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Chapter 853 Who Is The Devil?

Chapter 853 Who Is The Devil? (74 more)
"These ants, you still protect them with the title of Emperor Wu? Are you stupid?" Miao Zhi also laughed.

"But this is also interesting, we can see how many she can protect!" Qi Jin said.

"Oh?" Miao Zhi said in surprise after hearing this.

"Let's see how many people she can protect!" Qi Jin said, "Just now we have found the alchemy formula that still has Xueshou Pill. It seems that these children are used to make alchemy!"

"You mean, we use them to make alchemy now?" Miao Zhi said.

"Of course you can't refine alchemy now, but you can refine them first!" Qi Jin's eyes were full of chills.

"Okay!" Miao Zhi nodded.

A cauldron immediately appeared in Qi Jin's hand, only to see the cauldron opened, and the child in front of him was immediately sucked in.

"Ah, no--"

"What - don't kill me -"

"Please let me go—"


Those children were screaming and begging for mercy, but it didn't work at all. There seemed to be a ball of fire inside the alchemy that they all entered. As long as they entered, they would be burned to death and turned into a pool of blood.

"What are you doing?" Seeing what these two people did, Tang Qing's eyes were about to burst into flames.

"What are we doing? Didn't you see it?" Qi Jin sneered.

"You are also members of the Zhengqi League. How dare you do such a thing? Are you still a decent person?" Tang Qing said angrily.

"Who said that members of the Righteous Qi League don't kill people? Besides, these people were not killed by us, but by you people from the Devil League!" Miao Zhi had already guessed Tang Qing's identity.

Qi Jin didn't stop, his alchemy continued to inhale the children here, one of them suddenly shouted at this moment: "Big sister, help me!"

Tang Qing took a look, isn't this exactly that Feng'er?
Tang Qing wanted to make a move, but Miao Zhi had already blocked her. The black-striped wolf was breathing black air, and Tang Qing couldn't stop her at all. When Feng'er was swallowed by the cauldron, Tang Qing's eyes appeared Hate, she was angry.

Tang Qing even spared no expense, only to see a golden light appear on her forehead: "You guys are going too far!"

"She is going to use the secret method, hold her back!" Qi Jin said suddenly.

Miao Zhi's expression changed slightly, only to see that he had already made a move. On the wolf's claws, black lights streaked towards Tang Qing. Tang Qing held two golden rings with both hands, and her golden rings also possessed the power of law. , was able to suppress the black-striped wolf.

"Don't fight her head on!" Qi Jin's complexion changed, Tang Qing is very powerful now, she is trying her best to attack, even urging the secret technique!
With one against two, the current Tang Qing still has the power to fight, and can even beat them!

What kind of strength is this?We are also titled Emperor Wu, our strength is like a fake!
The faces of Miao Zhi and Qi Jin changed drastically. If this continues, they may even lose!
A cold light flashed in Qi Jin's eyes, only to see that as soon as he threw out the pill, there was a crying sound, and a child was sucked in again.

Tang Qing's complexion changed, but she didn't take action to rescue them. She knew that even if she took action now, she would not be able to save these children, and would instead pay for herself.

Sorry, I can only avenge you!

Tang Qing's murderous intent became stronger. If the people from the Zhengqi League were to be cruel, they would be even more vicious than the people from the Magic League!Who is the magic way?

"Look at those children, they are all going to die!" Qi Jin's voice was heard, "Don't you care about their life or death?"

"Big sister, save me—"

"I don't want to die woo woo woo—"

"don't want--"


The children here are swallowed up by Danding one by one, their cries are useless at all, Qi Jin is not a benevolent person, and he will not give them a chance to live!

"Golden ring lock!" Tang Qing shouted tenderly, and the golden ring immediately turned into several pieces, appearing on the two people's bodies, Qi Jin's hands and feet were bound by the golden ring, making him move.

However, the golden ring on the black-striped wolf showed signs of loosening.

"You all have to die!" Tang Qing said again, and the golden ring in her hand shot out again.

At this moment, Tang Qing felt that something was wrong. Behind her, at some point, there were two more figures, attacking at the same time!

It was too late for Tang Qing to react. Tang Qing's body was hit in front of her. When she fell to the ground, she had already turned into a little lolita.

However, Tang Qing was not injured at all. Her cultivation technique allowed her to recover quickly when she was seriously injured. Even if she was fatally injured, as long as she was given time, she could recover. But the problem is, what she looks like now , but can no longer receive secondary damage.

"You... it's you?" Tang Qing's expression changed drastically, and her little face was full of shock.

It was Lu Qian and Wei Zhang who came here, and behind them, there was Pan Ping!

"Miss Tang Qing, don't blame us. If you want to blame, blame yourself for not having eyes. Come here!" Lu Qian said with a sneer.

"Are you helping Yunlangzong?" Tang Qing was a little surprised when she heard Lu Qian's words.

These people came to deal with Yunlangzong, but now they betrayed the Demon League and became Yunlangzong's helpers instead?

"We don't want to, but now we are controlled by Song Shan, we have nothing to do!" Wei Zhang said helplessly.

"Tang Qing, we know the purpose of your coming here, but we can only kill you with our own hands!" Pan Ping said coldly.

Pan Ping was very envious of Tang Qing. After all, Tang Qing's appearance was so outstanding, but she was much prettier than her. How could she not be jealous of such a woman?
"You guys are here. I didn't expect this woman to be so strong. But judging by her appearance, she must have used a secret method to change from a young girl to what she is now!" Miao Zhi said.

"This bitch, I must teach him a lesson!" Qi Jin's eyes were full of obscenity.

Tang Qing was a little flustered: "Dugu Qiubai, why haven't you come back, bastard?"

"It's useless to call anyone now, even if Dugu Qiubai is here, he will only die!" Miao Zhi sneered.

"Who is scolding me?" A figure suddenly came and landed in front of Tang Qing.

Everyone was startled, someone actually came here!

However, Lin Xiu did not expect that such a thing would happen here. There are more than 200 children here. Lin Xiu frowned: "Tang Qing, what happened?"

"They got the recipe of Xueshou Pill, and they want to do what Fan Fu did!" Tang Qing said directly, "Be careful of Lu Qian and the others, they have already betrayed the Demon League!"

 One more update is enough. I haven't finished writing this update. After that, it will be at least the fifth update, or even the sixth update. It depends on the results.

(End of this chapter)

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