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Chapter 844 Are You A Monster?

Chapter 844 Are You A Monster? (65 more)
This kind of thing would be opened here. Lin Xiu touched this thing in his hand, only feeling a little cold in his hand.

A special human skin mask, covering the face, can change the appearance and figure, which cannot be found in the fairyland!

This thing is so powerful that people under the fairyland can't find it, and it can also change the body!
Lin Xiu has seen things that change his appearance, but changing his body is very rare!

Lin Xiu opened the treasure chest fused from the dungeon again, which was also a diamond treasure chest.

When Lin Xiu opened this treasure chest, what he got was a God and Demon Card!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the Demon Card Nie Xiaoqian!"

Nie Xiaoqian is a special existence from the interface of A Chinese Ghost Story, she has the strength of the holy state and the concentration state!
Lin Xiu didn't know what level of strength this Saint Concentration Realm was, but it was obvious that it was definitely above the Martial Ancestor's strength. With this card of God and Demon, Lin Xiu didn't have to worry so much.

Lin Xiu put away these things, he took a Martial Emperor Realm Experience Pill, and started his cultivation. Lin Xiu's realm was already at the seventh level of the Martial Emperor Realm, but each level of the Martial Emperor Realm, if he cultivated on his own, would be difficult. It takes a very long time, but if one's own blood is excellent, it can shorten the training time.

But Lin Xiu knew his problem, his talent was far inferior to those geniuses, but he had a cheat, which was enough!

So what about genius?What about evildoers?What about your noble birth?This young master is cheating!

Lin Xiu would never be ashamed of cheating on himself. According to his words, if you are not convinced, you can also cheat and let me see!
So Lin Xiu began to practice with peace of mind!

Entering an ancient pagoda to practice, after Lin Xiu took the Martial Emperor Realm Experience Pill, his kung fu began to work.

After one night, Lin Xiu only felt that the soul power in his body was bigger than before, the eighth level of Martial Emperor Realm!

It was almost noon when Lin Xiu came out of the ancient pagoda, and Tang Qing's figure had returned to the appearance of a young girl. When she saw Lin Xiu, her expression changed involuntarily: "Have you made a breakthrough?"

"Breakthrough by luck!" Lin Xiu replied, although he said so, but the momentum was not polite at all.

This guy is obviously showing off... It's a fluke!

Tang Qing didn't understand how Lin Xiu made the breakthrough. A normal person would break through from the seventh floor to the eighth floor of the Martial Emperor Realm without spending a month or so. How could it be so easy to break through?

Now Lin Xiu is fine, he broke through in one night, are you a monster?
But this didn't scare Tang Qing. After all, Tang Qing was not an ordinary person. She had seen a lot of things, as if she had some secrets in herself!
"Where's Miss Long Ya?" Lin Xiu asked.

"She has already gone back, and it seems useless for her to stay, so I went back first!" Tang Qing sighed again after finishing speaking.

Tang Qing will naturally understand Long Ya's thoughts, but unfortunately, she and Lin Xiu are always people from two worlds, and I don't know if this kid is stupid or really doesn't understand, no matter which one, Long Ya can't stayed.

Of course, Tang Qing won't bother with these matters. She came this time to join the Demon League, not to meddle in other matters.

Lin Xiu, Tang Qing, and 13 other people have all appeared in front of Li Xiu. There are three more people beside Li Xiu. One of them is the woman in the cloak. She still hides her body in the cloak. No one knows. With her appearance, even Li Xiu didn't know who she was.

"Let me announce the rules now. This time, you will be divided into three teams. As long as you can complete the mission, you can join our Magic League. If you fail, then I'm sorry. You can only become the guests of our Magic League at most. Elder!" Li Xiu said to the person in front of him.

"Now that I have read the name, please leave with this elder, he will assign you tasks!" Li Xiu said again.

Five people left with the first elder, followed by another five people, and left with another elder. Lin Xiu glanced at the four people around him, and then at the cloaked woman. Are they going to follow this cloaked woman? Women together?
Looking at the current situation, it seems that this is really the case!

Beside Lin Xiu, apart from Tang Qing, there was also an ordinary-looking woman of no age, and the other two were middle-aged men.

"You follow the little girl to set off now!" Only the cloaked woman said.

"This girl, what should we call you?" the ordinary-looking woman asked.

"You can just call me Elder Moon!" the cloaked woman replied.

"Elder Yue? I don't know what our mission is?" a middle-aged man asked.

"Our mission? To destroy a sect!" Elder Yue replied.

Destroy a sect?Hearing this sentence, except for Lin Xiu and Tang Qing, the other three were surprised.

"What? Are you surprised?" Elder Yue said without turning his head, "If you want to quit, I will not stop you, but your mission will be regarded as a failure!"

Naturally, no one would withdraw now. After talking with everyone, Lin Xiu also knew the names of the other three people. The ordinary-looking woman was named Pan Ping, and the other two were named Lu Qian. Except for Pan Ping, they are all titled Emperor Wu.

The place we are going to this time is a sect named Yunlangzong. This sect belongs to a sect under the Zhengqi League. The suzerain is not weak. He is a titled Emperor Wu, and there seems to be another sect The ancestor is also a powerful existence.

The purpose this time is to destroy this sect directly!Of course, the highest priority is to kill the strong man of this sect.

"Everyone, I know your strength, and I hope you know what you should do today. The priority task is to kill the suzerain of the Yunlang Sect, their Supreme Elder, and six elders, among whom are the titled Emperor Wu. Yes, there are three of them, and the others are all high-ranking Martial Emperors!" Elder Yue replied.

Lin Xiu's face was a little weird. Are all the people in the Devil League so simple and rude?If you say that you want to destroy a sect, you will destroy a sect?
"Elder Yue, I wonder if we can act separately, or must we act together with you?" Tang Qing said suddenly.

"You can move freely, but if you can't even take the head of an elder, I will count your mission as a failure!" Elder Yue said again.

"In this case, we decided to split up!" Tang Qing said.

Wait, what do we mean?
(End of this chapter)

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