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Chapter 824 Your sword is too weak!

Chapter 824 Your sword is too weak! (45 more)
"Okay, so you are also a sword wielder. It just so happens that I am too. I think we can have a good competition to see whose sword is stronger!" Hong Ning said with a sneer.

"Needless to say, my sword must be powerful, but I want to see how strong your sword is!" Lin Xiu said, only to see the Xuanxian iron epee appearing in his hand.

Lin Xiu's sword is too big, so big that people feel exaggerated. This sword is even taller than Lin Xiu. It is held in Lin Xiu's hand, but it has a very terrifying aura. Others just look at it. With just one glance, one can feel how extraordinary this sword is.

"He finally drew his sword. What kind of sword is this sword? Why is it so big?"

"This boy claims to be a sword demon. It seems that his sword is the strongest weapon!"

"Hong Ning's title is Yitian Sword King, and his sword is also very powerful. I don't know whose sword is stronger among them!"


The surrounding people are already guessing at this time, whether it is Lin Xiu or Hong Ning, both have the strength to be titled Emperor Wu, and Hong Ning's title is Yitian Sword King, so we can know how strong his sword is.

As for Lin Xiu, no one has seen him use a sword yet, but even if he doesn't use a sword, he already has the strength of a titled Martial Emperor. He can even defeat that titled Martial Emperor, the patriarch of the Hong family, with a single punch.

It can be known that if Lin Xiu shot with all his strength, he would definitely not be able to compare with ordinary titled Emperor Wu.

The eyes of the two met, and their bodies moved at the same time.

The people around could hardly see the figures of the two of them clearly, they only saw two black shadows meeting in the air, and then, a crisp sound appeared, and then the sparks sputtered out.

Then everyone saw the two black shadows separate, and this was just the beginning, the sound of the weapons colliding seemed to be the beginning.

ding ding ding ding...

The sound of the clash of weapons was endless.

Soon, the two figures separated again, and everyone could distinguish the two people at this time. Lin Xiu's face remained unchanged, while Hong Ning's face was slightly pale at this time, and Hong Ning even felt that his hand holding the sword was numb .

What kind of power is this?

Hong Ning never thought that someone with such a big sword could swing this big sword like a feather, which is completely unreasonable!

More importantly, the strength of Lin Xiu's sword is too terrifying, Hong Ning's hand holding the sword is still trembling under control.

When Hong Ning looked at the sword in his hand again, his expression became even uglier. There were gaps on his sword. His sword is an imperial weapon, how could it be injured like this?

"Your strength is too weak. I have pushed you to this point before I used [-]% of my strength. I thought I would meet an opponent, but I didn't expect you to be so weak!" Lin Xiu shook his head, already Started to despise this Hong Ning.

Hong Ning's face became even uglier. He stared at Lin Xiu, his eyes were full of viciousness, and he said, "Dugu Qiubai, don't talk nonsense anymore, you didn't do your best, and neither did I, but if If I don't let you see my strength, I'm afraid you won't know that you are the real frog in a well!"

"Real strength? I'm looking forward to it!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

When Lin Xiu looked at Hong Ning, he knew that the other party was about to start acting aggressive, so he naturally had to cooperate. Only by cooperating with the other party's pretending to be aggressive could he be able to slap the other party in the face!

The sword in Hong Ning's hand turned crimson. This sword is not like fire, but more like it was cast with blood.

"Master Hong Ning is finally going to use the Martial Soul? This time, Dugu Qiubai is doomed!"

"This martial spirit is the Chixue Yuanjian, a heaven-level martial spirit. As long as this martial spirit is summoned, he doesn't need to ask for it this time, and he will definitely lose!"

"Using the Chixueyuan sword, no matter who comes, it will not be the opponent of Master Hong Ning!"


Everyone's eyes fell on Hong Ning. When they saw Hong Ning's sword, their eyes were full of joy.

Martial soul is the foundation of a warrior, and as a sword repairer, if the martial soul is attached to the sword, he will use all his strength!
Now the Chixue Yuanjian exudes a terrifying sword power. Hong Ning's sword pointed at Lin Xiu, and he sneered, "Dugu seeks defeat, are you ready? Today, you will definitely be defeated by me!"

"You've been talking for so long, you should do it now, I'll wait until the flowers are all withered!" Lin Xiu said angrily.

This man has been talking here for so long, Lin Xiu was really bored waiting for him to hold back his big move, and after waiting for a long time, he realized that he had summoned the martial soul.

Heaven-level martial spirit, is it awesome?

In the eyes of other people, a heavenly-level martial soul is indeed very powerful, but in Lin Xiu's eyes, a heavenly-level martial soul is nothing. It's not that his Gate of Devouring has never devoured this kind of heavenly martial soul.

Isn't it just a Wuhun?Does it take so long to pretend?
When Hong Ning heard Lin Xiu's words, he was angry and angry, and said, "Okay, since you want to die so much, I will send you on your way!"

The Yitian Sword Art started to work, and the sword in Hong Ning's hand now gushed out a wave of blood. The sword seemed to overwhelm mountains and seas. Lin Xiu's face changed slightly after seeing it, but he is a person with the soul of swordsmanship , even if there is still a little difference in realm compared to Hong Ning, but Lin Xiu's swordsmanship is much higher than Hong Ning's!
Lin Xiu slashed out with a sword, and the blood wave was cut in half on the spot. Lin Xiu's current sword no longer needs moves. The way of swords he has comprehended, every sword can form a move, and can also dissolve the flood. Ning's sword.

As for Hong Ning's sword, how could he admit defeat? He is also a sword cultivator, and his sword moves appeared continuously, and those sword moves were displayed to the fullest.

"Blood Devouring Sword!" A mouth appeared on the sword, and it devoured towards Lin Xiu.

And Lin Xiu's way to break it is very simple, since Hong Ning used his moves, he only needs a sword to break it!
The bloody mouth was cut in half by a sword.

"Blood Tears Sword!" Hong Ning stabbed with the sword again, and the blood on the sword rushed towards Lin Xiu, like teardrops.

Lin Xiu is still a sword!
The more Hong Ning fought, the more frightened he became. No matter what sword move he used, Lin Xiu could break it. How is this possible?

"Your sword is too weak!" Lin Xiu's voice sounded.

After Hong Ning heard it, his heart was shaken. How could it be possible that his sword is weak?He is the Yitian Sword King, how could he be weak?

But Lin Xiu can crack his sword so easily, isn't his sword weak?
"In this case, you can take my sword too!" Lin Xiu said, only seeing him and retreating. Everyone could feel a kind of pressure on Lin Xiu's sword.

I respect all soldiers, this is the real sword!
(End of this chapter)

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