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Chapter 842 Becoming a Girl Again

Chapter 842 Becoming a Girl Again (63 More)
When Lin Xiu turned his head, he only saw that the battle between Tang Qing and Mo Gui had come to an end.

The golden ring seemed to be able to restrain the black energy of the ink ghost. The entire body of the ink ghost was directly bound by the golden ring, and he didn't even have a chance to escape, nor could he struggle.

"Why did you come here to attack me!" Tang Qing said immediately.

"Assault on you?" Mo Gui's expression was a little strange when he heard it, "We didn't come here to attack you!"

"Are you still saying it's not? If you and Brother Ghost Assassin are in the same group, you still say you didn't come here to attack me?" Tang Qing said again.

"We are here for you, but not for you. Our target is him!" Mo Gui sighed, "We just wanted to get rid of him first, but we didn't expect that he would be wiped out instead. !"

Tang Qing looked at Lin Xiu, and looked at Lin Xiu in surprise. It turned out that the target of these people was not her, but Lin Xiu!

Lin Xiu was not surprised, he said, "It's a mediocrity not to be envied by others!"

"You think about it quite openly, so what should he do?" Tang Qing asked.

As soon as Tang Qing finished speaking, a flash of sword light flashed by, Mo Gui didn't even have time to scream, and saw that his body was still spurting blood, and his head had already flown out.

"Of course it was beheaded!" Lin Xiu replied.

After Tang Qing saw it, she nodded, and she felt a loss of strength from her body. Lin Xiu immediately came to help her, but found that Tang Qing's body was shrinking. What surprised Lin Xiu even more was that the clothes on her body also began to shrink.

Tang Qing has changed from a girl to a little loli again. It turns out that her clothes are also a treasure, and they can change their size freely!
Lin Xiu felt quite unbelievable, but he didn't expect it to be like this!

"I... I haven't recovered yet. I used my strength forcefully just now, so it became like this again!" Tang Qing said helplessly.

"When will it take you to fully recover?" Lin Xiu asked.

"I can't use my soul power for a day, otherwise, my body will be affected!" Tang Qing replied.

It would take a day, but Tang Qing would force her to do it for herself before. Of course, if she didn't do it, she would be finished, so Lin Xiu wouldn't thank her too much.

"The trial here will end at noon today. Before that, you should follow me!" Lin Xiu replied.

Tang Qing nodded, she had no reason to refuse, because only following Lin Xiu could make her safer.

Qi Yi was completely flustered at this time, Lin Xiu was fine, how could this be?
A smile finally appeared on Long Ya's face. You know, eight titled Martial Emperors attacked Lin Xiu!
But even so, these eight titled Martial Emperors were still killed by Lin Xiu. Lin Xiu is really too powerful!

"It seems that the trial here is over!" Only Xie Zu said lightly.

"The trial here is over? But isn't there still no result?" Li Xiu said.

"There is no one here who will be... the opponent of Dugu Qiubai. This time and the next trial, he can be called the number one!" The cloaked woman replied.

When Li Xiu thought about it, it was indeed the case. With Lin Xiu's strength, which warrior would dare to fight him?
There are only so many titled Emperor Wu who came here to participate in the Demon Tower Competition this time, eight of them were beheaded by Lin Xiu directly, so how many are left here?Of course, even if they were still alive, they would not dare to fight Lin Xiu!

Next time, when Lin Xiu saw the warriors here, he didn't show any politeness at all. After all, Lin Xiu brought a little girl with him, but he made many people his target, and Lin Xiu beheaded them without hesitation.

Tang Qing's face was full of displeasure. She had never seen such a shameless person. Lin Xiu actually said that the two of them needed to act separately.

How could Tang Qing not understand the reason for this incident?Because of her current body, as long as she is a person with some strength, she will attack her. The reason is very simple. Compared with those emperors whose strength is unknown, killing a little girl is of course the easiest thing to do.

Of course, if these people don't take action, Lin Xiu will not take the initiative to kill them, not because of Lin Xiu's kindness, but because if these people don't take action against Tang Qing, they will not be hostile if they protect them by themselves. It will not drop treasure chests either.

When half a day passed, more than 100 people died at the hands of Lin Xiu. I am afraid that there is no one else who has killed more people than Lin Xiu.

At noon, the system automatically settles the bill.

"The dungeon is over, according to the fusion of 124 treasure chests obtained by the host, congratulations to the host for getting the diamond treasure chest!"

Diamond chest?He would get a diamond treasure chest, but now Lin Xiu can get the most advanced treasure chest.

But what can you get inside?

Lin Xiu still decided to go back and see Li Xiu first, and then decide how to open this treasure chest!

Tang Qing was still with Lin Xiu. There were [-] people who survived this time, but only [-] of them were qualified to participate in the next round of trials.

Because the rule this time is to kill ten people, and only those who can survive at noon today are eligible to participate in the next round of assessment!
"Xie Zu, I don't think the current assessment alone is enough!" the cloaked woman said suddenly.

"Oh? What else do you have in mind?" Only Xie Zu asked.

"We need to check whether they are loyal to us!" the cloaked woman said again.

"How do you want to assess?" Xie Zu said.

"As long as this is the case..." the cloaked woman whispered a few words in Xie Zu's ear.

Seeing the appearance of the cloaked woman and the evil ancestor, Lin Xiu couldn't help but said to Tang Qing who was beside her: "Do you think the relationship between this woman and that old guy is the relationship between a godfather and a daughter?"

"Godfather and daughter? Old guy, who are you talking about?" Tang Qing asked suspiciously.

"Look, it's him!" Lin Xiu pointed to Xie Zu and said.

"..." Tang Qing was a little depressed. Don't you even know this brat?

"What? Do you think so too?" Lin Xiu asked.

"That is Xie Zu, you don't even know him, do you?" Tang Qing said angrily.

"I really don't know him!" Lin Xiu replied, but Lin Xiu then said, "So that's the case, then he must be a godfather!"

Tang Qing didn't know what was going on in Lin Xiu's head, otherwise she would definitely hit him on the head with a golden ring.

There were 15 people who survived, and only half of them could participate in the next round of trials. Naturally, the rest could only be depressed. Looking at the [-] people standing in front of him, Li Xiu said: "This time There are only five people who can join our Devil League!"

(End of this chapter)

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