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Chapter 966 Do you want to become stronger?

Chapter 966 Do you want to become stronger? (2 more)
Although Lin Xiu's maids are not very strong, they are also very clear now that those people have surpassed the realm of Martial Ancestor.

According to what the master said, even the young master can only deal with existences at the first level of the Martial Ancestor Realm. If the opponent's strength exceeds the first level of the Martial Ancestor Realm, I'm afraid it may not be able to deal with it!
Not to mention the blond woman who came later, even before the blond woman, the battle between the two-winged angel and the two-winged demon was not comparable to Martial Ancestor, even if those two people made a move, Lin Xiu was not their opponent.

The maids sighed, but at this moment, a servant had already walked in, and he immediately shouted: "Ladies and gentlemen, the prince...His Royal Highness is back!"

Although these girls are all Lin Xiu's maids, no one dares to regard them as real maids. In the eyes of others, I am afraid that they are already Lin Xiu's women. will admit it.

His Royal Highness is back?
Isn't the prince of the Great Qin Kingdom Lin Xiu?
As soon as the maids heard this, they immediately ran out, young master, finally came back!
Lin Xiu went straight into the palace. Queen Lingyue and Lin Zhenfeng were obviously very happy to see Lin Xiu come back. They were finally reunited as a family.

Lin Xiu was very happy to see these parents, after all, they were all people who treated him sincerely.

The maids also arrived soon, and when they saw Lin Xiu, they immediately started crying.

"Master, don't you want us anymore!" Gongsun You was a little dissatisfied.

"We've been waiting for you here for so long, young master, you are really too much!" Lu Sha said.

"Master, we miss you so much!" Su Long rushed towards Lin Xiu.


Lin Xiu saw that these maids were quite energetic, and he was also very happy: "Everyone, your young master is back!"

"Master, you are really blessed!" A voice rang out, the voice was a bit cold.

Beside Lin Xiu, a girl with red hair and red clothes appeared, and she had a cold smile on her face, who else could it be if it wasn't Magic Moon?
"Huh? Her appearance, why do I feel a little familiar?" Lin Zhenfeng said with a puzzled expression.

"Master, my name is Mo Yue!" Mo Yue was very polite to Lin Zhenfeng, she said.

"Magic Moon? This are..." Lin Zhenfeng seemed to realize that his eyes widened.

No way, it turned out to be her!

Is this too exaggerated?The holy aunt of the Demon League was also abducted by Lin Xiu and turned into a maid?

Others didn't know, but Lin Zhenfeng had seen Moyue, and Lin Zhenfeng was deeply impressed by Moyue's alluring appearance.

It turned out that Lin Zhenfeng had seen that Lin Xiu already had several good-looking maidservants, but Lin Zhenfeng never expected that Lin Xiu would be able to capture Moyue as a maidservant. Who dared to imagine such a thing!
Moyue is the holy lady of the Demon League, who can kill tens of thousands of people in the blink of an eye, but now, the holy lady of the Demon League has become Lin Xiu's maidservant!
"That's the magic moon!" The magic moon replied.

"This is my new maid, Yue'er!" Lin Xiu said to introduce Moyue to everyone.

"Yue'er?" When everyone heard Lin Xiu's words, their eyes fell on Mo Yue.

"Miss Yue'er is so beautiful, I have never seen such a beautiful girl!" Lu Sha exclaimed.

"It is estimated that only Miss Chenxiang can compare with Miss Yue'er!" Su Long said.

"What? Who is Chen Xiang?" Mo Yue glanced at the people in front of her, and everyone felt a little stressed.

Su Long stuck out her tongue and said: "Miss Chen Xiang is not here, she has already left the Great Qin Kingdom!"

"Oh? Alright then!" Moyue relieved the pressure on her body after hearing this.

Everyone felt relieved, but they were obviously a little afraid of this "Yue'er girl".

Lin Xiu glanced at the people around him, he was a little surprised and said, "Where is Shuang'er?"

besides?How many maids do you have?Mo Yue's gaze was like a needle piercing Lin Xiu's back, but Lin Xiu didn't pay any attention to it.

As soon as Shuang'er was mentioned, everyone was silent for a while. Seeing this, Lin Xiu's face darkened, and he said, "Tell me, what happened!"

"Let me talk about this matter, the thing is like this..." Lin Zhenfeng was only heard to say.

Lin Zhenfeng recounted what happened more than half a month ago.

Two-winged angel?The two-winged demon came to the Great Qin Kingdom, in order to fight for Shuang'er?And even fought for Shuang'er, most importantly, they were all dead, a blond girl appeared and took Shuang'er away?
"It seems that it should be the envoy of God!" Mo Yue said to Lin Xiu.

"It should be the envoy of God, that's right. I didn't expect that these so-called envoys of God would come up with ideas on me?" Lin Xiu's eyes were full of coldness.

People from the Great Qin Kingdom are Lin Xiu's Nilin. No matter who dares to harm the Great Qin Kingdom, Lin Xiu will make him pay the price, even if the other party is the Church or the Dark Alliance!
"An envoy?" Everyone didn't understand.

"Leave this matter to me. Anyone who dares to capture me this time, I will go to meet them and settle the account!" Lin Xiu's eyes flickered coldly.

"The other party is an envoy of God, young master, you don't really think..." Mo Yue's face was full of surprise when she heard that.

"Go and call Xiang Yu over, I need him to do something!" Lin Xiu said.

"Okay!" Su Long immediately ordered this matter.

Xiang Yu soon appeared in front of Lin Xiu.

"Last general Xiang Yu, please see my lord!" Xiang Yu said immediately.

"Xiang Yu, do you want to become stronger?" Lin Xiu said.

"Become stronger?" After Xiang Yu heard it, his face showed surprise.

"That's right, do you long for wealth? Do you long for fame? Do you... long for power?" Lin Xiu said immediately.

Lin Xiu was a little worried that Xiang Yu didn't play his cards according to the routine, for example, he didn't desire power, but milk...

Of course, Xiang Yu replied immediately: "I long for strength, my lord, can I become stronger?"

"Yes, as long as you are loyal to me, I promise, you can become stronger, so strong that you can't believe it!" Lin Xiu said.

"Is what the lord said true?" Xiang Yu said excitedly when he heard it.

"Of course it's true, I never lie!" Lin Xiu replied immediately.

"Okay, young master, please help me!" Xiang Yu immediately said loudly, "The general is willing to throw his head and blood for the Lord!"

"Good! Good! I appreciate you, Sao Nian, you can save the world with me!" Lin Xiu said, only to see a small door appear in his palm, and Lin Xiu's palm has become hot stand up.

(End of this chapter)

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