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Chapter 856 Is this little loli going to become a Bodhisattva?

Chapter 856 Is this little loli going to become a Bodhisattva? ([-] more)
So now these talents are here, but the time is also suitable.

"What's wrong with this world? People from the Righteous Alliance would do such an outrageous thing, while people from the Magic League protect the weak!" Tang Qing sighed.

Lin Xiu smiled wryly. What Tang Qing said was also in Lin Xiu's mind. After these children were sent away, Lin Xiu's palm touched the cauldron.

Sin Treasure Chest, after obtaining the Sin Treasure Chest, the host can get the sin value of the other party if he kills the sinful person!This treasure chest can be collected to upgrade the sin value!
The previous one was the treasure chest of justice, but now it is the treasure chest of sin. However, the collection methods of these two treasure chests seem to have some similarities.

Just as Lin Xiu digested the way to get the sin value from the sin treasure chest, Lin Xiu also received a reminder.

"Ding, I succeeded in saving people in the name of justice, and the treasure chest opening progress is currently 1000/1000! Congratulations to the host for getting the amethyst treasure chest!"

"Ding, according to the host's current wish, this treasure chest can be opened naturally! The host can get 225 soul crystals, are you sure?"

"Soul crystals can collect souls. The souls of children who have been refined just now can be collected with soul crystals. If the host can upgrade the sin treasure chest to a diamond treasure chest, these soul crystals can be fused with the sin treasure chest to refine the child's flesh and blood again. !"

A series of prompts from the system made Lin Xiu confused.

This system is really becoming more and more humanized, and he can even guess what he is going to do now.

But it's just collecting 1000 million sin points, how difficult is it?It's not the first time that Lin Xiu has collected these treasure boxes and turned them into diamond treasure boxes, but if Lin Xiu agreed easily, he wouldn't be Lin Xiu!
"System, are you announcing the mission? Now that your mission is not announced, and you have to use this reason to take away my treasure chest, won't your conscience hurt?" Lin Xiu said with a heartbroken expression. It looks like.

"Host, you have the right to refuse, so that the host can get any treasure at any time!" The system replied.

"System, are you threatening me? Do you know that this will cause my dissatisfaction, which will affect my mood of collecting treasure chests? I am in a bad mood, so I don't want to collect treasure chests anymore, and I don't want to upgrade treasure chests!" Lin Xiu sighed and said again.

"..." The system is very helpless. It is probably the first time that it has been threatened to such a degree.

"The system, what do you mean by not talking? Don't you want to deny it? I didn't expect you to be such a system!" Lin Xiu said as if he had been abandoned.

"If the Sin Treasure Chest is upgraded to a Diamond Treasure Chest, in addition to saving people, it will also allow the host to obtain good and evil pupils. If the host has the opportunity, it can even fuse with the host's Lihuo fairy pupil!" the system finally said.

"The mere good devil pupil wants to buy this young master? Is this young master this kind of person who is greedy for petty gain? Well, for the sake of the child's innocent life, this young master agrees!" Lin Xiu said righteously. Said with a dignified look.

"..." The system fell silent again.

"Confirm!" Lin Xiu replied.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the good and evil pupil trial technique, which can be used three times a day!"

"Just a trial? Or can you only use it three times a day?"

"If the host uses it more than three times, the host's eyes are likely to be damaged!"

"If I don't use good and evil pupils, can I collect sin points?"


That's fine, if you have to use the good and evil eyes to collect the sin value, then you don't know how long it will take to upgrade the sin treasure chest to the diamond treasure chest!
It seems that the eyes of good and evil are only used by Lin Xiu to distinguish whether the other party is good or evil!

Lin Xiu thought for a while and looked at Tang Qing. There was no change in Lin Xiu's eyes, but Lin Xiu could see the golden light behind Tang Qing.

Let me go, this little loli is going to become a Bodhisattva?
"The target merit value is 58!"

Merit worth 58?What is this?

"The merit value can reduce the calamity suffered by the other party when they overcome the catastrophe. When the merit value reaches 100 million, they can directly ascend!" the system replied.

"So awesome?" Lin Xiu's face was full of shock when he heard it.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Tang Qing was a little dissatisfied. Lin Xiu's eyes were too extreme, making her feel uncomfortable all over.

"It's nothing, I'm just curious, do you often do good deeds?" Lin Xiu asked.

"What does it have to do with you?" Tang Qing rolled her eyes at Lin Xiu and said, "Anyway, I've seen you doing bad things all the time!"

"..." Lin Xiu was very depressed. What kind of nonsense is this Tang Qing talking about?

Bah, how could this young master have done anything bad?

Lin Xiu threw all the soul crystals he got into the cauldron. Seeing the soul crystals in Lin Xiu's hand, Tang Qing couldn't help being startled: "Isn't this a soul crystal? What are you using these things for? "

"Of course I resurrected them. Although I haven't known them for long, since I have met them, I can't ignore this matter!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said.

Because of Lin Xiu's words, Tang Qing stared at Lin Xiu for a full minute before saying, "I didn't expect you to be different from what I imagined!"

Lin Xiu could feel that Tang Qing's favorability towards him seemed to have increased greatly!
This is a good thing!
"Let's get out of here first, we need to deal with something outside!" Lin Xiu said immediately.

Now is not the time to stay here for discussion, Lin Xiu still has to collect sin points!

Sure enough, this young master is the messenger of justice chosen by heaven!
Lin Xiu sighed and left with Tang Qing.

After the two left, there was no one else in the hall, but a black shadow suddenly emerged from the ground.

"I didn't expect that he would be the holy son of the Zhengqi League, Lin Xiu!" The black shadow seemed to be talking to himself.

This black shadow turned out to be Wei Zhang from before!

Wei Zhang actually escaped the catastrophe by using the shadow martial soul to replace his death just like the Ghost Assassin brother, but Lin Xiu thought that killing him did not get the opening progress of the treasure chest of justice, but in fact he hadn't killed him at all. This Wei Zhang!

"If this incident is exposed, maybe I don't have to die!" Wei Zhang's eyes sparkled.

But who is better to tell?
"Weizhang, so you're here!" A voice sounded, Wei Zhang turned around, and immediately saw a woman whose body was hidden in the cloak approaching, her slender figure made people daydream.

The current Wei Zhang didn't have a chance to think about it, he said: "Elder Yue, I discovered a secret, which is related to the identity of Dugu Qiubai!"

 The next one is 11:[-]
(End of this chapter)

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