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Chapter 848 Murder in the name of justice?

Chapter 848 Murder in the name of justice? (69 more)
What Lin Xiu said was not a lie. According to what Lin Xiu knew, it was recorded in the Qingsang Immortal Sutra.

Xueshoudan uses the blood of virgins and virgins as the main medicine. Refining Xueshoudan with... is against the law of nature and is easy to cause disaster. If it is taken or refined before ascension, it will be wiped out in a catastrophe...

In these records, there is also mention of Heavenly Tribulation. Simply put, anyone who refines or eats this kind of elixir will not be able to pass the test of Heavenly Tribulation.

Of course, Lin Xiu doesn't know what the level of Heavenly Tribulation is, at least for the time being.

The current Lin Xiu didn't have time to pay attention to these things. He has a treasure chest of justice on him. Is this a good thing to send to your door?

The treasure chest of justice needs to save a thousand people. Will there be a thousand people here now?
Lin Xiu asked, "How many boys and girls have you caught here?"

"This..." Fan Fu's face was a little ugly.

"Don't tell me yet?" Tang Qing shouted, and Fan Fu shuddered.

"A hundred!" Fan Fu said.

"One hundred? Who are you lying to?" Lin Xiu kicked Fan Fu, and Fan Fu immediately blocked it with his hands, but Lin Xiu's kick was so powerful, how could he be able to resist it?
There was only a crisp sound of fracture, followed by a muffled sound. Fan Fu hit the wall with his whole body, his arm was broken, and he was seriously injured.

What a terrifying power!

Although Fan Fu could already tell that Lin Xiu was extraordinary, but Lin Xiu's strength was a bit too terrifying. The strength of this kick was able to hurt him to such an extent. Who the hell is this?

"You'd better be honest, what we need is the truth!" Tang Qing said cooperatively.

"I just misremembered, it was five hundred!" Fan Fu said hastily.

"Only five hundred?" Lin Xiu asked.

"I have five hundred here, and there should be some more at the suzerain's main sect mountain!" Fan Fu had no choice but to say.

"How can we rescue them?" Lin Xiu asked again.

"I, I can help you, as long as you promise to let me go, I can let the suzerain hand over all the virgins to me!" Fan Fu said immediately, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"Since this is the case...then you can die!" After Lin Xiu finished speaking, his swallowing door reappeared and swallowed Fan Fu directly.

"Have you figured out a way?" Tang Qing asked.

"What's so difficult? Let's pretend to be him, and then go find the master of Yunlang Sect!" Lin Xiu said.

"What if he doesn't give it?" Tang Qing asked again, but as soon as she finished asking, she felt stupid.

"If you don't give it, then kill it!" Lin Xiu replied calmly.

Lin Xiu doesn't have a good impression of the Yunlang sect here. Since the people here use this blood longevity pill to improve their strength, has the suzerain ever tried it?

Lin Xiu this time was mainly to save people, because the task of the treasure chest of justice needs to be completed, and this Yunlangzong child is innocent enough, so it is not too much to save people.

"Ding, the murder in the name of justice was successful, and the treasure chest opening progress is currently 101/1000!"

It was fine to save people in the name of justice before, but now you can kill people in the name of justice?
"System, killing people can also increase the progress of the treasure chest of justice?"

"This treasure chest is a treasure chest of justice. As long as the host does justice, the progress of opening the treasure chest can be increased. If the treasure chest is judged as a villain, as long as you kill him, it will be considered justice!"

After listening to the system's explanation, Lin Xiu was very surprised. He suddenly thought of a sentence.

I will destroy you on behalf of the moon!
Although I don't know why, Lin Xiu feels... very cool!
Lin Xiu originally wanted to ask the system who is the villain, but the system did not answer Lin Xiu's intention.

In this case, it seems that you still have to judge whether the other party is a wicked person or a good person by yourself!
"Let's search around for the whereabouts of these children first!" Lin Xiu said.

"Okay!" Tang Qing nodded, and the two searched around here, and found a basement here, in which four to five hundred children were imprisoned.

Most of these children were tied up and locked in cells one by one. When these children heard that Lin Xiu and Tang Qing came down, they immediately cried. It was obvious that they were very scared.

Lin Xiu and Tang Qing circled around, but did not let them out.

Because the two of them knew very well that it would be useless to release them now. After all, these are just children. Even if they could come out from here, they would not be able to escape from Yunlangzong. They will never let these kids go!
As for leading these children to fight a bloody way?
Just kidding, acting like this is undoubtedly looking for death. Although Lin Xiu doesn't know anyone here who can stop the two of them, but to protect four or five hundred children to escape safely?He absolutely can't do it!
It's better to let them stay here now, and when the people of the Momeng attack, they will come back to save people!

"Are we still going to find the suzerain of the Yunlang sect?" Tang Qing said.

"We may run into trouble if we go there now. Since Elder Yue said that the members of the Demon League will take action, let's wait another night and trouble them tomorrow!" Lin Xiu shook his head and said.

"Then what are we going to do now?" Tang Qing asked.

"Alchemy!" Lin Xiu said.


"Some of the children here have taken some drugs. I'm afraid they won't be able to recover in a short time. I have to revive them here, and I can take them away tomorrow!"

Seeing these cute and innocent children, Lin Xiu naturally needs to save them, but more importantly, if he can't save them, it will be very difficult for Lin Xiu to collect all the treasure chests of justice.

As long as you save a thousand people, or kill other villains, you can increase the opening progress of this treasure chest of justice. Now there are four or five hundred of them here. Of course, Lin Xiu needs to save them!

When Lin Xiu practiced alchemy to save these children, the other three people, Pan Ping, Lu Qian and Wei Zhang, had also arrived here, but what they were going to do this time was sneak into one of the Zongshan Mountains.

"Lu Qian, are you sure you remember correctly? Are there really those mysterious pills in the Yunlang Sect? Don't lie to us!" Pan Ping said.

"Of course I didn't lie to you, but everyone, be careful. As far as I know, these pills are not many and are very rare. We must take them out before the people of the Devil League attack!" Lu Qian said immediately.

"That's right, if this elixir is so useful, I'm afraid that as long as the people from the Momeng attack, we will have no chance to get these elixir, so we have to act fast!" Wei Zhang also said immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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