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Chapter 968 The powerhouse of the Holy Court, the powerhouse of the Holy Court!

Chapter 968 The powerhouse of the Holy Court, the powerhouse of the Holy Court! (4 more)
The strength of this middle-aged man does not seem to be weak, at least in terms of realm, he is already considered a high-level Martial Ancestor, and his strength is terrifying.

In this continent, there shouldn't be such a level of existence, but now there will be a high-level Martial Ancestor, which really surprised Lin Xiu.

Moreover, Lin Xiu heard the middle-aged man's words, it seemed that he came from the Holy Court, and this Holy Court should be the one that took Shuang'er away!

Thinking of this, Lin Xiu's eyes fell on the man, who showed an indifferent smile, and his eyes locked on Lin Xiu.

"What? People from the Holy Court?" Hearing these words, Qi Minghua's face changed when he was beside Kong Hong.

If it's not necessary, it's better not to offend the Holy See. If the person in front of you is really a member of the Holy See, today's matter is not suitable to compete with him.

"Are you really from the Holy See?" Qi Minghua said after hearing this sentence.

"Of course, I am Hank of the Holy Court!" He only heard the middle-aged man speak, and took out a token.

Seeing this token, Qi Minghua said: "Since he is a member of the Holy Court, this young man will be given to you!"

"Senior, this..." Kong Hong said anxiously upon hearing this.

"Don't worry, no matter whether he falls into our hands or the hands of the Holy See, he can't survive. In this case, it doesn't matter who kills him?" Only Qi Minghua said.

Qi Minghua's words stunned Kong Hong for a moment, but after thinking about it, it seemed the same.

"Okay, since the people in the Holy Court want Lin Xiu, let's give him to the Holy Court first!" Kong Hong said.

"Hehe, in this case, I'm not polite anymore!" Hank said, his eyes fell on Lin Xiu, "Young man, don't blame me, if you want to blame, blame yourself for offending people who shouldn't be offended, offending our teacher court!"

"I'm curious, how did I offend your Holy See? I don't seem to know the strong people in your Holy See, nor have I offended you?" Lin Xiu said after hearing this.

These two groups of powerhouses dared to pass themselves off as objects. After hearing this, Lin Xiu didn't mention it, but he really cared about it.

"Although you didn't offend our church, you have to die if you have a relationship with Miss Shuang'er, because you are not qualified to be friends with Miss Shuang'er at all!" Hank said disdainfully.

"Oh? What do you mean, you snatched my maid and wanted to kill me as a young master?" Lin Xiu's smile became even more evil when he heard the hand.

"How dare you say such a thing? It seems that if you don't teach you a lesson, you won't understand!" Hank sneered, "You humble warriors don't even know that our church has How strong, I came here today to annihilate you!"

"Weak people are not qualified to speak of peace. Therefore, even if you are killed today, you can't blame anyone. If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself! Who told you to be so weak!" Kong Hong said proudly.

The expressions of Lin Zhenfeng, Queen Lingyue and those maids changed.

Unexpectedly, this time a strong man of this level will come, and no one of them can handle this level of strong man!
"Are these people very strong?" Queen Lingyue said.

"Very strong, at least, not something we can handle!" Lin Zhenfeng clenched his fists and his face turned pale.

High-level Martial Ancestor, the existence of this level is not something he can handle.

"Master, he...should be able to deal with it!" Su Long still had great confidence in Lin Xiu.

Moyue looked at Lin Xiu, her eyes were a little complicated. Does Lin Xiu have any means to deal with these people?

Rationally speaking, Moyue didn't believe that Lin Xiu had other means. This was a high-level Martial Ancestor, and it was definitely not something Lin Xiu could handle!

"Okay, that's enough nonsense, kneel yourself!" Hank sneered and said, "If you kneel now, I don't mind giving you a chance, a chance to survive! "

"Golden Retriever, are you talking to me?" Lin Xiu said lightly after hearing this.

golden retriever?

When everyone heard this, their eyes fell on Hank's head. Hank's hair was indeed blond and looked completely different from them. It was no problem for Lin Xiu to shout like this.

In any case, this is too detrimental. Lin Xiu said so, how can he live with his face?But I heard, why do I want to laugh?
Those people from the Great Qin Kingdom hid their laughter.

"Ding... spit value +"


But this Hank is a member of the Holy Court, and he is also a high-ranking Martial Ancestor. Lin Xiu said that, isn't he courting death?
"What did you say? How dare you say that about me?" Hank was a little angry, staring at Lin Xiu in front of him and said.

"My young master has said it more than once, this is my territory, my territory, listen to me! What are you guys?" Lin Xiu said with a sneer.

As soon as this sentence came out, Moyue's eyes lit up. Lin Xiu is still so domineering up to now. She was really surprised and also felt very strange. Why did Lin Xiu say such a thing?

"Very good, young man, you have successfully angered me, I will teach you a lesson, and let you know that what I said was a big mistake!" Hank said, looking at Lin Xiu coldly.

"If you think you can do it, then try it out, but I won't kill you, because I still have something to ask you, so don't just die like this!" Lin Xiu said with a smile .

"You are so rude to me, our God of Light will never let you go! The Sword of Holy Light!" Hank said coldly, only to see him take out a cross from his chest. A ray of light appeared, and a golden sword pierced Lin Xiu in an instant.

The speed was extremely fast, almost in an instant, it had already arrived in front of Lin Xiu.

But Lin Xiu didn't seem to see it, he didn't dodge this time.

What is he doing?Did he think that his battle armor could withstand the attack of a high-ranking Martial Ancestor?Impossible, what he did was just courting death!

Mo Yue's face changed, and she exclaimed: "Master, be careful!"

"Xiang Yu is here, no one wants to hurt my princess!" Only a sound like a thunderstorm appeared, and a long spear appeared in an instant, hitting the golden sword.

The speed of the golden light was very fast, and everyone saw the golden light flashing before they reached Lin Xiu, but this elder was even faster, blowing away the golden sword in front of him at once.

(End of this chapter)

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