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Chapter 825 To kill you, only one sword is needed

Chapter 825 All You Need To Kill You is a Sword (46 More)
The sword is the king of weapons, and Lin Xiu's sword possesses an extremely terrifying domineering aura. After all, he is a sword cultivator who has already entered the Tao. Lin Xiu's sword intent seems to be able to condense into essence. The state of the world was displayed, and everyone present was shocked.

"What does this feel like? I feel like I can't move at all!"

"Is this the real sword? It's terrifying!"

"If I were his enemy, there's no need to fight at all, just admit defeat!"


When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help sighing.

"Entering the Tao, you already have the realm of entering the Tao!" Hong Ning's face was full of disbelief, this is the realm of entering the Tao!The age of his sword cultivation is not known to be much longer than that of Lin Xiu, but Lin Xiu has already entered the realm of Taoism, and he has only cultivated the law of the sword to the point of proficiency!

This is impossible!

"I don't believe it!" How could Hong Ning admit defeat?He is titled Emperor Wu, and he is also a generation of geniuses. If he doesn't even have the desire to win or lose, how can he break through and grow?
The members of the Hong family were very shocked at this moment. They saw the sword in Hong Ning's hand, which obviously used the martial spirit, but they still couldn't hurt Lin Xiu. What kind of monster is this Lin Xiu?

Lin Xiu's sword intent has been condensed to the extreme, he said: "I said before, your sword is too weak, so I only need one sword to kill you!"


These words seem to be born for Lin Xiu, and Lin Xiu does have the capital of these words, but he can fight Hong Ning to such an extent, one can imagine how extraordinary his achievements will be in the future, the premise is that he can survive !

"I will try my best to kill you with this sword. Let's see who will lose!" Hong Ning said coldly.

"Come on!" Lin Xiu said, his whole body seemed to be like a sword, and he stabbed in front of him with a sword.

At this moment, Lin Xiu's whole body was exuding sword intent, and there seemed to be a substantial sword energy in the air. The sword energy centered on Lin Xiu and spread out to the surroundings.

boom boom boom...

The buildings on the ground immediately collapsed under the attack of these sword qi.

What kind of sword move is this?The Lord has not been attacked yet, but the people around have already suffered!
On the other side, the blood on Hong Ning's arm had already flowed onto the sword body, and the sword body was stained with blood, and it turned even more bright red, exuding red light.

Hong Ning stabbed forward with a sword, only to see that Hong Ning turned into a blood-colored shark, opening his mouth, and pounced on Lin Xiu in front of him.

When the two people approached, the two people missed each other and separated.

The bloody shark was cut in half, and Hong Ning was also cut in half!

Hong Ning lost this battle!
Lin Xiu's sword is a sword move he created himself. It doesn't have a name yet, but it doesn't matter!
Quiet, there is silence around here, no one speaks, and Hong Ning actually lost, at the hands of a young man. It can be imagined that Lin Xiu is already famous enough for this battle!
"What a strong sword... I lost..." Hong Ning's body fell to the ground.

The faces of the people around changed, the faces of the members of the Hong family became very ugly, while the faces of other people who watched the battle showed excitement. It was rare for them to see this kind of battle between the strong!
"Ding...Pretentious value +"

"Ding...shock value +"

The faces of the members of the Long family were full of joy. They never dared to imagine that with Hong Ning around, Lin Xiu could still win. What kind of monster is this young man?

"Father, it seems that Lin Xiu hasn't used his martial soul yet!" Suddenly, Long Yu said.

When the people around heard Long Yu's words, they fell silent at the same time.

That's right, Lin Xiu didn't summon a martial spirit, which is the foundation of a warrior. Doesn't that mean that Lin Xiu hasn't used his full strength yet?
How can it be!

Facing Hong Ning, Lin Xiu hadn't used his full strength yet?Then how strong is his true strength?
Everyone looked at Lin Xiu's figure with strange expressions on their faces.

"Ding...Pretentious value +"

"Ding...shock value +"

Lin Xiu's gaze fell on the patriarch of the Hong family, and he sneered and said, "Old guy, do you have anything else to say?"

The face of the patriarch of the Hong family became gloomy. He couldn't believe it was true. Hong Ning died at the hands of Lin Xiu. This was Hong Ning. and die!

"I'm not reconciled, I want to kill you!" The patriarch of the Hong family seemed to be crazy, and rushed towards Lin Xiu, his eyes were red.

"You don't need a sword to kill you. Your blood has no right to touch my sword!" Lin Xiu flipped his hand, and the sword suddenly disappeared, and Lin Xiu's eyes froze, only to see that a flame had sprayed out. It landed on the ancestor of the Hong family in front of him.

The body of the ancestor of the Hong family immediately burned, and no matter how much he rolled and writhed, it would have no effect at all.

The last ancestor of the Hong family was burned to death, and Lin Xiu's eyes swept towards Long Ya.

The faces of those members of the Hong family who had threatened Long Ya turned pale.

"Let me go, I won't attack you guys, otherwise don't blame me!" Lin Xiu said calmly.

How dare the people of the Hong family not listen, their current support is already dead, whether it is Hong Ning or the ancestors of the Hong family, they have all been killed, Lin Xiu wants to kill them, it will be effortless at all.

The members of the Hong family immediately dispersed, and Long Ya was finally free. She walked towards Lin Xiu, and Long Ya's eyes were full of complex expressions, and finally she turned into a sentence: "Master Dugu Qiubai, thank you Come save me!"

"I just don't like people from the Hong family!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

In fact, Lin Xiu wanted to say, I'm just here to pretend to save you. Of course, Lin Xiu would not say this directly, otherwise it would be too stupid.

Now it's better to let this Long family thank themselves for turning over!

People from the Long family also came in immediately, and Long Yan apologized while expressing his gratitude to Lin Xiu.

If Lin Xiu wasn't here today, I'm afraid not only Long Ya, but even their Long family would have a hard time!
Of course Lin Xiu would accept these thanks, but Lin Xiu received a reminder at this time.

"Ding, I found a special treasure chest, a treasure chest of justice!"

"The treasure chest of justice? Where is it?" Lin Xiu asked immediately after hearing this.

"Inside the corpse below!" The system replied.

Lin Xiu immediately walked over to Hong Ning's corpse, and it seemed that this was the corpse. In Hong Ning's body, Lin Xiu found a strange jade pendant.

(End of this chapter)

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