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Chapter 832 The Ambush of the Titled Emperor Wu

Chapter 832 The Ambush of the Titled Emperor Wu (53 more)
What the cloaked woman said made Li Xiu's heart tighten. It turned out that he didn't expect this possibility. After all, this kind of thing is really difficult to happen, but it is different now. What Lin Xiu did was originally against the sky. ah!
Who can imagine that someone killed fifty people in half a day?And they are all middle and high-level Martial Emperor Realm powerhouses!
This is too scary!

Thinking of Lin Xiu's unruly character, even the members of the Devil League would still kill him, Li Xiu felt very depressed in his heart. The behavior of this young man really cannot be deduced by common sense, maybe he really It will kill everyone here!

"If he wants to do this, I'm afraid he won't have a chance. This time, he's probably going to be unlucky!" Xie Zu shook his head and said.

He is going to be unlucky?Li Xiu was a little puzzled, he looked in front of him, these powerful people with the title Martial Emperor actually got together, what did they want to do?
The woman in the cloak didn't speak, and stood there quietly, as if she had discovered something very interesting.

Qi Yi originally saw Lin Xiu showing off his power, but he was jealous, envious, and a little annoyed. Why is Lin Xiu so strong?It is obvious that Lin Xiu is so young, why is this man not himself, but Lin Xiu?

Long Ya looked at Lin Xiu with eyes full of appreciation, which made Qi Yi go crazy with jealousy.

"Did you see it? This time, Dugu Qiubai is doomed, he will definitely die!" Qi Yi's face is already a little distorted.

Jealousy distorted not only his face, but also his psychology!

So now Qi Yi stared at Long Ya, Long Ya frowned: "These people... why are they all titled Emperor Wu? Is that person Xie Dao? And Sirius?"

"That's right, they won't let Dugu Qiubai go, definitely not!" Qi Yi said with a sneer, "This time, no matter what means Dugu Qiubai has, he will definitely die!"

Titled Emperor Wu, join forces to deal with Lin Xiu?Just kidding, how could such a thing happen?
Has Lin Xiu been able to threaten so many strong men?Why are they doing this?
Long Ya didn't understand, no matter how I thought about it, it was too exaggerated!

Of course, in the eyes of Sirius and the others, this is not an exaggeration at all.

"The strength of Dugu Qiubai is really too strong. With my strength, I believe that I am alone and not his opponent!" Xie Dao said with a sigh.

"I've seen it with my Heavenly Eye technique just now. He can kill the eighth level of the Martial Emperor Realm with one punch, and behead a titled Martial Emperor with one sword. I believe your words!" Only one man said. , on his forehead, there is one more eye than others.

"What about you? Mo Gui, what do you mean? And Hong Feng, is he willing to make a move?" Fan Tianlang asked.

The four people here are all titled Emperor Wu. In addition to the Heavenly Wolf and Xie Dao that Lin Xiu had seen, there is also a tall man with dark skin. This man is named Mo Gui. In addition, he has three eyes. They are called Tianmu, and they are all titled Emperor Wu.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, few people would believe that these titled Martial Emperors would need to join forces to deal with a young man, and this young man was only a warrior at the seventh level of the Martial Emperor Realm!
"Let's go and have a look first, Hong Feng probably isn't ready yet, and it's best to find a few more titled Martial Emperors to fight together!" Fan Sirius said.

"You are too careful, no matter how powerful that Lin Xiu is, he is just a brat!" Mo Gui said.

"It's better to be careful, let's find that Hongfeng first!" Xie Dao said.

The other three also agreed, with Tianmu leading the way, they were able to find Hongfeng easily, but Tianmu's face was a little weird, he said: "Maybe, we can find two people at the same time this time!"

Find two people at the same time?
Hearing this sentence, everyone was a little surprised. They followed the Celestial Eye and saw the strong man in front of them. In front of them, a man with red hair and a man with blue hair were fighting, and the two were fighting inseparably.

A red maple tree with a burning body and a blue double-headed dragon unexpectedly fought together.

"It's Lan Jiao, he's here too, it looks like we're lucky!" Xie Dao said.

"Let's see if we can convince them!" Sirius said.

There are four people watching the two fight, no matter how impulsive the two are, it is impossible to continue the fight. If the four come to sneak attack, the two of them will be killed?

"What do you want to do?" Hong Feng asked with a frown.

"Hongfeng, we came to you to discuss something with you!" Tianmu said, "And Lan Jiao, we believe you will be interested too!"

"What's the matter?" Hong Feng asked.

"We want to invite you to join forces with us to deal with a person!" Tianmu said.

"Cooperate with you? Are you crazy? Is there anyone worthy of the six titled Martial Emperors?" Lan Jiao frowned and said.

"Of course, he can instantly kill a man with the title of Emperor Wu!" Xie Dao said.

"What?" The expressions of Hong Feng and Lan Jiao changed. Could someone instantly kill the Titled Martial Emperor?

If such a person really exists, it would be a bit scary. After all, such a person exists. In this competition, do they still need to fight?

Just surrender!
"Tell me, what's going on!" Lan Jiao finally said.

Lin Xiu originally wanted to attract more strong men to come out, but he found that there seemed to be fewer and fewer strong men around him to deal with him. This made Lin Xiu a little helpless. He could only find someone by himself. , but if he can get the treasure box, Lin Xiu naturally doesn't mind beheading a few more people.

Soon Lin Xiu discovered that five people appeared in front of him, but these five people turned out to be four men and one woman, and what was even more strange was that these four men were besieging the girl.

Of course, what's even stranger is that this girl is only about seven or eight years old.

No way?How can there be such a small child?And judging by her appearance, she is still a strong person in the Martial Emperor Realm!
Lin Xiu thought about it, and he decided to help this girl!
Why not help those four men?It's very simple, because if you help four men, you can only get one treasure chest at most. If you help this girl, Lin Xiu will have an excuse to kill these four people!
Tang Qing is very distressed now, she didn't expect that she would be injured so badly, that she turned back into a child's body, and was besieged by these four people, this time, is she really going to die?

The girl was one against four, so she was obviously at a disadvantage.

The choice between four treasure chests and one treasure chest, is this a multiple choice question?This is obviously a fill-in-the-blank question!
Lin Xiu didn't have to choose at all, he just started!

(End of this chapter)

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