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Chapter 976 I Hate People Who Are Overwhelmed

Chapter 976 I Hate People Who Are Overwhelmed (5 More)
"Hey, these are trivial matters. We should ask them to pay for it. It's enough for me to go out and deal with them alone!" Lin Xiu said.

"Master, do you want to go out alone?" Mo Yue said hastily.

"Of course, if it wasn't like this, how could I pretend... No, how could I frighten them?" Lin Xiu immediately changed his words.

"In this case, let's watch here first!" Tang Qing could only say when she saw Lin Xiu was so persistent.

Lin Xiu walked out of the inn alone, and saw that there were thousands of people in front of him, he was a little surprised, he didn't expect so many people to come here, he said: "Everyone, do you want to stay in this inn when you come here? But this inn is already full of guests! So you should change places!"

"..." The corners of the mouths of those present visibly twitched when they heard Lin Xiu's words.

We're here to stay at your sister's inn!We're here to see you, okay?Seeing so many of us, you dare to say such a thing, you are quite courageous!

"Ding... spit value +"

"Ding... spit value +"


"Lin Xiu, you should know what we are here for, right? We are here this time to take your life, are you ready?" one of the tall men stepped forward and said.

"Take my life? What did my young master do to let so many of you kill me?" Lin Xiu said calmly after hearing this.

"The biggest mistake you did was to offend people who shouldn't be offended and kill people who shouldn't be killed, but that's fine, as long as we kill you, we can join the Winter House! So don't Blame us!" Only one of the red-haired men was heard saying.

"You guys did such a thing in order to join the Winter Court, won't your conscience hurt?" Lin Xiu said with a heartbroken expression when he heard what the red-haired man said.

Among the people here, some heard Lin Xiu's words, they lowered their heads and began to reflect on their actions. Yes, it is indeed a bit unkind to deal with Lin Xiu for this kind of thing. We, did we do something wrong? ?

Lin Xiu was not polite, he continued to fool around: "You guys have done this kind of thing, have you ever thought that you can be worthy of your parents, your brothers and sisters, and your teacher? They will teach you, to Are you bullying?"

More people bowed their heads, these things, their teachers didn't say anything, of course, they didn't allow it, but even warriors haven't abandoned their humanity as a "human", at least they haven't abandoned it yet!

"Besides, with so many of you, even if you can kill me, how many of you can join the Holy Court, how much more difficult will the battle between you be than the battle between you joining the Winter Court?"

When the people around thought about it carefully, it really made some sense. There is only one person who can kill Lin Xiu here, and there is only one person who can take away Lin Xiu's head. If anyone wants to take Lin Xiu away I am afraid that everyone will have to pay the price.

Not to mention the price of this person killing Lin Xiu, just taking Lin Xiu's head away, this is no longer something ordinary people can do, the strong here are not vegetarians, they will not just watch others People took Lin Xiu's head away.

But in this way, a battle must take place, and it was still a fierce battle. After hearing Lin Xiu's words, the people present were obviously stunned for a moment.

"Of course, all of this is actually not important. Here, there is one more important thing!" Lin Xiu's voice raised again.

When the people around heard Lin Xiu's words, they immediately looked at Lin Xiu with all their attention, wanting to know what Lin Xiu wanted to say next.

Lin Xiu said again: "This matter is actually very simple and very important, that is, who among you can prove that this matter was announced by Fang Nan?"

As soon as this sentence came out, the faces of the people around changed at the same time, and they looked at each other. Seeing the expressions of these people, Lin Xiu knew that he was right this time. None of these people could be sure about this matter. It was Fang Nan who said it!
After all, if this kind of matter was announced by Fang Nan himself, it would definitely not be so easy to solve, and the Holy Court would not ignore it, so Lin Xiu felt that this matter was just a rumor that Fang Nan let out.

Even if someone really took Lin Xiu's head to see Fang Nan, I'm afraid Fang Nan might not admit it, and even if he did, he wouldn't say such a thing publicly.

Lin Xiu's words were shaken. The spirit of the people here is up. That's right, if they can't be sure that they can join the Winter Court by killing Lin Xiu, why should they do this?
"Since it is not certain that this matter was announced by Fang Nan, everyone, you have come here to trouble me, let alone whether you will be in danger, you might as well be more prepared, in case you are injured, what's more, There is no chance to join the Holy Academy!" Lin Xiu continued.

"As expected of the young master, he is really easy to do such things as demagoguery! No, easy!" Moyue sighed.

"Indeed, a few words can shake these people's minds. This is not something ordinary people can do. His spiritual power is very strong!" Tang Qing nodded.

If it weren't for Lin Xiu's ability to fool Dafa and his strong spiritual power, the current Lin Xiu would definitely not be able to fool these people so easily!
"Stop talking nonsense here!" The tall man jumped out immediately and said, "I am very clear about this matter, this is indeed the task Mr. Fang Nan said, as long as we complete it, we can join the Winter Court Already!"

"Oh? What's your name?" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"My name is Gao Ming. I will take your life. Regardless of whether I can get the quota to enter the Winter Garden, I must kill you first!" the big man said immediately.

"Since this is the case, go ahead!" Lin Xiu had a faint smile on his face when he heard this, "I admire courageous people, but this..."

Lin Xiu's smile gradually became ferocious: "I hate people who are overconfident!"

"Then you will see how strong I am!" After the big man finished speaking, he held a huge ax and chopped down towards Lin Xiu.

A strong man at the first level of the Martial Ancestor Realm!
Seeing this person, Lin Xiu already knew that the strength of this person should be at the first level of Martial Ancestor Realm. This kind of strength is here, but not long after, a dragon soul jumped out from behind Lin Xiu, Hit this big guy.

(End of this chapter)

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