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Chapter 852 Elder of the Righteous Alliance?

Chapter 852 Elder of the Righteous Alliance? (73 more)
Under the steps, there is obviously a huge dungeon. Sure enough, some children are also imprisoned here, the number is about 300, and they are imprisoned separately. In the depths of this dungeon, there are also some monsters.

"Human brat? Why isn't Song Shan the person who came here, but you brat?" said a tiger-shaped monster.

"Are you Song Shan's son? You don't look like one at all!" said a lion.

"That woman is so beautiful, she really wants to be crushed! Aw—ah—" said a wolf.

The wolf was also unlucky, as soon as it finished speaking, it was hit by a ring, directly smashing its head.

So bloody, so violent!
The monsters here were very noisy at first, but at this moment they all quieted down, just kidding, this is a woman who can smash a shadow wolf to death in one fell swoop!

Although their monster power is imprisoned, but their body is still the body of a monster, and their heads are smashed all at once?The strength of this woman is definitely not weak.

They don't want to end up like this shadow wolf!

"Leave them alone, let's let these children go first!" Lin Xiu said.

Now it's not in the dungeon, there will be no treasure chest rewards for killing monsters, and Lin Xiu doesn't bother to pay attention to these monsters, he still plans to let the children here go first!

"Okay!" Tang Qing replied.

The children here are similar to those imprisoned on Yaowang Peak. Fortunately, with Lin Xiu's current mental strength, it is still very easy to fool them.

"We were invited by your father and mother to save you, don't worry, as long as you follow us, you will be able to leave here!" Lin Xiu said to the people in front of him.

A girl with double ponytails heard the hand, she walked in front of Lin Xiu, pulled Lin Xiu's sleeve and said, "Big brother, are you really here to save us? Don't lie to Feng'er!"

This little girl is pink and cute, and she looks not much different from Tang Qing's lolita look, like a porcelain doll, and she is very cute at first glance.

"Your name is Feng'er, right? Don't worry, I won't lie to you!" Lin Xiu gently stroked Feng'er's hair, looking at her haggard face, Lin Xiu felt a little distressed, and then said to the children around him , "You follow me now, big brother will take you away now!"

Lin Xiu walked in front, and those children immediately followed Lin Xiu and came out from under the steps.

These children are very eager to leave and go home. The appearance of Lin Xiu and Tang Qing now gives them hope!

After walking out of the basement, Lin Xiu realized that Feng'er was the last one to go, and he was a little curious: "Feng'er, why are you walking so slowly?"

"Feng'er is bigger than them, so take care of them!" Feng'er replied.

Lin Xiu laughed, Feng'er is not much older than those children here!Her words made Zhu Ba's heart melt.

"Tang Qing, you stay here to protect them, I will go out and call someone to protect these children!" Lin Xiu said.

"Okay!" Tang Qing nodded.

Now Song Shan, the suzerain of the Yunlang Sect, and two elders who are titled Emperor Wu are fighting outside. This place should be safe. With Tang Qing's strength alone, she should be able to protect the people here!

"Brother, be careful!" Feng'er was only heard saying to Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu smiled at Feng'er and went out. Although Elder Yue is gone now, the token that Elder Yue gave to Lin Xiu is still there, so Lin Xiu can still order those members of the Demon League to come!

Not long after Lin Xiu had left, he heard a roar in the air: "Elder Miao Zhi, Elder Qi Jin, are you still not making a move?"

This was Song Shan's voice. Song Shan was a little annoyed at this moment. After fighting for so long, these two elders still didn't make a move?What's the use of inviting them?

Miao Zhi?All in?Lin Xiu was obviously taken aback when he heard these two names. Isn't this the name of the elder in Zhengqi League?

Lin Xiu has heard the names of these two people before!
Inside the Yunlong Palace, two people came out: "Song Shan, old guy, can't help but call us out to help?"

"I really don't want to help him!" Qi Jin said helplessly.

"Me too, but now we are receiving money from others, so we have to help!" Miao Zhi also said.

As soon as these two people came to this hall, they saw Tang Qing here and these children.

"Who are you?" Miao Zhi frowned.

"She shouldn't be from the Yunlang Sect, and she's still titled Emperor Wu!" Qi Jin said a little surprised.

"Catch her first!" Miao Zhi said.

When Tang Qing saw these two people appear, her heart tightened. These two people in front of her were the elders of Zhengqi League?It is not surprising that the elders of the Zhengqi League appear here, because Yunlangzong is also a member of the Zhengqi League, and under rescue, someone will come here to help!
"You all hide around for a while!" Tang Qing said, those children dispersed immediately, but there were too many children, and some children were at a loss, and they didn't even know how to escape, so they stood there motionless!

If there is a fight here, then...

"Let's fight together!" Miao Zhi said, a giant wolf with black stripes appeared behind him, and it had already pounced on Tang Qing.

And in Qi Jin's hand, the long spear flicked and stabbed in front of him. Under the law of the spear, the power of this spear will be stronger than ordinary attacks.

Dealing with two titled Emperor Wu at the same time, and they are two famous Emperor Wu for a long time, even Tang Qing would feel the pressure. That long gun.

The giant black-striped wolf slapped it down with its paw, and the golden ring was immediately ejected. The giant black-striped wolf didn't stop at all, and continued to pounce on Tang Qing.

Qi Jin's spear collided with the golden ring, but was repelled by a step. In terms of physical body, this beast spirit is stronger!
But Qi Jin is a person who possesses the law of the spear, and the spear stabbed out again, this time a rainbow light had already pierced Tang Qing.

Tang Qing's complexion changed, the attack of the two of them joined forces, and it was really impossible not to dodge, but, if they dodge now...

Tang Qing gritted her teeth, only to see that she was holding a gold ring in each hand, and the two gold rings turned into two golden lights and shot out at the same time.

"Ding! Ding!"

I only saw Jin Huan being knocked out again, this time, not only Jin Huan, but Tang Qing was also knocked into the air!

Tang Qing was pushed back, her chest felt tight, and she spat out a mouthful of blood.

"I thought she was doing something, so she was protecting the children here! How stupid!" Qi Jin laughed loudly, "These children don't have any powerful martial arts at first glance, they are just ants!"

(End of this chapter)

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