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Chapter 834 Shadow?How to kill then?

Chapter 834 Shadow?How to kill then? (55 more)
Lin Xiu is still a young man. She has a body like that of a child, and a child who speaks so old-fashioned really... really deserves a beating!
But for the sake of her being a child, Lin Xiu didn't bother with her any more, but Lin Xiu also had a feeling that this little girl was probably not an ordinary little girl, and it was definitely not by accident that she came here.

Under Lin Xiu's guess, what the girl said is likely to be true!
Because she was injured, she maintained her current appearance, which could speed up the recovery of her strength, and also allow her to recover faster from her injuries.

"Tang Qing, you said you were injured, so it shouldn't be because of those people just now?" Lin Xiu said again.

"How could they hurt me? I was defeated by the two titled Martial Emperors. If they hadn't sneaked up on me, I wouldn't have been seriously injured!" Tang Qing said angrily. When it comes to talking, it's really cute.

"Really? You tell my brother what they are like, and my brother will avenge you!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"You still want to help me avenge them? They are two assassination type Martial Emperors. The two of them share the same mind and are very powerful. With their strength, even warriors in the realm of Martial Ancestors can fight, let alone you Already!" Little Loli curled her lips with a look of disdain.

"Assassination of Emperor Wu? It sounds very powerful. If you really meet them, I will avenge you!" Lin Xiu said.

Little Lolita obviously didn't believe it, but Lin Xiu didn't care. Now Little Lolita's leg seemed to be injured, so Lin Xiu had to carry her on his back.

After all, it was Little Lolita's body, so it was easy for Lin Xiu to carry her on his back. This town is not too big, but it's not too small either. Since he wants to protect Little Lolita, Lin Xiu also needs to find a place to hide.

When Tang Qing was carried by Lin Xiu, she was obviously stunned for a moment, her little face blushed involuntarily, but she didn't struggle, she knew that her body needed to rest now, otherwise, she wouldn't be able to withstand tomorrow's battle.

But Tang Qing also had to be on guard against Lin Xiu. Although she said so, she fell asleep very quickly. Even Tang Qing didn't know why, but there was a sense of security on Lin Xiu's back, which made her feel very secure.

Lin Xiu found an ancient pagoda and rested in it. Lin Xiu put Tang Qing down. Seeing Tang Qing who was sleeping soundly, Lin Xiu couldn't help but feel a little strange. This little lolita is too delicate, almost like a The artwork is average, no wonder so many strange uncles like it.

Lin Xiu meditated in his mind for three years to start, the maximum death penalty, while guarding by the side.

Tang Qing's eyelashes seemed to tremble slightly, but there was no reaction.

In the middle of the night, Lin Xiu suddenly opened his eyes, and he said coldly, "Get out of here, young master!"

"Hehehe...Brother, he seems to have spotted us!" A gloomy voice sounded.

"Originally we only wanted to kill Tang Qing. Since he found us, let's kill him too!" Only another ugly voice sounded.

These two people appeared behind Lin Xiu at the same time, and attacked Lin Xiu at the same time!

Lin Xiu's body didn't even move, but a dragon scale armor appeared on his body. The daggers in both hands hit Lin Xiu's armor at the same time, but they couldn't hurt Lin Xiu at all!
How can it be?

The two people were obviously stunned. They were existences at the level of Titled Martial Emperors, and they were famous for assassination. I don't know how many Titled Martial Emperors died in their hands, but now, they can't kill Lin Xiu!

Not to mention killing Lin Xiu, he couldn't even hurt Lin Xiu!
The two were a little unbelieving, and wanted to continue to attack Lin Xiu, only to see the two disappear again and suddenly appear again, Lin Xiu still did not move, this time the two people's target was Lin Xiu's head, even if it was titled Emperor Wu , as long as you get hit in the head, you will be killed too!
However, Lin Xiu still ignored it, because his dragon scale battle armor was not for protecting his body, but for protecting his body in all directions!

The daggers of the two stabbed Lin Xiu's head, as if they had encountered a wall of air, they were easily blocked!

The eyes of both of them widened. They really couldn't figure out why their attacks couldn't hurt Lin Xiu!

"Are you curious why you can't hurt me?" Lin Xiu said, with a ferocious smile on his face, but his hands had already grabbed the throats of the two of them.

No matter how hard the two struggled, they couldn't escape from Lin Xiu's arm, and with the protection of the dragon scale armor, Lin Xiu could really do whatever he wanted!

These two people were directly lifted up by Lin Xiu, and Lin Xiu's arms began to exert strength, and the two people only felt that their breathing became more and more difficult.

Lin Xiu could clearly see the faces of the two people, and there was only one word to describe them, which was ugly!

If it is two words, it is very ugly!

The eyes of the two were about to pop out, and the skin on their faces had begun to rot. It was hard for Lin Xiu to imagine how the two survived.

The two of them really felt very strange. They had already shot with all their strength, but when they met Lin Xiu, they still felt that their moves could not hurt Lin Xiu. The two of them didn't understand why this happened.

But the two of them don't want to know the answer, at least not now, because now they want to survive even more, and want to survive from Lin Xiu's hands, so they want Lin Xiu to let them go!

But Lin Xiu didn't care about the imagination of the two, he continued to say to himself: "Why do you think you can't hurt me? It's actually very simple, because you... are too weak!"

Lin Xiu's hands were already exerting force, and there was already the sound of bones being broken in the necks of the two. Lin Xiu's force directly twisted the necks of both of them!
Blood spit out from their mouths, and they fell to the ground at the same time.

"Two trash!" Lin Xiu said disdainfully, and threw the two of them aside, as if throwing away trash.

Just as the two were thrown out, Lin Xiu suddenly felt something, his face changed slightly, and when he looked again, the two disappeared.

They are not dead!
If the two of them died, they would definitely give Lin Xiu the treasure box, but now, the system didn't give Lin Xiu the treasure box, this time Lin Xiu was careless.

Lin Xiu immediately found the information of the two from the talent treasure box.

"Cultivation method, Shadow Extinguisher Jue, special feature, the dead body can be resurrected with the shadow, if the shadow is not killed, it can be resurrected forever!"

shadow?How to kill then?

(End of this chapter)

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