Chapter 839 One Against Five (60 more)
Earth-level martial souls are also divided into strengths and weaknesses. Although Emperor Yan is an earth-level martial soul, in terms of power, it is stronger than other earth-level martial souls!
Lin Xiu didn't fuse with Emperor Yan, not because he couldn't, but because he didn't want to. If he did, how could Lin Xiu summon other spirits?

Emperor Yan punched him, the black sword light touched Yandi's fist, and it was immediately blown away, Yandi's fist was not damaged at all, Xie Dao's face changed, his attack was useless!

Emperor Yan opened his mouth, and a flame sprayed towards Hongfeng. It was also a fire attribute martial soul, but Emperor Yan's strength was much stronger than that of Hongfeng.

A mouthful of flames spewed out, immediately blasting Hong Feng back in front of him.

With the power of Emperor Yan's martial soul, he forced two people back. However, Lin Xiu knew that even Emperor Yan could not deal with these two people at the same time. Now he can push them back, but the two of them have never met Emperor Yan before. , For a while, I felt that I had nowhere to start!

"Be careful!" Tang Qing's voice came.

Two figures suddenly appeared behind Lin Xiu, attacking Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu was not surprised, this is not the first time these two people have sneaked!

Two daggers appeared on Lin Xiu's back at the same time, stabbing at Lin Xiu's neck.

Lin Xiu lowered his head and narrowly avoided the attacks of the two. It was Brother Ghost Assassin.

"Do you think you can escape?" Brother Guici said in a cold voice.

Lin Xiu suddenly found that his body could not move.

"Our shadow can restrain you, can you still escape now?" said Brother Ghost.

"Your life, we take it!" I only heard brother Guici say, and the daggers of the two had already stabbed Lin Xiu's head.

"Get lost!" Behind Lin Xiu, Tang Qing yelled angrily, and suddenly a ring flew out of her hand, only to see the two of them being knocked out at the same time.

"Tang Qing!" Brother Guici frowned, he didn't expect Tang Qing to recover so quickly.

Lin Xiu finally felt that he could move. If Tang Qing didn't make a move, he would have summoned the Gate of Devouring. Compared to being killed, revealing his identity was nothing!

Lin Xiu felt his back lighten, and Tang Qing jumped off by herself. Lin Xiu turned his head, his face showed doubts, where did this beauty come from?

Behind Lin Xiu, there is a woman with blue hair. Her hair has reached her waist. She is wearing a long aqua blue dress. Judging from her figure, she is a beauty!
"You are?" Lin Xiu asked.

"What? You don't remember me?" Tang Qing turned her head, revealing a stunning face. When Lin Xiu saw this face, his expression was a little weird, " can't be Tang Qing, right? "

"Stop talking nonsense! Don't you want to do anything?" Tang Qing said coldly.

Nima, you don't recognize people when you put on clothes, right?Your uncle hugged you when you were a child!Lin Xiu thought to himself, but he didn't hesitate, if he doesn't do it now, when will he do it?

"In this case, then we, father and daughter, can work together!" Lin Xiu blinked and said.

"You..." Tang Qing glared at Lin Xiu fiercely, when is it, and she still wants to take advantage of her?

"Tang Qing, before fighting them, I have a question to ask you!" Lin Xiu said with a serious face.

"What's the problem?" Tang Qing asked.

"How did you change your clothes in front of so many people?"


Tang Qing really wanted to smash Lin Xiu's head with her Yang Jinhuan, what was going on in this bastard's mind?
"Who is this woman?" Hong Feng said with a frown.

"She is the woman we want. Our brothers deal with him, and you deal with Dugu Qiubai!" Brother Guici said.

Xie Dao and the others have nothing to do now, they can only agree now.

But here, there are still three people who can make a move, and now is a good opportunity!
"Let's do it!" Brother Ghost Assassin said.

Brother Ghost Assassin's body disappeared again, Xie Dao, Hong Feng rushed towards Lin Xiu.

Tang Qing's reaction was quick, this time it was no longer a surprise attack, so Tang Qing could also take revenge!

As soon as Tang Qing threw the golden ring out of her hand, the golden ring instantly turned into more than a dozen and fell in front of her.

The light of the Sun Golden Ring seemed to shine on the two black shadows in front of them. After the ghost stabbing brothers realized this, their expressions changed.

Tang Qing seemed to be much more difficult than they imagined!

If there were only Hong Feng and Xie Dao, Lin Xiu didn't care at all. When these two came, Lin Xiu could finish them off with one punch.

It's just that behind Lin Xiu, a giant wolf with three heads, a blue dragon and a cloud of black mist attacked Lin Xiu at the same time.

Although the third eye was dead and affected several people, the five of them decided to join forces to deal with Lin Xiu!
This is a great opportunity!

The paws of the three giant wolves had already patted Lin Xiu, and the black mist poured into Lin Xiu all at once, the blue flood dragon sprayed water jets and blasted at Lin Xiu, and the red maple leaves flew out like flying knives.

There is also the black light of the evil knife. If these attacks hit Lin Xiu, it would be impossible for Lin Xiu without the dragon scale armor to resist it.

Boom boom boom...

There was a huge explosion, and these attacks were all concentrated on Lin Xiu. If a different title of Emperor Wu came over, there would be absolutely no way out, but what about this Lin Xiu?Does he have a chance of surviving?

"It's impossible for him to survive, right? He can't possibly resist our joint attack!" Xie Dao was a little worried.

"This Dugu Qiubai is indeed very strong. If I were alone, I would have no chance to win him!" Hong Feng said.

"However, there are five of us now, even if the move just now can't kill him, he should be seriously injured!" Lan Jiao said.

The attack of these people just now was very powerful. If Lin Xiu could survive, it would be incredible.

The sound of the explosion disappeared, but in front of everyone, a crystal-like dragon appeared, and this dragon actually held Lin Xiu in its arms.

Diamond Dragon!
"How is it possible, is he... twin martial souls?" Fan Tianlang's face was full of shock.

"You are right, you actually want to send five people here, so the young master will naturally accompany you!" Lin Xiu blinked. Although there is no dragon scale armor, the defense of the King Kong dragon spirit is still very strong .

It's just the people present, but they never thought that Lin Xiu would have two martial spirits, and both of them are earth-level martial spirits!

"This... he actually has two earth-level martial souls!" Xie Dao's expression also changed.

"You have already started, now it's my turn!" Lin Xiu said, only to see that his right hand had been raised, and he punched the Lan Jiao in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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