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Chapter 849 Yunlang Sect's Request for Help

Chapter 849 Yunlang Sect's Request for Help (70 more)
The three of them approached the main sect mountain of Yunlang Sect stealthily. With the strength of these three people, it is really not easy for Yunlang Sect to find out.

Of course, that was in the past, and the current Yunlangzong Zongshan, especially here, is very well-defended. After the three came in, they were discovered not long after they broke into the Yunlang Palace.

Yunlong Palace of Yunlangzong.

Song Shan, the lord of the Yunlang Sect, looked at what the Elder Yuan reported in front of him, and his face showed a look of shock and anger. What's the matter?People from the Magic League actually came?
It would be fine if other people came, how could the Momeng people come?

Although Yunlangzong joined the Zhengqi League, they are not welcome in the Zhengqi League. In the past few years, several powerful fighters have appeared in their Yunlangzong, and he Song Shan and several others The elder has also become the title Martial Emperor, so he is valued by the Zhengqi League.

But this is only a few years, the Momeng has already sent people to the club, and they want to attack them Yunlangzong?

This can't be a mistake, can it?

If the Elder Yuan in front of him hadn't said it himself, Song Shan wouldn't have believed that it would be true. This matter is of great importance!

"Elder Yuan, you read this matter correctly? People from the Demon League have really arrived?" Song Shan confirmed again.

"Sovereign, you have asked me three times. It is true. I have seen it with my own eyes. Those members of the Demon League have arrived under our Zongshan today. I am afraid that none of our Yunlangzong can escape from here now." !” Elder Yuan said very depressed.

Hearing Elder Yuan's words, Song Shan was silent for a while, and finally said: "We immediately ask the Zhengqi League for help!"

"Sovereign, do we really want to ask the Zhengqi League for help? I'm afraid people from the Zhengqi League may not come over!" Hearing Song Shan's words, Elder Yuan said hastily.

"Whether they come or not, immediately ask the Lord for their support!" Song Shan had no choice but to say.

"Okay!" Elder Yuan didn't move too slowly, he walked out immediately.

Not long after, a disciple of the Yunlang Sect came in. He saluted Song Shan and said, "Sect Master, we found out that several people have sneaked into our Zongshan Mountain, and we don't know their purpose yet!"

"Have you caught them?" Song Shan replied calmly.

"Sovereign, we can't catch them. They are very powerful. With our strength, there is really no way to catch them!" The disciple replied.

"Okay, I'll meet them in person!" Song Shan's eyes were full of chills, Song Shan was already in a very bad mood, how dare these little thieves come to make trouble in their Yunlang Sect?It's just courting death!
Song Shan soon arrived in front of Lu Qian and the three of them. Lu Qian and the three of them had already been surrounded. Although they wanted to escape, they couldn't do it at all, because there were too many strong men here, and Among them were two titled Emperor Wu, enough to stop both Lu Qian and Wei Zhang.

As long as the two of them are entangled, it will be much easier for others to deal with Pan Ping!
These three people did not expect that another strong man would come at this time.

"The three of you are very interested, and now you are coming to our Zongshan? Could it be that you are deceiving me that there is no one in Yunlangzong?" Song Shan's voice was gloomy and cold. These three people actually sneaked in here, or this kind of At that time, if Song Shan could forgive them, it would really be hell.

"Sect Master!" The other people saluted Song Shan as soon as they saw him.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of Lu Qian and the others sank. The person who came here this time was Song Shan, the suzerain of the Yunlang Sect?
If this is the case, it would be too scary, they have no chance to escape!
"Two elders, come and help me. Together, we will get rid of these three demons!" Song Shan said directly without talking nonsense.

"Okay!" The elders of the two Titled Martial Emperors responded, and immediately started to attack. The three Titled Martial Emperors besieged the two Titled Martial Emperors, and Song Shan's strength was beyond the imagination of Lu Qian and Wei Zhang.

Even so, the battle for the title of Emperor Wu lasted for hundreds of rounds before the winner was decided. Lu Qian and Wei Zhang were shot down to the ground and suffered serious injuries.

Pan Ping's strength was far behind that of the title Emperor Wu. She didn't need to resist at all, and she was caught.

"The three of you are so brave to break into our Yunlang Sect. Are you ready to die?" Song Shan said coldly.

"Wait a minute, Sect Master Yunlang, we have something to say!" Lu Qian was only heard saying.

Lu Qian didn't want to die, even if he couldn't join the Demon League, it was better than dying!

"What can I say?" Song Shan frowned.

"Sect Master Yunlang, we know that the Demon League is attacking the Yunlang Sect, and we also know the general strength. If necessary, we can even assist your Yunlang Sect!" Lu Qian said.

When Wei Zhang and Pan Ping heard Lu Qian's words, their hearts moved. It was a crime of betrayal to say these words!Is Lu Qian betraying the Demon League?

But the two of them thought about it again, betraying the Demon League?This can't be said, because they are not members of the Momeng yet, so what are they talking about betrayal?

And more importantly, now they are on the front line of life and death, what is it to betray the Devil League?
Now for them, the most important thing is to survive!

"I don't believe what you said, but if you are willing to take my poisonous heart pills, I will believe you, but I also want to remind you that these three are poisonous pills. If you don't get my poisonous pills within three days You will all die!" Song Shan took out three green pills and handed them to the three people in front of him.

poison?The faces of the three people changed at the same time. They didn't want to take the poison, but there was nothing they could do. If they didn't take it, Song Shan would definitely not let them go. It seemed that they could only eat it!

Unexpectedly, this time, before stealing the elixir to enhance the strength here, he would have been caught first. It is really a loss to his wife and another soldier!
After the three of them took the elixir, Song Shan said, "Okay, let's send the three Ke Qing elders to rest!"

The three of them knew that not only could they not join the Momeng this time, they could even become enemies with the Momeng. Although they regretted it, there was nothing they could do.

After Song Shan sent the three of them away, he received news of Elder Yuan's return. Elder Yuan said, "Sovereign, good news. This time, the Zhengqi League has sent two elders here. They are both titled Emperor Wu. Their names are Miao. Aspirations and progress together!"

"The Zhengqi League actually sent someone here?" Upon hearing this sentence, Song Shan's face immediately showed joy.

"Yes, but suzerain, they seem to know something!" Elder Yuan said suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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