Chapter 840 Crisis (61 more)
Lan Jiao's head was blown off by Lin Xiu before, and now he was punched again. He was shocked and wanted to run away.

However, Lin Xiu's fist was faster, and he couldn't dodge this punch no matter what!
Lan Jiao swept his tail in front of him, and a water wave appeared in the air, but the next moment, the water wave was directly smashed into pieces by Lin Xiu's fist.

The huge force shattered the blue dragon martial soul.

The whole body of Lan Jiao was sent flying, and when it landed on the ground, it was already a corpse.

"Shoot with all your strength, don't give him another chance!" Fan Tianlang started to panic, and Lin Xiu's strength is too terrifying, if it drags on now, it will be very bad for them!
"Okay!" The other three responded at the same time, Fan Tianlang, Xie Dao and Hong Feng attacked at the same time, attacking Lin Xiu for a while, and more and more black mist emerged from Mo Gui's body, and everyone trend of being swallowed up.

At this moment, Tang Qing suddenly discovered that her two opponents had disappeared suddenly. Tang Qing frowned, because these two people seemed to have no intention of coming out.

1 minute passed, 3 minutes passed, 5 minutes passed...

When Tang Qing realized that something was wrong, she heard a loud bang, and Emperor Yan's fist hit the ground, but Emperor Yan's body disappeared.

Wuhun will disappear, there is only one possibility, it is destroyed!

Tang Qing's pretty face paled for a while, this ghost brother is going to attack Lin Xiu!

"Then Dugu Qiubai has to face so many titled Martial Emperors this time, do you still expect him to survive? He will die, he will!" Qi Yi glanced at Long Ya beside him and continued.

"Qi Yi, don't go too far!" Long Ya said angrily.

too much?If that Dugu Qiubai can't come back, you will know what is really too much!Viciousness flashed across Qi Yi's eyes, but right now, he didn't say anything more.

But now Long Ya is really worried, because this time Lin Xiu is facing seven powerful men with the title of Martial Emperor. They join hands to attack Lin Xiu, can Lin Xiu really handle it?
Even Li Xiu, in the face of the attacks of these seven titled Martial Emperors, probably can only drink hatred!

These people are too much, obviously Lin Xiu didn't offend them!
Long Ya was anxious, angry and helpless, she couldn't help her now!

That ghost stabbing brother actually joined the battlefield here, which surprised Lin Xiu, and there were a few more scratches on his body. Even with the King Kong dragon protecting Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu felt that the King Kong dragon was destroyed. , although his attack is strong, but now these people don't give Lin Xiu a chance to get close at all.

"It seems that you are forcing me to draw the sword!" Lin Xiu sighed, and had no choice but to take out the Xuanxian iron epee, "Since this is the case, I will show you the sword spirit of the sword demon Dugu Qiubai!"

Lin Xiu's swordsmanship is already in the realm of Taoism, and his sword energy is naturally powerful. When Lin Xiu slashed out with a sword, the sword energy went out instantly, and the ground in front of him was directly cut in half by his sword.

A huge gully appeared in front of everyone, and the hearts of the seven titled Martial Emperor Realm experts jumped wildly.

Fortunately, this sword did not attack them directly, otherwise, none of them would be able to catch Lin Xiu's sword with confidence!
What kind of attack is this?It's too scary!
This sword alone was able to force people to such a degree. One can imagine how powerful Lin Xiu's sword is!
"No, his swordsmanship is too powerful, we can't suppress him now!" Fan Tianlang said.

"If there is no other way, let's escape separately, otherwise, we are no match for him!" Xie Dao sighed, he has the Xie Dao Wuhun, and Lin Xiu does not have the Sword Wuhun, but Lin Xiu The way of the sword is even more terrifying than his way of the sword.

Comparing people to people will really piss people off!
"I have a way to deal with him!" Mo Gui said suddenly.

"What way?" Hong Feng asked.

"I can create a very strong ghost fog. No matter who it is, it is impossible to see us through the ghost fog! We will have a chance to sneak attack him!" Mo Gui said.

"Okay, if you can do this kind of concealment, the two of us brothers can take care of him!" Brother Guici said.

The two are the titled Emperor Wu who are best at assassination. If they have this kind of means, killing people will be even easier!

"Look at me!" Mo Gui said, only to see that some black mist began to emit from his whole body. Under this mist, the members of the Demon League could not see their figures.

In front of Momeng and others, the mirror on the observation side has been covered by black mist, and the situation here cannot be seen at all.

"What are they doing?" Li Xiu frowned.

"I guess they don't want us to watch their next battle, or maybe they want to hide their strength!" Xie Zu said lightly, "Then it's up to other people! Who do you think will win?"

This question is obviously not about Li Xiu, but about the woman in the cloak, who said flatly, "If he didn't do this stupid thing, they would be the ones who lose weight, but now, I don't think any of them have a chance to survive." !"

"Oh?" Xie Zu was a little curious.

In the ghostly fog, Lin Xiu found that he couldn't see the situation one meter away from him at all, but he was not nervous at all, but he was relieved. If this is the case, it can be known that other people here can't see Here he is, this is a good opportunity!

Just when Lin Xiu thought so, two figures suddenly appeared behind Lin Xiu.

"Dugu begging for defeat, be careful!" A voice rang out, it was Tang Qing who had come here. When Tang Qing came, it was already too late. Behind Lin Xiu, the dagger of the ghost stabbing brother had already gone towards Lin Xiu's. Stab down the back.

These two daggers pierced Lin Xiu's back without any accident.

At this moment, the Guici brothers suddenly felt that something was wrong, and they found that Lin Xiu in front of them had disappeared.

It's a clone!
When the two of them came to their senses, a dangerous thought suddenly appeared in their minds. They wanted to disappear immediately, but they found that their bodies could not move.

"You two, I have been waiting for you here for a long time!" Behind the two of them, Lin Xiu came out, and above Lin Xiu's head, there was still a door, a golden door, and now this door Open it, and golden ribbons have been wrapped around their bodies.

Neck, hands, legs, waist... After these golden ribbons wrapped around the two of them, they began to suck them into the door.

"No - don't - what are you going to do -" The eyes of the two were full of fear.

(End of this chapter)

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