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Chapter 975 Public Enemy of the City

Chapter 975 Public Enemy of the City (4 more)
"Miss Chen Xiang, actually, I've always been curious about one thing, why at that time even the Ninth Grade Physician couldn't treat your illness, but this Lin Xiu was able to help you at that time?" asked the old man.

"I also feel very strange about this matter, but according to the conclusion drawn by one of the doctors, they feel that the flame possessed by that Lin Xiu may be an unusual flame. You can control the flame to this extent, heal me!" the girl sighed.

"I've seen his spirit fire before, and the power of his spirit fire now, even an old slave, can't resist it!" The old man said again.

"As expected of the man I'm looking for, his growth rate is even higher than I imagined, but..." Chen Xiang's expression was a little strange, "There are too many women around him!"

The place where Lin Xiu is located is in an inn, because if you want to join the resident, you can start tomorrow, so Lin Xiu and Moyue plan to rest in this inn for a night.

"Master, I'm afraid of the dark alone!"

"You can light a lamp!"

"Master, I'm afraid alone!"

"Don't worry, it's just that other people are afraid of you!"

"Master, I'm lonely!"

"Is that why you climbed into my bed?"

Lin Xiu felt quite depressed, Moyue really seized the opportunity to seduce him, Moyue seemed to be obsessed with him usually, but Lin Xiu felt that if she couldn't control Moyue, she probably would still Find a way to control Lin Xiu.

Moyue's possessiveness is not a joke. If something happened between Lin Xiu and her, she would probably kill Lin Xiu's maid and women who were close to Lin Xiu. This is not what Lin Xiu wanted. of.

That's why Lin Xiu is afraid of Moyue. Even if Lin Xiu can control Moyue's life and death now, it won't affect Lin Xiu's fear of her.

Lin Xiu hadn't been so cruel to kill Moyue, so the relationship between the two is quite delicate now.

At night, the first person to find Lin Xiu was an acquaintance, Tang Qing.

When Tang Qing entered Lin Xiu's room, she saw Lin Xiu Xiu sitting on the side practicing, while Mo Yue was lying on Lin Xiu's bed. That lazy posture could drive any man crazy.

"You..." Tang Qing said in surprise.

" were really too violent just now, I can't stand it!" Mo Yue's face flushed, "It's fortunate that we ended early, otherwise, it would be bad for Miss Tang Qing to disturb us!"

The corner of Lin Xiu's mouth twitched. I didn't do anything. Is it really okay for you to wrong me like this?
"Ding, I have collected 100 points of spat from the host!"

Tang Qing's face became gloomy. Although she knew that Lin Xiu was not that kind of person, Mo Yue's charm was too great, and her face was so red and so alluring. It was hard to say whether Lin Xiu would not be able to hold back. of.

"Nothing happened to us!" Lin Xiu casually explained, and then said, "Tang Qing, you came here very quickly. You found us as soon as we arrived here?"

Tang Qing didn't pursue this matter either, she said: "I've heard about this place, you just came here, you made a big deal, you killed Fang Dong?"

"Is your news so well-informed? It seems like half a day has passed since I killed him!" Lin Xiu said in a daze.

"At least half of the Shengzhou City knows about this news, and it is estimated that the entire Shengzhou City will know about it tomorrow!" Tang Qing said immediately.

"What? Real or fake?" Lin Xiu was a little surprised when he heard it, and he realized that his pretense value had actually increased by 100 million, and now it is 950 million!

"Miss Tang Qing, what happened?" Mo Yue asked.

"Fang Dong is Fang Nan's younger brother. Fang Nan has released the news that anyone who can kill the two of you can join the Winter Court. I am afraid that many people will attack you, because as long as you kill you, your heads will be killed." Take it away!" Tang Qing was only heard saying.

"Sounds very interesting!" Lin Xiu said with a smile on his face when he heard it, "And they seem to have come."

"Boom!" At this moment, the door was broken.

"Boom!" The window was also broken.

"Crack!" The roof was also broken.

Three attacks came from around.

At this moment, Lin Xiu, Mo Yue, and Tang Qing seemed to have a tacit understanding. They shot at the same time, only to see the three of them shot at the door, window, and roof respectively.

A ray of golden dragon light rushed towards the gate, and the person outside the gate was directly knocked out.

A bloody moon flew out and landed on the window, and the figure at the window was cut in half almost instantly.

Several golden rings with flames had knocked everyone on the roof into the air, and the people coming from three directions had no chance to fight back.

"Since everyone is here, let's act openly and aboveboard. What is it like to be sneaky here?" Lin Xiu's voice came out.

The people around were stunned, and they immediately retreated: "Okay, Lin Xiu, we'll wait for you to come out!"

"If you dare not come out, you are a coward!"

"I want to see who this Lin Xiu is!"


The people around obviously shouted, after all, Lin Xiu dared to kill Fang Dong, he was considered a character, although what he did, in the eyes of the people here, was very stupid.

"It seems that there are quite a few people here this time!" After Lin Xiu saw it, a smile appeared on his face, "That's fine, I can also see first, how strong these people are!"

"Are you really planning to go out?" Tang Qing asked in surprise when she heard Lin Xiu's words.

"Of course we have to go out. Even if we don't face these people now, we will meet them later. If that's the case, why should I avoid them? Besides, they are not qualified to threaten me!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

With Lin Xiu's current strength, Lin Xiu doesn't think that those first-tier Martial Ancestors and the title Martial Emperor here can threaten him. Today, if nothing else, even if it's just for pretending, he must put on a good show!
Lin Xiu's words were not unreasonable. Tang Qing thought about it and nodded.

Now that Lin Xiu has gone out, Lin Xiu saw that many places in the inn had been destroyed, he was a little depressed: "These people are really so lacking in public morals, they even destroyed public goods!"

"Young master, it seems that you destroyed this!" Mo Yue said in a timely manner.

Lin Xiu took a look, and sure enough, the things that were destroyed here, except for the gate, were destroyed by Lin Xiu's golden dragon dragon soul attack, and they were not destroyed by other people.

(End of this chapter)

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