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Chapter 833 You beasts, let go of that girl!

Chapter 833 You beasts, let go of that girl! (54 more)
The four men in front of them are obviously going to kill them. If they don't kill them now, if they wait for her to recover, they may be killed instead!

At this moment, a figure appeared suddenly, and the man shouted: "You beasts, let go of that girl, let me... clean you up!"

The girl let go, let me!

Originally, Lin Xiu wanted to say this, but seeing that the girl was about seven or eight years old, Lin Xiu immediately changed this sentence, after all, he can't be too beastly!

This little girl looks very juicy, and she is also very beautiful. She is a beauty at first glance. Her big eyes are blinking, and now she is holding a ring in her hand. It is obviously a bit difficult to deal with the four people in front of her. up.

These beasts, even such a pink and cute little girl, are really disgusting!
Lin Xiu decided that it must represent the moon... oh, the moon hasn't appeared yet, so it means Dayang to clean them up!

When the four people saw Lin Xiu appearing, their expressions changed obviously, but they assigned one person to deal with Lin Xiu, and the others immediately dealt with the little girl.

The little girl glanced at Lin Xiu, with a little surprise in her eyes, but now is not the time to pay attention to other people, she still needs to protect herself, I just hope this young man can support him for a little longer!
I only saw the little girl talking, the ring in her hand was divided into two parts, two parts into four parts, four parts into eight parts... Throwing it in front of her, the expressions of the three warriors at the seventh and eighth levels of the Emperor Martial Realm changed, But they knew that the girl was at the end of her battle now, and now was the chance to deal with her.

After the three of them dealt with the rings, they saw the girl's face showing exhaustion, and just about to make a move, they heard a scream.

The three of them were shocked, what happened?Why did my companion "kneel in seconds"?

When they turned their heads, they saw that the heads of their companions had all been chopped off. It took less than three seconds from when he passed to when he fought Lin Xiu.

Solve a strong man on the eighth level of the Martial Emperor Realm in three seconds?
When the three of them thought this way, Lin Xiu had already approached another man. He said, "My young master hates you guys who bully the weak and fear the hard. You really are a bunch of scum. I am a man who represents justice!"

"A man who represents justice?" After the three heard this, they looked at each other in dismay, but how could Lin Xiu give them a chance.

"Little girl, cover your ears!" Lin Xiu gestured to the little girl to cover her ears with both hands. After hearing this, the little girl nodded obediently and covered her ears with her hands.

A smile appeared on Lin Xiu's face, only to hear the sound of a dragon's howl suddenly burst out from his mouth.

The little girl's face turned pale all of a sudden, even though she covered her ears, she still felt the sound coming, but fortunately, she didn't faint, but the other three people were too shocked to react in time. Passed out.

Naturally, Lin Xiu will not be polite, saving people is saving people, killing people is killing people!
The three treasure chests have already fallen into Lin Xiu's hands.

"Ding, I succeeded in saving people in the name of justice, and the progress of opening the treasure chest is currently 1/1000!"

One-thousandth of the rescue operation of the treasure chest of justice has been completed, but it seems that we need to continue to work hard!
"Who are you?" The little girl looked at Lin Xiu, blinking her eyes, very smart and cute.

"My name is Dugu Qiubai, you can call me Uncle Dugu Qiubai!" Lin Xiu showed a charming smile.

"What uncle? I am old enough to be your ancestor!" The little girl said dissatisfiedly after hearing this.

"If you look like this, you can still be my ancestor. Who are you lying to?" Lin Xiu said, pinching the little girl's face.

It is really pink and cute!
The little girl slapped Lin Xiu's hand away, and she said, "I was only injured, that's why I shrunk my body!"

Isn't this Conan?No, this should be Huiyuan!Lin Xiu had a strange expression on his face.

But the little girl now is indeed quite cute, Lin Xiu doesn't care what she looks like before, she is still cuter now!
"Little girl, what's your name?" Lin Xiu asked.

"My name is Tang Qing!" I heard the little girl say.

"Tang Qing? From what you said, you are injured now. If you want, I can protect you until your body recovers!" Lin Xiu said.

Tang Qing looked at Lin Xiu, but didn't speak. Lin Xiu felt a little nervous when she saw her, and he said, "Don't worry, I don't have pedophile preferences! Of course, if you don't want to, I won't either." I will force it!"

Lin Xiuhui wanted to bring this little girl because Lin Xiu wanted to use her as a bait. After all, a naive, cute, pink and smart little girl is here, but she can attract many strange uncles... Bah, quite a few The attention of the enemy, if he can attract more enemies, wouldn't Lin Xiu be able to collect more treasure chests?

Tang Qing thought about it, she was indeed seriously injured now, if she was alone now, as long as she met a titled Martial Emperor, she would definitely be killed, if the other party had any evil intentions... she would be even more dangerous.

Although the young man in front of him looked weird, at least he had saved her, and she could tell just now that Lin Xiu's strength was quite tyrannical. If Lin Xiu really wanted to attack her, she would have no power to fight back.

Why don't you follow him first, if he dares to do anything, you must make him a man!
If Lin Xiu knew that Tang Qing had such thoughts, he would definitely drive this little loli away. Just kidding, he finally turned back into a real man. If he was threatened by Tang Qing again, would he let him live?

Thinking of this, Tang Qing said, "Okay, since that's the case, I'm begging you. If you can protect me for one night, I will repay you in the future!"

"Repay what? You don't need it at all - how are you going to repay me? Don't look at me like that, I'm just asking!" Lin Xiu said hastily.

"I can give you an excellent set of exercises!" Tang Qing said.

"My young master's skills are unparalleled in the world!" Lin Xiu waved his hands.

"I can give you excellent martial arts!"

"My young master's swordsmanship has reached the realm of Taoism, and I don't need other people's martial arts!"

"I can give you primordial stones!"

"My tenth-order primordial stones can pile up like a mountain!"


Tang Qing was very helpless, she really couldn't figure out what else she could do to repay the young man in front of her.

According to what this young man said, is he richer than his own, or has he cultivated to the state of swordsmanship?Bragging!
Tang Qing would never want to believe that what Lin Xiu said was the truth. After all, Lin Xiu was too young, and what he said was too outrageous!

Of course, Tang Qing would never have thought that with her current figure, what she said would be even more outrageous!

(End of this chapter)

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