Chapter 854 I Am Justice (75 More)
Betray the Momeng?

Hearing this sentence, Lin Xiu's face showed disbelief. He looked at the people in front of him in shock. Lin Xiu's current appearance was still that of Fan Fu's, because Lin Xiu didn't want Miao Zhi to be with him. Qi Jin and the two recognized each other.

But when he saw the situation here, Lin Xiu's expression was a little ugly. All the children here were taken away?The same with Feng'er?
Lin Xiu remembered what Feng'er said before.

"Big brother, are you really here to save us? Don't lie to Feng'er!"

"Feng'er is bigger than them, so take care of them!"

"Big brother be careful!"

That little girl was as innocent and cute as Tang Qing's current appearance. What she said could melt Lin Xiu's heart. This is a good girl!

But now, where is she?

"Who are you?" Lu Qian said with a frown. Lin Xiu's face is Fan Fu's face, and he has never seen it before.

"No matter who he is, just kill him together!" Miao Zhi said.

"I agree, it doesn't matter who he is, as long as we kill them all!" Qi Jin said, "You kill him, I will go and refine these children again!"

Tang Qing's complexion changed. She had seen Lin Xiu's strength before, but now the three of them are different. Miao Zhi and Qi Jin are the elders of Zhengqi League. Much stronger!
Can Lin Xiu handle it?
"Miao Zhi, Qi Jin, I didn't expect the two elders of the Righteous Qi League to be reduced to such a point. If the leader of the Righteous Qi League, Wu Xie, or Saint Lin Xiu knew about it, what would happen to you?" Lin Xiu Said with a sneer.

When Miao Zhi and Qi Jin heard this, their faces changed slightly. Wu Xie hated such outrageous things very much. As for the holy son Lin Xiu...he is also a powerful young man, but they didn't care about Feng. Now Xiu doesn't know where to be unrestrained, how can he care about them?
"You are just a member of the Devil League. How can you manage so much? What is the difference between what your Devil League does and what we do today?" Qi Jin immediately shouted.

"You are right. In fact, there is no difference between what you and the Demon League do. I am very curious, how did you become the elders of the Zhengqi League, and the Yunlangzong is the same!" Lin Xiu glanced After two people, said.

For Lin Xiu, the Zhengqi League is closer to him. As for the Magic League, Lin Xiu has no sense of belonging to it. This time he joined the Magic League, but only to be able to find the one who has not met him once. father!

So now when Lin Xiu sees these two scum of the Righteousness League, his eyes are full of chills. No matter how innocent he is, he is also good for him, and Lin Xiu is the holy son of the Righteousness League. If this is the case, then there is no need You're welcome!

"Join the Magic League? Just kidding, the Magic League is ruthless, and in the Magic League, the strong respect is even more serious. As long as you are strong enough, even if you kill your master, it is not impossible to take his place. Why should we Wouldn't it be fun to join the Demon League?" Miao Zhi sneered.

"What we are doing now, no one in the Zhengqi League will know. In the Zhengqi League, we can get a good reputation and get what we need. Why should we join the Magic League?" Qi Jin also said.

Hearing what these two people said, Lin Xiu understood. It seems that Yunlangzong also thought the same way. As long as they do this kind of thing, as long as they are not discovered, they are still members of the Zhengqi League and are protected by the Zhengqi League. You can also get a good reputation!
"What about you?" Lin Xiu looked at Lu Qian, his gaze became even colder.

"We will do this, but..." Lu Qian said.

"I don't want to know why you betrayed the Devil League. What I mean is, are you ready to be my enemy?" Lin Xiu said indifferently.

"What are you? How dare you talk to us like that?" Wei Zhang was dissatisfied when he heard it.

"My young master's face has just changed, can't you even recognize my young master's voice? This young master is the sword demon Dugu Qiubai!" The smile on Lin Xiu's face became even more ferocious.

"Dugu seeking defeat?" Pan Ping's expression changed after hearing this.

"Dugu Qiubai? You also know how to disguise yourself? I have long disliked you, but I didn't expect you to come to my door by yourself. Have you seen it? We have several titled Martial Emperors here!" Wei Zhang listened After arriving, he said proudly.

"I saw it, so what?" Lin Xiu said calmly.

"You are not afraid when you see so many of us. I really don't know if you are stupid or bold!" Wei Zhang continued.

"In my young master's eyes, you are all just hot chickens! Moreover, you all have to pay for what you have done today!" Lin Xiu took out the Xuanxian iron epee.

"This sword? What is your relationship with Lin Xiu?" Seeing the sword in Lin Xiu's hand, Miao Zhi's expression changed.

"You don't have the right to know! Let's do it, I don't want to bully the weak, you guys, let's do it together!" Lin Xiu sneered.

Both Miao Zhi and Qi Jin have strange expressions now. The sword in Lin Xiu's hand is really unusual. They have seen it before, but it seems that only one person owns this sword, and that one person is Lin Xiu!
The two of them knew something was wrong!If Lin Xiu is really the Son of God, as soon as this matter is exposed, Wu Xie will definitely chase them down!Even if Dugu Qiubai in front of him has something to do with the Holy Son, that won't work!
Never let him go!
The two looked at each other, and they started at the same time. The Gun Wuhun and the Black-striped Tiger Wuhun appeared at the same time, and they had already rushed towards Lin Xiu.

Wei Zhang's body suddenly turned into a black shadow and disappeared in place. Lu Qian had already grasped a big knife and slashed towards Lin Xiu.

Pan Ping also shot at Lin Xiu. Lin Xiu was dealing with five strong men at the same time, but he didn't show any panic now. He only saw the dragon scale battle armor on his body. Lin Xiu raised his hand and punched one of them One person is Lu Qian.

Lu Qian's sword possesses the law of the sword, and now every knife he uses can possess the power of an emperor-level martial skill. Unfortunately, the power of Lin Xiu's punch is enough to weigh tens of millions of catties. In front of him, he would also be smashed by a punch. Now this knife is nothing in front of Lin Xiu.

"Boom!" The knife in Lu Qian's hand was blown away, and he flew backwards.

Other people's attacks fell on Lin Xiu's dragon scale armor, Lin Xiu didn't seem to feel it at all, he walked towards Lu Qian, his eyes were full of coldness.

The attacks of the others couldn't stop Lin Xiu at all. Lin Xiu let them attack, but he grabbed Lu Qian by the neck and lifted him up.

" can't kill me. I'm a member of the Devil League. If you kill me, you will be punished!" Lu Qian shouted.

"I can't kill you? You're wrong. I'm here to kill you on behalf of justice, because I am justice!" Lin Xiu had a ferocious smile on his face, and when he squeezed his hands hard, Lu Qian's voice could no longer be uttered. There was a crisp sound from the neck.

 Update time tomorrow, 0:8 am, 11:30 am, 2:6 pm, 10:75 pm, [-]:[-] pm, [-]:[-] pm!For the time being, it is scheduled to be the sixth update. If the grades are good, one more update can be added. Pikachu is also fighting!Now there is no draft status![-] updates today, it's over

(End of this chapter)

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