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Chapter 978 Buying Your Life

Chapter 978 Buying Your Life (7 More)
Lin Xiu's words made the people here look shocked and angry. Although they were not convinced, judging from the current situation, they really had no way to threaten Lin Xiu. Strength, probably not full strength.

If that's the case, they can't do anything to Lin Xiu if they attack one by one.

The three people who made the move just now were all Martial Ancestor-level existences. These strong men looked so weak in front of Lin Xiu, as if they were not on the same level as Lin Xiu at all.

"Why doesn't it seem like there is a more powerful opponent here? Is their strength only this?" Moyue said, "It seems that there is not even a second-level Martial Ancestor Realm!"

"There are not many people on the second floor of the Martial Ancestor Realm, and people with this level of strength, it is not a problem for them to join the Winter Court. They don't need to fight for the quota that can only be obtained by killing Lin Xiu!" Tang Qing replied.

"So that's the case, what you said is quite reasonable!" Mo Yue nodded and said after hearing this.

"But tomorrow may not be the case. After all, there are not many people who know about this matter today. If someone comes tomorrow, the number will probably be even more. It's just..." Tang Qing's words were only halfway through, and her pupils shrank for a while. , as if seeing something terrible.

"What happened...thing...this!!!" Moyue was only halfway through, and couldn't continue, but she saw that the number of people in front of Lin Xiu was [-]% less!

There used to be more than 1000 people here, but now, there are only 700 people at most!
And it is still decreasing, because in front of Lin Xiu, a dark door appeared.

"What kind of martial spirit is this? How could it be so overbearing?"

"It's horrible, he has swallowed hundreds of people just now!"

"How could this person be so powerful, it's impossible!"


The people around have begun to doubt life, but it is not surprising, after all, Lin Xiu's strength is far beyond their imagination.

Just now, when these people wanted to gather around to deal with Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu directly sacrificed the Gate of Devouring. The existence of the Gate of Devouring is quite a terrifying martial spirit. In this continent, it can Compared with the Gate of Devouring, there will not be more than ten martial souls.

It is impossible for these people in front of them to withstand the devouring power of this devouring gate. As long as they are swallowed by this gate, they will no longer be able to survive.

The faces of these people now showed fear, how dare they attack Lin Xiu again.

Seeing the changes in the faces of these people, Lin Xiu said lightly: "Why don't you continue to shoot? I just warmed up. Next, I should start fighting seriously!"

Just warming up?You killed [-]% of us as soon as you warmed up?Want to fight seriously?If you get serious, do we still have a way out?Why do not you go to hell!
The way everyone looked at Lin Xiu also changed. They thought they were the hunter and Lin Xiu was the prey, but now they realized that it seemed that everything was reversed.

Lin Xiu's strength is far beyond their imagination, where is the prey?This is obviously a hunter, they are the poor prey, okay?

"Ding... spit value +"


"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully pretending to be shocking, triggering the quadruple effect of pretending, and increasing the value of pretending to 400 points!"

This time the pretense was even more successful. The people here provided Lin Xiu with nearly 100 million pretense points. As long as Lin Xiu leaves here, he can exchange for the Martial Ancestor Pill from the pretense treasure box!

"Lord Lin Xiu, we are the ones who are reckless this time, please let us go!" Someone had already begged for mercy.

"I don't want to die either, it's our fault, please let us go!" Another person said.

"We were really blinded by people just now, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!" said the third person.


These people have already knelt down to Lin Xiu.

Seeing these people, Lin Xiu curled his lips, so it's over?It really disappointed him, Lin Xiu said lightly: "You want to survive? Then you have to pay for your life!"

"Buy your life? What kind of life do you want to buy?" someone said hastily.

"One person pays 10 pieces of tenth-level primordial stones and buys your lives. If you don't have any, then keep your lives!" Lin Xiu said calmly.

10 tenth-order primordial stones per person?
The faces of the people present changed greatly. On this continent, the tenth-order primordial stone is already the most valuable commodity. A tenth-rank primordial stone can make a strong Emperor Wu raise the strength of one level, and even if the two major alliances , and not much.

Now that Lin Xiu asked for 10 yuan, this is simply robbery, no, it is more profitable than robbery!

However, these people dare not refuse to give it. Someone cried and said, "My lord, I don't have a tenth-order primordial stone, can I..."

This strong man at the first level of Martial Ancestor was directly blasted to the ground, and he was already lifeless.

Lin Xiu didn't need to say anything more when the Emperor Yan's martial soul punched down, his actions had already proved Lin Xiu's words.

So what if these people beg for mercy?They wanted to kill Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu was not that kind of Holy Mother, he was quite decisive in killing anyone who dared to offend him, Lin Xiu would not let him go.

Now Lin Xiu's purpose is also very simple, if he doesn't hand over the primordial stone, then kill him!
The powerhouses here have a bit of the tenth-order primordial stones on their bodies. Some of them are smart and know how to use emperor-level exercises to exchange their own lives. Lin Xiu naturally accepts them without hesitation.

But this time, these people obviously felt like they had lost their wives and lost their soldiers. They didn't get anything, but instead, their primordial stones, skills, and martial arts were taken away by Lin Xiu.

The hatred in their hearts, but there is nothing they can do about it, Lin Xiu's strength is far beyond their imagination, these people can only endure this breath, but they will not just let it go!

"Lin Xiu, if you let them go like this, I'm afraid there will be some trouble!" Tang Qing came out and said to Lin Xiu.

With a wave of Lin Xiu's hand, he snatched all these primeval stones in front of him. Even Tang Qing and Mo Yue had no idea where Lin Xiu had taken these things.

"Trouble? What trouble can there be?" Lin Xiu asked.

"Among those people just now, three of them have the existence of the second level of the Martial Ancestor Realm behind them. Their strength is very strong. You should know that some families are very strong, but they will not show it on the surface!"

"Even if it is the two major alliances, they are only the strongest forces on this continent on the bright side. In the dark, there are actually families who can compare with them. Here, there are two!" Tang Qing said to Lin Xiu explained.

(End of this chapter)

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