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Chapter 823 You are worthy of my sword!

Chapter 823 You are worthy of my sword! (44 more)
The power of Lin Xiu's punch shocked everyone here, they never imagined that there would be someone here with such terrifying power, a punch!
Just one punch can completely smash the ancestor martial soul of the Hong family to pieces. What kind of terrifying power is this?

The ancestor of the Hong family's martial soul was an earth-level martial soul, but in front of Lin Xiu, it was like an ordinary beast, and it couldn't compare with Lin Xiu's fist at all.

But when everyone looked at Lin Xiu's appearance again, they couldn't help but sighed in their hearts. Lin Xiu was estimated to be less than eighteen years old, and he already possessed such heaven-defying strength. In this year, isn't the Martial Ancestor Realm within easy reach?

Thinking of this, everyone in the Hong family felt chills in their hearts. They seemed to have offended a man they couldn't afford to offend!

Long Ya's face was full of joy, she looked at Lin Xiu with a strange look, Long Ya's pretty face flushed, as if she had thought of something.

The power of a punch can shock everyone present, but at this time, Lin Xiu's eyes fell into the deep pit, because only Lin Xiu stood at such a height to find out that there is another person here!

This man was able to stop his own fist!

"Who are you?" Lin Xiu said lightly.

When the people around heard Lin Xiu's words, they felt a little confused. Who was Lin Xiu asking?Could it be that he was asking the patriarch of the Hong family?The patriarch of the Hong family had already revealed his identity, but in front of Lin Xiu, his identity, and even his title Martial Emperor's strength, did not pose any threat to Lin Xiu.

When Lin Xiu asked this sentence, everyone present felt quite surprised. Who was Lin Xiu asking?

The hole that Lin Xiu created was tens of feet deep, and it seemed that the hole was punched down by a giant's punch. Others couldn't see what was in the hole at all, only Lin Xiu could see it from the angle.

Inside the deep pit, two figures had already flown out.

When everyone saw it, they were a little surprised, because the person who flew out of the deep pit was not only the ancestor of the Hong family, but also another person, a young man in his thirties, his name was Hong Ning!
"Master Hong Ning, why is he back? I obviously didn't see him there just now!"

"So it turns out that Master Hong Ning rescued the patriarch of the Hong family!"

"I didn't expect this young man to be so powerful that he could force the patriarch of the Hong family to such an extent!"


Hong Ning's appearance surprised everyone present, they didn't even believe it was real, but Hong Ning did come back!
The members of the Hong family immediately cheered. In the eyes of the members of the Hong family, Hong Ning was so strong that they worshiped him!
The current Hong family is no longer the territory of the ancestor of the Hong family. Hong Ning's status has already surpassed that of the ancestor of the Hong family. As long as Hong Ning is around, the Hong family will not fall. Even if the ancestor of the Hong family dies, The Hong family will become more and more prosperous!

Now that Hong Ning is back here, how could they not be excited.

The members of the Long family have already started to panic, but Hong Ning is still back!

Also titled Martial Emperor, Hong Ning's strength is not at the same level as that of the ancestor of the Hong family. With a titled Martial Emperor, Hong Ning has a heaven-level Martial Soul, and his combat power is also quite terrifying. After Hong Ning joined the Demon League, However, he has made steady progress and his status is getting higher and higher.

What's even more frightening is Hong Ning's combat power. It is said that the kung fu practiced by Hong Ning is also an incomplete kung fu called Yitian Sword Art. powerful.

Now that Hong Ning is back, is Lin Xiu still alive?Many people think so.

"Hong Ning, thank you. This kid is very powerful. I'm no match for him!" Even if the patriarch of the Hong family didn't want to admit it, there was nothing he could do. Lin Xiu's strength was indeed quite terrifying. The giant tiger martial spirit of the ancestor of the family was smashed, how can we fight this?
Although the patriarch of the Hong family was confident, he hadn't reached the point of superciliousness. Lin Xiu was so strong, if he still insisted on fighting by himself, it would not be brave, but stupid!
This battle should still be handed over to Hong Ning, because only Hong Ning could be Lin Xiu's opponent!

"I know!" Hong Ning replied, his eyes fell on Lin Xiu, his eyes were full of surprise.

"Hong Ning, if there is a chance, you must not let him go!" the patriarch of the Hong family added.

If there is a chance, Lin Xiu must not be let go!
That's right, Lin Xiu's potential is too terrifying. At a young age, he is already able to fight against the titled Emperor Wu. What if he can win it in the future?

If Lin Xiu can escape today, then the Hong family will have a terrifying potential opponent!

If this young man knows how to endure, it will become even more terrifying!
Unfortunately, he has no chance today!
Hong Ning, the patriarch of the Hong family, will not let Lin Xiu go!
"I'm surprised. I didn't expect you to be so young. You are much stronger than I imagined!" Hong Ning said while looking at Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu didn't answer, as if what Hong Ning said was farting.

"Your name is Dugu Qiubai, right? If I remember correctly, you killed my younger brother Hong Yutang!" Hong Ning continued.

Lin Xiu didn't answer, but in Hong Ning's eyes, he had already acquiesced. He only heard Hong Ning say: "Although you are very talented, I didn't want to kill you, but it's a pity that you killed my brother." Brother, I have to avenge this revenge!"

"You are worthy of my sword!" Lin Xiu said slowly, at this time, he must put on a good show.

Sure enough, as soon as Lin Xiu said these words, everyone present was excited. What did Lin Xiu say just now?You are worthy of my sword!The implication is that the patriarch of the Hong family just now is not qualified to let Lin Xiu use the sword!

Such a young boy actually uttered such arrogant words, which amazed and admired the people present at the same time. This simple sentence can show how confident Lin Xiu is a man!

"Ding...Pretentious value +"

At this time, Hong Ning's eyes were fixed, he seemed to think of something, yes, Lin Xiu has been here for so long, and he has never used a sword, and Lin Xiu's name is Sword Demon, Dugu Qiubai!
Sword Demon! ! !

Claiming to be a sword demon, one can know that Lin Xiu's strongest skill is naturally swordsmanship. Just now, Lin Xiu was able to defeat the patriarch of the Hong family with just fists. It is conceivable that this young man has hidden his strength!
(End of this chapter)

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