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Chapter 835 Joining forces

Chapter 835 Joining forces (56 more)
With Lin Xiu's strength, it is obviously impossible for these two people to kill Lin Xiu, but here, it is indeed impossible to kill the two of them. After all, Lin Xiu's Devouring Gate Martial Soul, But it is very famous, as long as the members of the Momeng here are not stupid.

It would be strange if they didn't know that Lin Xiu Shengzi's martial soul was a door, but now they are here, but they will be watched.

It seems that we still need to think of other ways, but now that the two of them have been driven away by Lin Xiu, I believe they will not come back tonight.

"They... have been here?" Tang Qing woke up quietly, and she asked Lin Xiu.

"Come here, but left again!" Lin Xiu replied.

"What? Why did you leave again?" Tang Qing asked in confusion.

"Because they met me and were driven away!" Lin Xiu said calmly.

"Just brag, I don't believe it!" Tang Qing said again.

Lin Xiu was a little depressed. Tang Qing didn't believe what he said was the truth, but Lin Xiu didn't bother to explain, but he was thinking in his heart how to solve those two people.

Lin Xiu and Tang Qing spent the night in the ancient pagoda. Of course, nothing happened. After all, Lin Xiu didn't think anything could happen to Tang Qing's body.

The people in the center of Demon Pagoda Town also noticed Lin Xiu's side, and of course they also noticed that Lin Xiu met the two assassinated Wu Emperor powerhouses just now, but they were even more shocked that Lin Xiu was able to easily kill the two of them. beat.

"That seems to be Brother Ghost Assassin! No way? That Dugu Qiubai can defeat him directly?"

"They are best at sneak attacks. Even the title Martial Emperor will be tricked, but he is fine!"

"The battle armor that appeared on his body just now, is it some kind of treasure?"


Everyone was shocked by the scene just now, even now, they are still shocked.

"The defense that seemed to be caused by some skill just now is so powerful!" Li Xiu said in surprise.

"It's probably at least an imperial-level skill, otherwise, it would be impossible to stop Brother Ghost Assassin's attack!" the cloaked woman said lightly.

"This technique is indeed very special, but he was careless just now, otherwise he wouldn't have allowed Brother Guici to escape!" Xie Zu said.

No one rests here, after all, they are all powerful fighters, and they are all here to watch, and they don't consume much energy, so it won't have any impact, but they discovered that those Martial Emperor powerhouses who united , it seems that a new discovery has been made.

Brother Ghost Assassin, met Skywarp and the others!

Fan Tianlang and the others didn't expect that they would meet the ghost assassin brothers, and the two did not hide their figures at this time, because they were in a hurry to escape, but they ran away with all their strength.

With this speed of escape, it is impossible to hide one's own strength, let alone hide one's tracks.

Brother Ghost Assassin did not expect that he and others would meet six strong men, these are six titled Martial Emperors!

It's over, are they all here to deal with the two of them?
The Ghost Assassin brothers killed too many titled Emperor Wu, and they didn't know whether the people in front of them came to seek revenge from them, but it was obvious that these people would unite because they had a certain purpose , and their purpose is likely to be because of their two brothers.

After all, here, there are probably only the two of them who would attract such hatred!
"They seem to be ghost assassin brothers, do you want to kill them?" Tianmu asked.

Several other people also realized that these two people were so ugly, and they were notorious people. They had heard of these two people's names, but this was the first time they had seen these two people.

The two were indeed as ugly as the rumors said, but they were a little surprised that they were injured.

"You two, how did you get hurt?" Sirius asked.

"We attacked a brat just now, but we didn't expect that brat to have such great strength, and the two of us teamed up are no match for him!" Brother Guici said.

Ghost Assassin Brothers is a joint title, and the two can be called Ghost Assassin Brother and Ghost Assassin Brother respectively, and they don't care about their names.

"Little ghost?" Hearing this sentence, Xie Dao's spirit was shaken, and he said, "Is the little ghost you are talking about a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old, his weapon is a sword, and his fists and strength are also quite powerful of!"

"I don't know if his weapon is a sword, but his strength is indeed terrifying. If it weren't for the ability of our two brothers to save our lives, I'm afraid we would have all died in his hands!" Ghost Assassin said.

The people here looked at each other, finally, Tianmu took a step forward and said: "Since the two of you have enmity with that Dugu Qiubai, how about this, we will go together with you to avenge this vengeance!"

Brother Guici was a little wary and said, "Do you know that boy?"

"We have a grudge against him, and if we don't get rid of him first this time, we won't have a chance to get a good result in the Demon Tower Competition!" Mo Gui said.

"Are you still worried that he is better than you? He is only seventeen or eighteen years old!" Ghost Assassin asked in surprise.

"Is age a problem? The two of you have already seen his strength. Do you think that a normal seventh-level martial artist of the Martial Emperor Realm will possess his strength?" Xie Dao shook his head and said.

Tianmu sighed, and told what he had seen recently.

When Lin Xiu killed people before, he could use his third eye to see from a distance. Lin Xiu never killed with more than three moves. That is to say, Lin Xiu never used his full strength!

Even the title Martial Emperor is the same!
The title Martial Emperor also has strengths and weaknesses. It is difficult for these loose cultivators to compare with those elders in the Magic League. , Martial skills are far superior to those of ordinary casual cultivators.

So dealing with them naturally doesn't need to be as troublesome as dealing with Hong Ning.

And in this way, Tianmu and the others became even more jealous of Lin Xiu. No matter what, now that they have gathered six titled Martial Emperors, it shouldn't be too difficult to deal with Lin Xiu.

Now I meet the ghost assassin brothers again, if I can get the help of these two people, I will be more sure of killing Lin Xiu!
The ghost stabbing brothers also want revenge, and the thing is still on Tang Qing's body, if they can't get it back...

"We can help you get rid of that boy, but we have one condition!" Only brother Guici said.

"What conditions do you have?" Tianmu asked.

"Beside the boy, there is a girl. She looks only seven or eight years old, but because she was injured, her body shrunk. She turned out to be a girl who looked seventeen or eighteen years old. We need to take her away!" Brother Ghost stabbed.

(End of this chapter)

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