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Chapter 855 It's Your Turn!

Chapter 855 It's Your Turn! (1 more)
Lu Qian's head was directly twisted off, and Lin Xiu ignored the attacks of other people and directly twisted Lu Qian's neck!

Lin Xiu didn't know if Lu Qian had taken action against these children, but he knew that Lu Qian had attacked Tang Qing by surprise, that was enough!

And then, when the system's voice came, Lin Xiu believed even more that he did nothing wrong!
"Ding, the murder in the name of justice was successful, and the treasure chest opening progress is currently 689/1000!"

The treasure chest has already been judged, the Lu Qian in front of him is a villain, he should be killed!In this case, what else is there to say?
"It's your turn!" Lin Xiu's eyes were a little cold, and the faces of the few people here changed drastically when they heard Lin Xiu's words.

Lu Qian died like this?The death was even a bit inexplicable. Lin Xiu just punched Lu Qian, and then grabbed Lu Qian's throat, wringing his neck alive. This is simply not a level of fighting!

"What do you want to do? I'm...I'm a woman!" Pan Ping said hastily.

"So what about women?" After Lin Xiu finished speaking, the black iron heavy iron sword had already been cut down. This sword seemed to have overwhelming power. How could the power of this sword be comparable to that of Pan Ping?

Pan Ping is just a fighter at the eighth level of the Martial Emperor Realm, not even the title of Martial Emperor, but now Lin Xiu's sword is full of killing intent.

If you say cut it, you will cut it. Where does Lin Xiu have the slightest sense of kindness and procrastination?
Pan Ping's face was pale, how could she be able to follow this sword?What about women?cut!
The ground was cut in half, and under the huge sword energy, Pan Ping disappeared!

However, what surprised Lin Xiu was that killing Pan Ping did not lead to the progress of opening the treasure chest of justice. Maybe the woman's crime was not enough to die, but Lin Xiu would not regret it at all.

If you are an enemy of Lin Xiu, you must be prepared to be killed by him. Now that these children are dead, even if Pan Ping is not an accomplice, she can't get rid of the relationship, and Tang Qing is Lin Xiu's friend. They hurt Tang Qing, Lin Xiu Would Xiu still feel guilty for killing her?impossible!

Lin Xiu never thought of himself as the Holy Mother, although now he thinks he should save the world, but it's just that he wants to get this treasure chest!

Another dead!
The expressions of Wei Zhang, Miao Zhi and Qi Jin changed.

"And you!" After Lin Xiu finished speaking, he only saw his Xuanxian iron heavy sword slashing in front of him, and said.

The three of them looked at each other, and they could see the deep fear in each other's eyes. No matter how they attacked, they couldn't hurt Lin Xiu, but Lin Xiu was different. Every time Lin Xiu made a move, he could kill a man!

"Lin Xiu, if you dare to kill us, those children will all die!" Qi Jin said, pointing at the children behind Lin Xiu.

"You have no chance!" After Lin Xiu finished speaking, the sword in his hand slashed out again. None of the three of them could take Lin Xiu's sword.

And this time, Lin Xiu's goal was Qi Jin, who used the alchemy cauldron to refine all the children here, how could Lin Xiu let him go?
Qi Jin obviously knew that he couldn't resist Lin Xiu's sword. He only saw that Qi Jin's heart tightened, and his palm suddenly sucked one person to the side. Wei Zhang, who was about to escape, was caught in front of Qi Jin. .

Wei Zhang wanted to curse for a while, but even if he cursed, it was too late, because Lin Xiu's sword had already arrived, Wei Zhang's body turned into a black shadow, but this sword cut him in half, and the sword The momentum does not stop, continue to cut forward.

Don't worry, isn't Wei Zhang the kind of villain that the treasure chest thinks he is?
Qi Jin couldn't dodge, gritted his teeth, and could only swing his long spear to meet him. The law of the spear was integrated into this spear, and Qi Jin's spear was a blow with all his strength.

There was only a loud noise, and immediately after that, a figure was blown away, and Qi Jin had a deep bone wound on Qi Jin's chest, from the left chest to the right lower abdomen, which looked very terrifying.

"You were able to survive!" Lin Xiu was really surprised, the power of his sword is very clear, even Hong Ning died under his sword, now Qi Jin is only seriously injured!

Qi Jin also wanted to scold his mother when he heard it. The battle armor on his body was cut off in an instant. Even compared with other titled Martial Emperors, his battle armor would not be destroyed by a single sword. The sword was completely beyond his expectation. Unless it was a martial ancestor, who would be able to take this sword?

"Since you are seriously injured, I will send you on the road!" After Lin Xiu finished speaking, he saw a golden door appear above his head.

"This... you really are the saint..." Qi Jin didn't finish his words, but the gate of devouring had swallowed him directly.

"Ding, the murder in the name of justice was successful, and the treasure chest opening progress is currently 789/1000!"

There is only one person left!
"How could you be here? Impossible, how could you be here!" Miao Zhi stared at Lin Xiu, his eyes filled with disbelief.

This man turned out to be Lin Xiu!The Son of the Righteous Alliance, Lin Xiu!
Miao Zhi turned into a black-striped wolf and wanted to escape. He had already lost the will to fight Lin Xiu. This Lin Xiu was too terrifying!

But the golden light was like a ribbon, entangled in Miao Zhi's body, no matter whether it was Wuhun or his body, they couldn't escape.

"Don't kill me, Your Royal Highness, don't kill me, no—" Miao Zhi screamed and begged for mercy, but Lin Xiu ignored it.

"Ding, the murder in the name of justice was successful, and the treasure chest opening progress is currently 889/1000!"

This treasure chest can be completed immediately. As long as the progress reaches 1000, this treasure chest can grow into an amethyst treasure chest, but Lin Xiu is not at all happy.

Lin Xiu is also responsible for the children who died just now.

Lin Xiu sighed, but received a reminder: "Ding, send out a special treasure chest, sin treasure chest!"

"Treasure Chest of Sin?" Lin Xiu was stunned. Under the prompt of the system, Lin Xiu's eyes fell on the alchemy cauldron not far away. This alchemy cauldron was exactly the alchemy cauldron that refined Feng'er and the others.

"Lin Xiu, are you okay?" Tang Qing saw Lin Xiu's expression and knew what Lin Xiu was thinking. She walked to Lin Xiu's side and held Lin Xiu's hand. Although Tang Qing had no injuries, There was not even blood, but her height was only that of a seven or eight-year-old child.

Immediately there were footsteps outside, it was the people of the Momeng.

Lin Xiu's expression was a bit strange. These people from the Magic League were summoned by Lin Xiu. Lin Xiu used Elder Yue's token to let the people from the Magic League send these children away, but they came a bit slowly, and the speed Naturally, it is not as good as Lin Xiu!

 Next is 8 o'clock

(End of this chapter)

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