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Chapter 838 It's You Two Ugly Things Again!

Chapter 838 It's you two ugly things again! (59 more)
Lin Xiu was a little surprised. Are these two people so courageous?Obviously, I had already severely injured them, but these two people were able to recover so quickly, I am afraid that someone helped them.

"It's you two ugly bastards again! You really linger!" Lin Xiu curled his lips when he saw these two people.

"It's you!" Tang Qing also discovered these two people, and it was these two people who suddenly attacked her, which is why she became what she is now. If it weren't for these two people, how could she have ended up like this?
"That's right, it's us, we lost before, but this time we won't!" Brother Guici said.

"You guys really fought against each other?" Tang Qing was even more shocked. Tang Qing didn't believe what Lin Xiu said before, but now Tang Qing seems to have no choice but to believe it!
Lin Xiu actually forced these two back?
Lin Xiu rolled his eyes and said, "When did my young master tell a lie? You don't believe me?"

"Dugu Qiubai, today is the day of your burial!" The two fought again.

After Lin Xiu heard it, he sneered and said, "Are you really confident, just relying on the two of you?"

Lin Xiu dealt with these two people, but his face showed disdain. Lin Xiu didn't need to use a sword at all, he could block the attacks of the two with only his palm, and these two people didn't dare to take Lin Xiu at all. punch!
"How dare you underestimate us!" Brother Ghost Assassin was also a little angry. How long has it been, but few people dare to talk to them like this, and few people dare to underestimate them. Of course, in Lin Xiu's view, that was just the past That's all!

"If you only have this kind of strength, let alone two, even if there are two more, I will not pay attention to you!" Lin Xiu said arrogantly.

One must be arrogant in life, otherwise he would be a teenager in vain, right?

Just when Lin Xiu thought so, he heard a voice: "Since Dugu Qiubai you have said so, let's make a move!"

A black sword suddenly appeared behind Lin Xiu. The blade was so fast that Lin Xiu couldn't dodge it. He could only resist it with the dragon scale armor!
The black air on the knife immediately touched the dragon scale battle armor. Lin Xiu punched his back, and the opponent left the place immediately. Lin Xiu felt something was wrong at this time. The dragon scale battle armor on his body A actually showed signs of collapse.

The black energy from that knife just invaded his dragon scale battle armor!
How could this be?
Lin Xiu was very surprised, he was a bit unexpected!

Behind Lin Xiu, only dozens of maple leaves were shot towards Lin Xiu, and these maple leaves turned into flames, covering Lin Xiu's body in it.

"Dugu Qiubai, are you surprised, surprised? My evil sword can destroy any defense of the opponent. Although your armor is powerful, it is no match for my sword!" He laughed triumphantly.

"I said politely that I could have two more, but you really ran out of two people! How shameless are you!" Lin Xiu said with a heartbroken expression.

Nima, do you want to go too far?Two against one is already very wrong!Now you have to run out one more person, are you trying to bully the few with more?

"Dugu Qiubai, your strength is too powerful, we can't let you survive, otherwise, we will have no chance to become the disciple of Master Xiezu, don't blame us, if you want to blame, blame yourself!" Just listen Dao Hongfeng said with a sneer, "Look at my Hongyan Fengbao!"

The maple leaves around Lin Xiu formed a huge tornado in an instant, which swallowed Lin Xiu directly.

"This time, he probably has no chance of surviving!" Brother Guici said grimly.

"Regardless of whether he survives or not, the two of us will not let him go!" Ghost Brother also said.

After the two finished talking, the figure disappeared again. They are used to hiding. Now they don't know whether Lin Xiu is alive or dead, but they have to be ready to fight!

"Don't worry, he doesn't have that battle armor now, I don't believe he can survive in my Hongyanfeng storm!" Hongfeng is still very confident about his move, he said immediately.

"This kind of attack has no dead angle, and its power is really good!" Xie Dao said in surprise.

"That's right, my move is..." Hong Feng didn't finish speaking, only heard a loud noise, and a huge figure appeared in the air.

The Hongyan Fengbao who had surrounded Lin Xiu was suddenly blown away at this moment, and the faces of several people present showed surprise at the same time.

What the hell is this?
"Huh?" Among the strong men of the Demon League, the cloaked woman let out a look of surprise. She felt very surprised that Lin Xiu's martial soul could be such a thing?
"He summoned a martial soul? It's a pity, his martial soul seems to belong to the earth-level martial soul!" Xie Zu shook his head and said.

Originally thought that Lin Xiu's talent was outstanding, and he might have a chance to succeed, but it seems that Lin Xiu is still a bit short, does he only have an earth-level martial soul?

"His martial soul is not sword martial soul. How could it be? Isn't he a sword cultivator?" Li Xiu was surprised.

Isn't the sword demon's martial soul a sword?But a monster?

How can it be!

Others also felt that this was a bit unbelievable, but when Lin Xiu's martial spirit was powerful, it was really terrifying.

Naturally, it is impossible for Lin Xiu to summon the Gate of Devouring. What he summoned was Emperor Yan!
Now Lin Xiu's realm is enough to display the power of Emperor Yan. Although Emperor Yan is only an earth-level martial spirit, its attack power will definitely not be weak. Although the Red Flame Maple Burst is powerful, it was directly bombed by Emperor Yan!
The appearance of Emperor Yan startled all the people present. His body was hundreds of feet in size, and the flames all over his body made him look even more ferocious.

"You... what kind of martial spirit is this?" Hong Feng couldn't believe it.

"What are you afraid of, it's just an earth-level martial soul!" I heard Xie Dao say, "We fight together, I don't believe he will be our opponent!"

"Okay!" Hong Feng gritted her teeth and said.

The two shot at Lin Xiu from left to right, only to see that the red maple directly fused with the Wuhun, turning into a huge red maple tree, where the leaves flew over, the leaves immediately turned into flames.

The blade of the Xie Dao swung horizontally, and a monstrous saber aura slashed towards Lin Xiu. The saber aura turned out to be black, and it slashed towards Lin Xiu all at once.

Behind Lin Xiu, Tang Qing felt that Lin Xiu's body was very mysterious, but she did not expect that Lin Xiu's martial spirit was actually only an earth-level martial spirit, but even if it was an earth-level martial spirit, it is now compared to this The martial souls of the two are going to be stronger!
(End of this chapter)

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