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Chapter 967 How Are Your Family?

Chapter 967 How Are Your Family? (3 more)
On Lin Xiu's palm, it is the door of awakening, and it can only awaken the existence below the fairyland. Whether Xiang Yu can be awakened or not, Lin Xiu actually has no idea in his heart.

When Lin Xiu wanted to use this small door, it had already left a mark on Lin Xiu's palm. All Lin Xiu had to do was to imprint this awakening door on Xiang Yu's forehead to awaken his power. .

"Xiang Yu, are you really ready? Next, you may encounter very severe pain, even beyond the range you can bear, do you not regret it?"

"No regrets!"

"Can you really bear it?"

"I can stand it!"

"are you ready?"

"I'm ready!"

"In that case, Xiang Yu, wake up!"

Lin Xiu resisted the shameful curse, and slapped Xiang Yu on the forehead with his palm.

When the people around heard Lin Xiu's incantation, the corners of their mouths twitched. What kind of incantation is this?Why does it sound so weird?

"Ding... spit value +"


At this moment, a ray of light appeared on Xiang Yu's forehead, like a door.

Xiang Yu only felt that his strength had begun to improve: "Master, my realm is breaking through!"

After Lin Xiu saw it, his expression also became weird. Why is it different from what he imagined?
Xiang Yu's appearance doesn't feel any pain at all, does it?Shouldn't awakening the power make him feel very painful?Do you want to play like this?

"Ding, I have collected 100 points of spat from the host!"

"Host, this awakening door is to awaken the other party's power, but if the other party wants to awaken more power, it needs to be stimulated, just like Xiang Yu has taken a pill now, but he will digest part of it, and the rest It still needs to be stimulated to be able to absorb the same!" The system replied.

So, it seems that although Xiang Yu has obtained the door of awakening, he has not completely melted his power!
"Xiang Yu, go back and learn about your power. I awakened it for you this time, but it took a lot of energy. It will take a long time before I can use this ability again!" Lin Xiu said with a sigh.

After Xiang Yu heard it, his face showed gratitude: "Thank you, my lord, thank you, my lord! My lord has shown Xiang Yu the grace of rebuilding, and Xiang Yu will never forget it!"

Lin Xiuhui said this mainly because he was worried that Lu Bu would come here to find him to awaken. Lu Bu's strength should not be inferior to Xiang Yu's. If he can be awakened, it must be even better!
But now that Lin Xiu doesn't have the door to awaken, how can he let Lu Bu awaken together?
When Xiang Yu left, his strength had already reached the eighth level of the Martial Emperor Realm, and it is estimated that his realm would continue to break through.

"I didn't expect you, Master Lin Xiu, to have such a means. If so, why don't you help me?" Mo Yue blinked and said.

"Forget it, aren't you a reincarnation? Do you still need me to awaken for you?" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said.

"Stingy!" Mo Yue pouted.

Lin Xiu didn't pay attention to Moyue's words. He was actually very interested in knowing what level Xiang Yu's realm would reach.

Ever since he found out that Shuang'er had been captured, Lin Xiu had already decided to keep Xiang Yu. Naturally, the stronger Xiang Yu was, the better.

When Lin Xiu stayed here, he also got together with his parents. This kind of family happiness probably won't last long, and Lin Xiu cherishes it very much.

On the fourth day, a powerful aura had enveloped the entire imperial city.

This made Lin Xiu feel very surprised. What exactly is it that came to make trouble in the Great Qinhuang City?
"Lin Xiu, I heard that you have returned. It's really great. Today, I, Kong Hong, came to disturb your Great Qin Kingdom!" Only a voice sounded.

Lin Xiu felt that this voice was a bit familiar, but Lin Xiu couldn't remember who it was.

But the other party is obviously here to kick the field, and it is Lin Xiu who is here to seek revenge.

After knowing about Shuang'er, Lin Xiu was already full of anger, but now luckily, someone came to the door.

Lin Xiu went out and stood in the air, only to see two people standing outside the city, one of them, Lin Xiu did know, this was Kong Hong who escaped from Lin Xiu before, and in his Beside him, there is a middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man's face was indifferent, and his eyes were full of disdain, as if he didn't pay attention to everything in front of him.

The strength of this man should be quite strong, because Lin Xiu could clearly feel a threat from him, and this sense of threat was very strong.

"Kong Hong, I didn't expect you to come again. We met again, but this time, you seem to have brought a helper!" Seeing this man, Lin Xiu laughed and said, "Your brother is okay How is your family?"

How are you and your family?What kind of question is this?And I have to ask your sister, obviously you killed my two younger brothers!Kong Hong was about to explode.

"Ding, I've collected 100 points of spat from Kong Hong!"

"Lin Xiu, don't be arrogant this time. This one is a senior in our Holy Academy, Qi Minghua. His strength is far beyond what you can imagine!" Kong Hong said loudly.

"It turns out that I called for help!" Lin Xiu said with a faint smile on his face, "This is our Great Qin Kingdom, and it's not a place where you can run wild. Don't you know that our Great Qin Kingdom has 108 guardians?" The gods of the country? Can each of you be able to kill you easily?"

When Mo Yue and the others heard Lin Xiu's words, there was a wry smile on their faces. This is not the first time Lin Xiu said this. When did the Great Qin Kingdom have 108 guardian gods?Even if there are divine generals who protect the country, there are probably only a few of them.

Mo Yue's complexion also changed a bit, if she made a full attack, it would not be too difficult to deal with Kong Hong, but the other person, isn't it so easy to deal with?That man's aura was terrifying, and she could feel that she was no match for him!

"Hahahaha..." Kong Hong laughed and said, "Lin Xiu, what do you think you are here? Even this continent, we don't pay attention to it, let alone your small kingdom." , here, is there someone who can threaten us?"

In a small country like the Great Qin Kingdom, it is naturally impossible to have the existence that can threaten Martial Ancestor, not to mention that the one beside Kong Hong is not an ordinary Martial Ancestor!

"Stop talking nonsense, let's kill him!" said the man next to him.

"Wait a minute, this Lin Xiu's life should belong to our Church!" A middle-aged man walked slowly and said at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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