Chapter 965 Returning to Great Qin ([-] more)

Nie Xiaoqian's remnant soul is exhausted now, and it would be a good opportunity to devour her now.

Lin Xiu finally gave up on this idea. After all, Lin Xiu is not a beast. Nie Xiaoqian is consuming so much energy for him now. It would be a bit unkind for Lin Xiu to devour her remnant soul.

"My lord, we killed the evil god's divine sense, she may find us in the future, and I'm very weak now, I guess I won't be able to reappear for a long time, so be careful in the next time, lord! "Nie Xiaoqian said.

"Xiaoqian, how can I help you recover?" Lin Xiu asked.

"Go to Lan... Ruo... Temple..." Nie Xiaoqian's voice became smaller and smaller.

Lin Xiu understood clearly, Nie Xiaoqian wanted him to go to Nalanruo Temple, is this the only way for Nie Xiaoqian to recover?But hearing the name, it's obviously not a good place!

When Lin Xiu came back to his senses, he only saw the statue in front of him, and there were more and more cracks appearing.

Lin Xiu understood that he and this evil god must have formed a relationship, but even so, Lin Xiu was not worried. Anyway, even if there were gods, they would not be able to enter this world easily. What should Lin Xiu worry about?
At this time, the statue of the evil god had been shattered.

"The young master is really powerful, he just touched the place of the statue, and he was able to shatter the statue!" Moyue sighed.

"Hey, he's just a pervert. I thought he was serious! So he's a hooligan!" Tang Qing said with a blushing face.

"Even if you touch this statue, it doesn't mean that it will shatter!" The Fire-breathing Dragon Emperor also said.


The other dragons in the surrounding area obviously also began to complain. After all, what this dragon god did was really appalling. He even blasphemed the evil god. It is estimated that few people would dare to do such a thing!
But obviously, the young man in front of him dared to do it!
And it's still the evil god's chest!

Although the evil god is half-human and half-dragon, but the upper body is still an outstanding beauty. Lin Xiu's doing so is a bit too beastly.

The people around obviously thought the same way, and the way they looked at Lin Xiu also changed.

When Lin Xiu heard what these people said, the corner of his mouth twitched. This time, he probably couldn't explain it!
How can this be explained?
Fortunately, Lin Xiu's vomit treasure box has already collected 600 million vomit points.

Although it seems that one time of complaining can only get a fixed 100 points of complaining, but if 1 people complain, there will be 100 million complaining points.

Of course, even if it's not a human complaint, it seems that you can get it!
Although there are not many evil dragons left alive, Lin Xiu doesn't care about these evil dragons. If the dragons can't even solve these evil dragons, then this dragon is really useless, and Lin Xiu's time is wasted. Time to help them.

Although some of the evil dragons escaped from the net, they are not very strong, because the powerful evil dragons at the level of dragon kings have been killed by Lin Xiu, and the statues of the evil gods are already like this. Borrow the power of this evil god.

However, Lin Xiu still went to the Xielong Lake.

Inside the Xielongtan, it has the function of strengthening the body. Lin Xiu can feel that his body is being strengthened after soaking in it. The originally strong physical strength seems to have improved at this time.

Three days later, Lin Xiu came out of the Xielongtan. Lin Xiu felt that his body was more perfect. Although Lin Xiu had not stepped into the Martial Ancestor Realm, he was only half a step away from the Martial Ancestor Realm.

But in these three days, Lin Xiu found out that Tang Qing also broke through!
Lin Xiu looked at Tang Qing, feeling very depressed. The realm of Tang Qing and Moyue was already at Martial Ancestor Realm, but he was still at the pinnacle of Martial Emperor.

However, Lin Xiu didn't say much. This time, Lin Xiu planned to go back to the Great Qin Kingdom before heading to the Holy Court.

On Xielong Island, he also found the teleportation array, and went directly back to Fenggu Continent.

Lin Xiu thought about it, and didn't plan to take Moyue with him.

Why?Because Lin Xiu has a lot of maids in the Great Qin Kingdom, if Moyue finds out, the consequences may be very serious!

Mo Yue knew something was wrong when she saw Lin Xiu's expression, she was unwilling to leave.

"Master, don't you already have a wife? If so, it would be too sad. You obviously already have a wife, but you still want to hook up with her!" Mo Yue turned her head quickly and began to sob.

Lin Xiu rolled his eyes, Moyue's acting skills are really too ordinary.

"Since you want to go back, then I won't go to the Great Qin Kingdom with you. I plan to go to the Holy Court first. You should know the location of the Holy Court, right?" Tang Qing asked.

"We already know, Miss Tang Qing, you can go to the Holy Court without worry... Oh no, don't worry, go to the Holy Court, we will arrive at the Holy Court before the admission assessment of the Holy Court!" Mo Yue immediately replied for Lin Xiu.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's separate from here!" Tang Qing said.

Lin Xiu nodded: "Tang Qing, take care!"

"You too!" Tang Qing left gracefully, but a strange look still flashed in the depths of her eyes.

"Master, don't look, your eyes are going to pop out, don't you like Miss Tang Qing?" Mo Yue said a little jealously.

"What nonsense? Let's go back!" Lin Xiu finally said.

"In the Great Qin Kingdom, are there masters and madams?" Mo Yue asked again.

"Didn't you find out?"

"It's too remote, it's hard to find out the information here!"


Great Qin State.

The Great Qin Kingdom is still being rebuilt now, because of the battle between the two strong men, most of the imperial city here was destroyed, and besides the imperial city, many ordinary people were killed here.

Shuang'er was also taken away by the blond woman. This incident dealt a great blow to Lin Zhenfeng and others. Lin Zhenfeng had already tried to contact the people from the Zhengqi League, but they found that there was no news of Lin Xiu.

For more than half a month, Lin Xiu seemed to have evaporated from the world, and no one knew where they went.

"I don't know how the young master is doing!" Su Long said with a sigh.

"The young master should be back soon!" Gongsun You said.

"If the young master comes back, he will definitely avenge the master and Shuang'er!" Lu Sha also said.


The more Lin Xiu's maids talked, the more excited they became.

"But, is there really a way for the young master to win over those people?" A discordant voice rose up, a little timid, and it was Qingshang.

As Lin Xiu's maid, Qingshang was also left here. As soon as her words came out, the surrounding maids all shut up.

(End of this chapter)

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