

A black palm hit Lin Xiu's body. Under the loud noise, the people around only felt the ground shake.

What happened to Lin Xiu?

The people present looked at Lin Xiu again, only to find that Lin Xiu didn't intend to get hurt at all. This feeling was weird. If the first palm was because the ancestor of the Hong family underestimated Lin Xiu, so he didn't hurt Lin Xiu, then Now what about this palm?

The patriarch of the Hong family showed no mercy, and this palm also hit Lin Xiu firmly, smashing the ground, but Lin Xiu was still not injured.

There was a hint of panic in the eyes of the patriarch of the Hong family, it's impossible, does Lin Xiu have any treasures on him?
"I don't believe it!" the patriarch of the Hong family said, only to see a huge beast appearing behind him, it was a giant black tiger, it could be seen that it was an earth-level martial spirit, and Lin Xiu could also see it , this patriarch of the Hong family has prefecture-level talent.

After merging with the martial soul, the ancestor of the Hong family turned into a huge black tiger with a height of hundreds of feet, and smashed the Hong family's mansion into pieces, but no one cares about it now.

Of course, the patriarch of the Hong family did the same. He raised his huge tiger claw and took a picture of Lin Xiu.

The huge force smashed the already shattered ground even deeper.

The second claw, the third claw, the fourth claw...

The ground was hit by this huge tiger claw, and the surrounding dust had already risen, and the loud sound was still going on. The patriarch of the Hong family couldn't believe that such a young brat, he would not be able to handle it?impossible!

The people of the Long family are very worried now. They really want to know how Lin Xiu is doing now. After being attacked so violently, if ordinary warriors have already been seriously injured or even killed, what about Lin Xiu? ?

The giant black tiger finally stopped, and everyone's eyes fell on Lin Xiu's position.

The dust finally settled, everyone was able to see the situation here, a figure appeared in front of everyone again, who is it if it's not Lin Xiu?
Still wearing a gleaming golden armor, still unscathed.

"This...impossible, how could this happen?"

"Is there something wrong with my eyes? Why doesn't he feel hurt at all?"

"Could it be that the patriarch of the Hong family is a fake Emperor Wu? Otherwise, how could he not hurt that young man?"


The people around him have already begun to doubt their own eyes, this is completely impossible, even if a titled Martial Emperor is attacked like this, it is impossible for him to be unscathed.

The armor on Lin Xiu's body, could it be some kind of treasure?
"You... who are you?" The patriarch of the Hong family had a look of disbelief on his face. He was already a little scared in his heart. This young man was too terrifying, and he couldn't handle it at all!
"I am the sword demon Dugu Qiubai. You are old, have you forgotten what I said? Although I am a sword demon, you are not worthy of letting me use a sword. You are too weak!" Lin Xiu shook his head, There was a look of helplessness on his face.

If Lin Xiu had said such things before, everyone would have thought that Lin Xiu was pretending to be coercive, but now, Lin Xiu has endured so many attacks from the Hong family's hometown without being injured at all.

This is no longer an ordinary pretense, he is really awesome!

" amazing! Dad, he's so amazing, I've decided that he will be my role model from now on!" Long Yu's eyes widened, his face full of shock.

"With his strength, it is true that he does not need to choose any family to join, as long as there is a recommendation quota, it is enough for him!" Long Yan sighed.

Lin Xiu is too powerful, such a person only needs one chance to soar into the sky!

And Lin Xiu had already flew up at this time, his eyes fell on the giant tiger in front of him, only to hear Lin Xiu say: "You attacked me for so long just now, and I didn't fight back, now it's my turn to attack!"

"What do you want to do? Stop it, Hong Ning has already rushed back, if you dare to attack me, he will definitely not let you go!" The patriarch of the Hong family hurriedly said loudly.

"In this case, let him come over!" Lin Xiu said without any fear, he clasped his palm and blasted it in front of him.

With this punch, Lin Xiu didn't show mercy. The fist directly passed through the void and hit the giant tiger spirit in front of him.

A loud noise that seemed to shake the heavens and earth appeared, and the giant tiger martial spirit in front of him was instantly shattered. How terrifying is Lin Xiu's current strength, and how could this martial spirit be comparable? A deep hole was also blasted out of the ground.

In this deep pit, only one man was seen standing in front of the patriarch of the Hong family. This man looked to be only about 30 years old, and he actually withstood Lin Xiu's punch!
(End of this chapter)

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