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Chapter 837 It's a pity you don't know me

Chapter 837 It's a pity you don't know me (58 more)
After Lin Xiu saw it, a sneer appeared on his face, and he said, "Your illusion level is too weak!"

too weak?Tianmu saw that Lin Xiu's eyes were bright, and he didn't seem to be confused at all. What's going on?

Don't you have any interest in Lin Xiu's own illusion?
"Impossible!" Tianmu said angrily, the eyes behind him opened again, and the eyes between his brows looked at Lin Xiu at the same time, but Lin Xiu just smiled lightly.

The third eye illusion is really useless to Lin Xiu!

Illusion is only useful for those whose spiritual power is lower than his own. Now Lin Xiu's mental power is not as simple as one hundred, and this third eye's spiritual power is only close to one hundred. How can it be compared with Lin Xiu?

Because of this, of course the Celestial Eye cannot confuse Lin Xiu!

Lin Xiu shook his head and said: "Illusion is about digging out the thoughts in the other party's heart, and then using it to confuse the other party, but it's a pity, you don't know me well, so why should you confuse me?"

What can affect Lin Xiu's state of mind is not something in this world. No one knows this. But the illusion of the Celestial Eye is used in the wrong place. How can it confuse Lin Xiu?
"You..." Tianmu stared at Lin Xiu, eyes full of shock.

"Now it's my turn!" Lin Xiu said with a sneer, "Look at what's behind you?"

As soon as Lin Xiu said this, Tianmu immediately said: "Your illusion is useless to me!"

Tianmu looked behind, only to see that Lan Jiao had already rushed towards him, as if to attack him, Tianmu sneered, how could this kind of illusion be able to confuse him?

But it's just an illusion!

Just ignore it and you'll be fine!

Thinking so, Tianmu looked in Lin Xiu's direction again, only to find that Lin Xiu had disappeared.

Tianmu was stunned for a moment, but immediately afterwards, Tianmu realized that something was wrong, he felt that there was danger!
But it's too late!
A huge tail had already hit the Celestial Eye, and the Celestial Eye immediately flew upside down, spurting out a mouthful of blood.

Lan Jiao is actually real, not an illusion?

"Lan Jiao, are you crazy?" Tianmu said angrily.

"Stupid brat, you are looking for death!" Lan Jiao raised his tail again and swiped towards the Celestial Eye. What is Lan Jiao doing?
Only now did Tianmu realize that something was wrong, because the person who fell under Lin Xiu's illusion was not him, but Lan Jiao!

"Bastard!" Tianmu was angry, but it didn't have the slightest effect, and the attack of the blue dragon continued.

On Lin Xiu's back, Tang Qing felt a little unbelievable. What did she see?Lan Jiao was fighting with Tianmu, and the two of them were standing near the two of them, but they didn't notice it.

"Why is your illusion so powerful?" Tang Qing whispered.

"What illusion? I don't know illusion!" Lin Xiu shook his head and said with a sneer.

"I don't believe it. What should we do now?" Tang Qing asked quickly.

Lin Xiu's visual flickering is indeed not an illusion, but a kind of visual deception, which makes Lan Jiao regard Tianmu as Lin Xiu, so Lan Jiao is attacking Tianmu, and also deceives Tianmu's eyes, making him unable to see himself.

However, the time for visual flickering is very short, and the other party will soon find out that something is wrong, so Lin Xiu said: "What else can I do? If you don't make a move now, you will be a bastard!"

Lin Xiu would never let go of this kind of opportunity, Tianmu knows illusions, such a person is very difficult to deal with, now there is such a good opportunity, how could Lin Xiu let it go?
During the battle between Lan Jiao and Tianmu, Lin Xiu and Tang Qing sneaked behind Tianmu and punched them out!

Even if Lin Xiu fights Tianmu head-on, Tianmu will not be Lin Xiu's opponent, let alone Lin Xiu is so insidious now. This punch hits Tianmu's back, and Tianmu flies out backwards, hitting When he reached Lan Jiao's tail, his body received two consecutive attacks, which shattered his internal organs.

" could it be you?" It was too late when Lan Jiao woke up, and he found that Tianmu had been killed.

"Congratulations Your Excellency, you killed your companion!" Lin Xiu laughed immediately.

"It's your fault!" Lan Jiao's visual flickering has disappeared now, he was furious that he was tricked by Lin Xiu.

"What the hell did I do? You killed this person. I'm just helping you at most!" Lin Xiu spread his arms and said, although he said so, the treasure box was still taken away by Lin Xiu, and the system judged that it was Lin Xiu who killed him. build!

"What happened just now? Why doesn't the third eye seem to be able to see Dugu Qiubai and the others?"

"I also found out, and that blue flood dragon will fight desperately with Tianmu, as if Tianmu killed his whole family!"

"This can't be... Dugu Qiubai can also use illusion, right? That's why they were confused?"


When everyone heard this sentence, they seemed to think of something, and their faces showed surprise. If this is true, it is not impossible.

Seeing this, Long Ya breathed a sigh of relief, but Qi Yi was rather upset. He said, "Impossible, so what if he knows illusion? There are still seven people to deal with him this time. How can he not?" Impossible to survive!"

Long Ya frowned, but she didn't want to talk to Qi Yi. This man's face was distorted with jealousy, what else could he say?

"Long Ya, you bitch, when Lin Xiu dies, I will definitely not let you go!" Qi Yi's heart became darker and darker, and his jealousy had already driven him crazy.

Lin Xiu faced Lan Jiao, he didn't show any panic, Lan Jiao stared at Lin Xiu, he stopped talking, and sprayed a water arrow towards Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu's trick to deal with him is also quite simple, one punch!
Lin Xiu's power is so overbearing that he doesn't need any tricks anymore. With one punch, the water arrow in front of him was directly smashed, and the huge force blasted towards Lan Jiao from the air. Lan Jiao was originally a double-headed dragon martial soul, but Now this punch directly shattered one of his heads.

Lan Jiao was terrified, it turned out that Fan Tianlang didn't lie to him, this Lin Xiu was so terrifying

There is only one thought in Lan Jiao's mind now, how can he still have the idea of ​​single-handedly confronting Lin Xiu now, this young man is too terrifying, he cannot handle it alone!
With the help of Lin Xiu's punch, Lan Jiao quickly escaped with his whole body.

Just as Lin Xiu wanted to catch up, he heard Tang Qing say, "Be careful behind you!"

Two figures appeared almost at the same time, attacking Lin Xiu. Lin Xiu's dragon-scale battle armor appeared, only two crisp sounds appeared, and Lin Xiu saw two familiar faces again.

Brother Ghost Sting!

It was these two people who came to attack him before, but after the failure last time, these two people dared to come!
(End of this chapter)

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