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Chapter 843 I need you to protect me

Chapter 843 I need you to protect me (64 more)
Of the fifteen people, only five can join the Momeng?
But after thinking about it, it turned out that there were 500 people who came here!Now there are only fifteen people left, and there is another trial. It seems that joining the Demon League is much more difficult than joining the Zhengqi League!

However, Lin Xiu naturally didn't know anyone who was stronger than him. He took a look at the remaining survivors. Although there were still a few titled Emperor Wu, this was not a problem for Lin Xiu!

"There are only five places? Then what should we do next? Are we going to fight in the ring?" someone asked.

"If that's the case, I'm not afraid!" Another person said.

"I heard that boy killed more than 120 people, I don't want to run into him!" You said humanely.


When Lin Xiu was mentioned, the faces of more than a dozen people here were a bit ugly, forget about the others, a monster like Lin Xiu is too scary.

The total number of people they killed was probably about the same as that killed by Lin Xiu alone!

After all, the people killed by Lin Xiu probably had a few lives in their hands, and some of them voluntarily abstained, so among these people, not many killed 20 people.

Seeing what these people said, Li Xiu stretched out his hand to stop these people from continuing to speak, only to hear Li Xiu say: "The next one is not a group arena, but an assassination match. As for who to assassinate, we will tell you the answer at this time tomorrow." ! Now you can rest in this magic tower town first!"

After Lin Xiu heard this, he was a little surprised. The next thing to do was to assassinate him?

Who are you going to kill?
"Dugu seeks defeat, this time we are likely to kill the powerhouses of the Zhengqi League!" Only Tang Qing whispered.

"Kill the strong man of the Righteous Qi Alliance?" Lin Xiu was stunned for a moment and asked, but Lin Xiu's thoughts changed, and he seemed to have thought of it.

If this is the case, it is not impossible, because the members of the Demon League need to submit certificates. Only in this way can they prove their identities, at least they can prove that they are not members of the Zhengqi League!

Lin Xiu nodded and went back to look for Long Ya, but Tang Qing did not leave, but followed Lin Xiu all the time.

"Why are you following me?" Lin Xiu asked a little depressed.

"I need you to protect me!" Tang Qing said as a matter of course.

The corner of Lin Xiu's mouth twitched, but he didn't say anything. With Tang Qing, Lin Xiu came to Long Ya's side. As soon as he saw Lin Xiu came back, Qi Yi had already fled, and he didn't dare to stay at all.

"Lord Dugu Qiubai!" Long Ya said with joy when she saw Lin Xiu.

When Tang Qing saw Long Ya, she stared at Lin Xiu with her big eyes, but she didn't say anything.

"Miss Long Ya, things here are almost done, and you don't need to stay any longer. By the way, where is that Qi Yi?" Lin Xiu asked.

Lin Xiu is a stingy person, since he has killed both Heavenly Wolf and Xie Dao, he is not short of Qi Yi!

"He has already left!" Long Ya shook his head and said.

"He didn't do anything to you, did he?" Lin Xiu said.

After all, Long Ya came here to lead the way for herself this time, if something happened to Long Ya, Lin Xiu would feel very sorry.

"I'm fine!" Long Ya said again.

"Miss Long Ya is of course fine, it's just that she was harassed!" A voice came.

Lin Xiu felt that the owner of this voice seemed to be lowering his voice, as if he was trying to cover up his original voice. When he turned his head, he saw that the woman in the cloak had already walked over.

What is this "goddaughter" doing here?Lin Xiu was a little puzzled, but her words made Lin Xiu a little concerned: "Girl, what did you just say? Qi Yi harassed Miss Long Ya?"

"Yeah, I saw it with my own eyes just now, does the young master want to deal with the Qi family?" the cloaked woman said.

"How could it be? This young master is a good person. As long as I do something like killing someone, I will feel distressed?" Lin Xiu said with a look of pity on his face.

As soon as these words came out, the cloaked woman fell silent, Tang Qing's eyes widened, and the corners of Long Ya's mouth twitched.

Never have I seen such a brazen person!
They have never seen such a shameless person. After all, Lin Xiu killed more than 100 people in one day. How much does it hurt you?

Qi family, this young master will remember!
Lin Xiu didn't mind at all when the time came to settle accounts after the fall. If it wasn't for the next trial tomorrow, Lin Xiu would have troubled them now.

"Master Dugu was joking, who doesn't know that you are so strong that you can fight against eight titled Martial Emperors at the same time!" said the cloaked woman.

"That's just a trivial matter!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said.

"Young Master Dugu, the little girl is very curious. What method did you use in the black mist to turn the world around!" the cloaked woman said again.

"Actually, I influenced them with my kindness. I told them that only by putting down the butcher knife can one become a Buddha immediately, and..." Lin Xiu began to babble.

When the cloaked woman heard this, she had no choice but to say: "Young Master Dugu, the little girl still needs to take care of some things, please forgive the little girl for not being with me!"

The woman in the cloak fled away. Seeing this, Lin Xiu curled his lips, thinking that you are too young to talk to Master Ben.

When Lin Xiu turned his head, he saw that Tang Qing had chatted with Long Ya. After all, they were women, so they got along well.

Lin Xiu didn't bother to pay attention to them, he walked aside by himself and began to look at what was in his treasure chest.

The cloaked woman returned to Xie Zu's side, Xie Zu said lightly: "Did you find anything?"

"Xiezu, that kid is very secretive and can't find anything!" The cloaked woman shook her head and said.

"I just said that this kid is a bit ghostly, and it seems that he is indeed the case. It is not easy to ask something out of his mouth!" Xie Zu didn't seem surprised, he said.

The cloaked woman didn't speak anymore, and Xie Zu's eyes fell on Lin Xiu, and she didn't stay long, and quickly moved away.

Lin Xiu's reputation spread quickly. When other people here heard that someone was able to kill eight titled Martial Emperors by himself, they all admired and shocked Lin Xiu. How strong is Lin Xiu? ?
Lin Xiu ignored the others. After all, he was a person who wanted to cultivate. He had already collected 105 million Pretend Points and 1000 million Seven Emotions Points. This time, Lin Xiu could open three treasure chests.

The pretentious value was exchanged for a treasure box of Martial Emperor Realm Experience Pills, and three Martial Emperor Realm Experience Pills were opened. It seems that the day when Lin Xiu will reach the title of Martial Emperor is in sight.

Lin Xiu first opened the diamond treasure box opened from the value of seven emotions. When he opened this treasure box, Lin Xiu was a little surprised to see what was inside.

(End of this chapter)

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