Chapter 845 Yunlang Sect (66 more)
The corner of Lin Xiu's mouth twitched, but he didn't say anything, how could he be represented?But looking at the woman's appearance, it seems that she has grasped some information, it's better to be like this, otherwise, Lin Xiu will definitely teach her a lesson!
Lin Xiu has a little affection for Tang Qing, and more, he is a little interested in her kung fu, because Tang Qing's kung fu can make her body shrink into a little loli, this kind of kung fu really makes Lin Xiu very curious.

Lin Xiuke didn't have any unreasonable thoughts about Tang Qing. Now that she represented him, Lin Xiu was still a little upset.

After Elder Yue heard it, she was not surprised. She said: "In this case, let's send it over first, and I will tell you some information about this Yunlangzong, and you can make a decision later!"

Lin Xiu and the others teleported directly from Taluo City to a city called Bailang City. Elder Yue took out a flying boat, and when the flying boat started, she told about the Yunlang Sect and also told Lin Xiu and others, after three days, the members of the Magic League will attack Yunlangzong, and that will be the best opportunity.

It has already taken a day from Bailang City to the Yunlang Sect's Zongshan Mountain. During this day, Lu Qian and Wei Zhang are very enthusiastic about Tang Qing. After all, Tang Qing is a beautiful woman. It would be a wonderful thing to have her heart.

But Tang Qing didn't pay attention to the two of them at all. On the contrary, she had a better relationship with Lin Xiu. This made the two men very envious of Lin Xiu. They both had their own pride in being able to become the title Martial Emperor. Even less would they believe that Lin Xiu could destroy other titled Martial Emperors.

After all, Lin Xiu is only at the eighth level of Martial Emperor Realm, so it is impossible for him to be able to threaten other titled Martial Emperors. Even if he has outstanding talent and extraordinary aptitude, and can win other titled Martial Emperors, killing one should be the limit!

It is precisely because of this that these two people have a bad attitude towards Lin Xiu, but now that Elder Yue is here, they are not easy to get angry. When they arrived at the Yunlang Zongzong Mountain, Tang Qing took Lin Xiu and left together.

In front of so many people, Lin Xiu naturally has no way to practice, so his realm is still maintained at the eighth level of the Martial Emperor Realm, and Lin Xiu also really wants to find a place to practice properly.

If Tang Qing leaves, at least Tang Qing can protect him for a while.

After Lin Xiu and Tang Qing left, the other three people also found a reason to leave.

Seeing these people leave, Elder Yue didn't stop them. A smile appeared under her cloak: "I wish you good luck!"

"Tang Qing, what are you pulling me out for? This young master still wants to grow up under the protection of the elder that month. If he can get her favor, maybe he can also solve the problem of the Taoist couple. You drag me like this Come out, don't you want to have an evil plan against me? If you are really like this..." Lin Xiu saw that there was no one around, so he said immediately.

"Shut up!" Tang Qing said angrily.

When this man spoke, Tang Qing felt very helpless. Now she really wanted to sew Lin Xiu's mouth shut.

Lin Xiu made a gesture of "please", and Tang Qing said: "I know a little about this Yunlang sect, although Yunlang sect has joined the Zhengqi League, but this Yunlang sect is not a good sect! "

After hearing this, Lin Xiu had a look of surprise on his face, but he didn't speak.

"If I'm not wrong, you should have your own purpose in joining the Demon League, but I don't want to know what your purpose is, because I also have my own purpose, and I don't want to kill more innocent people. You are the same as me!" Tang Qing said again.

Lin Xiu was a little surprised. This woman was right.

"So if we really want to attack this Yunlang sect, I think we'd better get to know this sect first!" Tang Qing said again.

But seeing Lin Xiu holding back, she had no choice but to say: "If you have something to say, just say it, what is this for?"

"Didn't you not let me talk?" Lin Xiu blinked and said.

Tang Qing rolled her eyes when she heard it.

Before Lin Xiu could answer, he said, "Are you going to sneak in?"

"I have a way to sneak in, you can wait outside!" Tang Qing said.

"How boring am I waiting outside? Let's go in together!" Lin Xiu said.

"You don't know how to pretend, you..." Tang Qing didn't finish her sentence. She only saw Lin Xiu put a human skin mask on her face. Lin Xiu's face immediately changed, not only the face, but also Lin Xiu Xiu's figure also changed, becoming exactly the same as Tang Qing.

Tang Qing's eyes stared straight, what kind of disguise technique is this?This is too powerful!

Lin Xiu held up his fake breasts, and said, "What do you think of my disguise?"

Even the voice is exactly the same as Tang Qing!
Tang Qing was convinced, she said: "Okay, since this is the case, let's go in together!"

A sect of this level, the Yunlang Sect, is much stronger than the Spring and Autumn Sect. A random elder can destroy the Spring and Autumn Sect, but it is not too difficult for Lin Xiu and the two to sneak in.

The two of them arrived at a mountain peak directly. It stands to reason that every mountain here should have an elder-level figure living there.

On this Yunning Peak, there lives an elder named Ning Yuhu. If you want to know something, just ask this elder, and you will probably be able to find out!

When the two of them had just arrived at Yunning Peak, they saw only one building on the top of the mountain. When they walked up to that building, they looked at each other and entered the building.

"Who are you?" A middle-aged man inside saw the two of them, his eyes immediately showed vigilance, "I am the elder of Yunlang Sect, Ning Yuhu, you two dare to trespass on our Yunlang Sect? Do you know what to blame?"

"I advise you not to talk so much nonsense, because in this way, you can live longer!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

"Bold, you..." Before the middle-aged man finished speaking, a golden door appeared, and an unspeakable coercion appeared, and Ning Yuhu actually felt a deep fear.

This seems to be coming from my own martial soul, which is a tenth-level martial soul, which is much stronger than many other people's martial souls. Now when I face this young man's martial soul, would I be afraid?
"What do you want to do?" Ning Yuhu finally said, no longer questioning, nor reprimanding, but a compromise.

"It's nothing, we just want to come here to see if you have done anything bad!" Lin Xiu blinked and said.

"Your Yunlang Sect takes in thousands of virgins every year. Where are they now?" Tang Qing asked.

(End of this chapter)

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