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Chapter 850 Beginning to Attack the Mountain

Chapter 850 Beginning to Attack the Mountain (71 more)
"What do they know?" Hearing this sentence, Song Shan's expression changed.

"They said that in order for them to come, each of them must get ten blood longevity golden pills!" Elder Yuan said helplessly.

"These two bastards! The Blood Shou Golden Pill is ten times stronger than the ordinary Blood Shou Pill, and it is very difficult to refine. They want ten of them as soon as they open their mouths? How do they know about this kind of thing?" Song Shan said with a frown .

"I don't know either, but they are probably our kind! Those people from Zhengqi League are just hypocrites!" Elder Yuan curled his lips.

"No matter what, let them come first!" Song Shan said with a sigh.

On this Yunlangzong, there is a one-way teleportation array that can allow the Zhengqi League to teleport over. Of course, there is no teleportation array on the Yunlangzong that can directly teleport to the Zhengqi League.

The people from the Zhengqi League really teleported over directly. After the two middle-aged men and Song Shan politely turned over, only Song Shan took out two jade bottles and handed them to them.

"Sect Master Songshan, why are there only two blood longevity golden pills in this jade bottle?" Hearing Miao Zhi's question, there was a trace of coldness in his eyes.

"Both of you, to tell you the truth, even our Yunlang Sect is very hard to get this Blood Shou Golden Pill, so we can't get so many at once. In our sect, there are only ten of them in total!"

"Of course, if the two of you can help our Yunlang Sect survive this catastrophe, the ten blood longevity golden pills will naturally belong to you! And the remaining ten blood longevity golden pills, we will also get rid of them as soon as possible." Refined and delivered to the hands of the two!"

Seeing the expressions of the two, Song Shan said without panicking at all.

Song Shan's words made the two of them frown, but they are not ordinary people, so naturally they will not turn their faces now.

Qi Jin said: "Sovereign Song, do you know how many titled Emperor Wu are among the people from the Demon League this time? Although we brought a trace of disciples from the Righteousness League, there are only twenty of them in total, and they are all A disciple at the Martial Emperor level!"

"This time the members of the Demon League will come to encircle and suppress our Yunlangzong, and there will definitely be at least five titled Wudi. Our sect originally had three titled Wudi, plus two guest elders, and two more. We will kill as many people as there are from the Devil League at one time!" Song Shan replied.

Song Shan's words made Miao Zhi and Qi Jin stunned. If it was true what Song Shan said, it would be acceptable to come this time.

"Sovereign Song, don't worry, Yunlangzong is also a member of our Zhengqi League, we will definitely protect Yunlangzong!" Miao Zhi said.

"With Elder Miao's words, Song can rest assured, I will arrange a resting place for the two of you now!" Qi Jin said.

"Okay!" the two replied.

After all the members of Yunlangzong left, there were only these two people left in the room.

"Old Qi, do you think we really want to help them? We don't even know how many people come from the Devil League this time. If the people come here are strong, we might be in trouble!" Miao Zhi asked hastily.

"I have already sent someone to investigate this matter, and he will be back in a short time. What are you worried about? If the people of the Demon League are powerful, we can leave here at worst!" Qi Jin replied.

Miao Zhi nodded: "In this case, let's take this blood longevity golden pill first, so as to improve our strength!"

"Wait a minute, let me check these golden pills first, I don't know if Song Shan will do something!" Qi Jin said very carefully.

Song Shan did not do any tricks, after all, he needs the help of two people now, and he doesn't want to anger them, so these four golden elixirs are all real.

The two immediately took the golden elixir and began to practice.

The next day, the members of the Demon League directly attacked this Yunlangzong.

The leader is an elder of the Momeng, but there are three Momeng elders here, and there is also a cloaked woman.

In the sky of Yunlangzong, the clouds suddenly became darker and darker. The disciples of Yunlangzong couldn't believe their eyes, because they saw figures appearing on the clouds, Stand up in the air.

"Elder of the Demon League, Cui Li, come to visit Yunlangzong!"

"The elder of the Demon League, Meng Liang, come to visit Yunlangzong!"

"Elder of the Demon League, Bian Shu, come to visit Yunlangzong!"

The voices of the three people were extremely loud, and the entire Yunlangzong could hear them clearly. These are the elders of the Demon League, all of whom are titled Emperor Wu, and now they have brought someone to destroy the Yunlangzong!

"The elders of the Demon League came to our Yunlang Sect. I don't know what's going on? Our Yunlang Sect is a member of the Zhengqi League. It seems a bit inappropriate for everyone to come here to visit our Yunlang Sect!" Song Shan said indifferently Said.

Two elders titled Emperor Wu appeared beside Song Shan.

"We want to invite Sect Master Songshan to hand over Yunlang Sect!" Meng Liang was only heard to say.

"Elder Meng Liang said this. Could it be that he looks down on our Yunlang Sect, or does he think that there is no one in our Yunlang Sect?" Song Shan sneered.

"Song Zongzhu, if you are willing, you Yunlangzong can join our Demon League. In this case, we will naturally not attack Yunlangzong, otherwise..." Cui Li said.

"Otherwise what?" Song Shan sneered.

"Otherwise, your Yunlang Sect should disappear!" Bian Shu replied.

"If the Magic League can do it, Song would also like to see it!" Song Shan sneered.

"Since this is the case, then don't blame us!" After Cui Li finished speaking, he saw his palm slammed in front of him. This palm directly hit the main sect mountain of Yunlang Sect, and only saw a huge The palm appeared, with a huge palm print of hundreds of feet.

Many disciples of the Yunlang Sect were startled. Is this the prestige of the title Martial Emperor?

Other members of the Momeng also started rushing towards the Yunlangzong.

The Momeng's attack is quite brutal, and there are a large number of Momeng powerhouses here, and their strength is also powerful.

For a while, the people on both sides had fallen into a bitter battle.

Lin Xiu looked into the distance with a sneer on his face: "This scene is really familiar!"

"What are you talking about? You say it as if you have experienced it before!" Tang Qing said to Lin Xiu.

After hearing this, Lin Xiu thought of Ling Yunzong back then, he really experienced this kind of thing!

"Now that the members of the Devil League are here, it's time for us to save them!" Lin Xiu said.

"What are you going to do?" Tang Qing asked.

"For this kind of thing, someone needs to lead the way. I'll go to Elder Yue. Don't move around here!" Lin Xiu said.

Tang Qing thought about it, she was right, if Elder Yue could be invited here, these children could really be saved!

(End of this chapter)

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