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Chapter 979 Don't Be So Polite

Chapter 979 Don't Be So Polite (1 More)
"Oh? You mean, among those who escaped just now, how many people from powerful families are there?" Lin Xiu understood Tang Qing's words and asked.

"That's right. Among the people just now, I can tell that there are three families. One is the Shen family, the other is the Ling family, and the other is the Zhang family." Tang Qing nodded.

"So, these three families are very powerful?" Lin Xiu asked.

"The Shen family and the Ling family are very powerful families, and the number of strong people they have cultivated is also very large. This time, the strong people they have cultivated are also very powerful! The strong ones are all existences on the second floor of the Martial Ancestor Realm!"

"These powerhouses are probably the strongest people cultivated by the Shen family, the Ling family and the Zhang family! They are also the hope of the three major families. Of course, besides them, there are some other talented people. were also sent over!"

"In addition to their geniuses, if other people want to join the Winteryard resident, they must compete with other people, or even fight. Only those who can win in the end can get the place to enter the resident! This time they will come Here, I naturally want to find a more convenient way!"

"Unfortunately, they seem to have picked the wrong opponent, but judging from their situation, they probably won't let it go like this! You have to be mentally prepared!"

Tang Qing explained.

"Oh? Are they going to let it go like this? Is this young master afraid that they will fail? If we enter the garrison, will they have no way to deal with me?" Lin Xiu said with a look of disdain.

Seeing Lin Xiu's expression, Tang Qing rolled her eyes and said, "Of course, as long as you can join the residence of the Holy Court, you can get the protection of the Holy Court. This matter is absolute and anyone can know, so as long as you It’s safe to be able to enter.”

"Okay, tomorrow morning, we will go to the Spring Garden!" Lin Xiu said immediately.

"Master, are you afraid of the powerhouses of these three families?" Mo Yue covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Afraid of them? Just kidding, will I be afraid of them? I just don't want to suffer here!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said righteously.

The existence of the second level of the three Martial Ancestor Realms is indeed a bit tricky. The gap between the second level of the Martial Ancestor Realm and the first level of the Martial Ancestor Realm is huge. Lin Xiu has not stepped into the Martial Ancestor Realm yet, so he has to compete with this level. It is obviously a bit difficult for the opponent to fight.

If Lin Xiu shot with all his strength, he could indeed deal with one, but he would also be in danger, and there were not one but three opponents.

Enter the resident of Nachunyuan first, and then break through!

In this holy state city, the three families have their own residences.

Shen House.

"Cousin Shen Tie, this Lin Xiu is too much, you must not let him go easily!" Shen Ping said to the young man in front of him.

"How many times have I told you not to cause trouble here? In this holy state city, there are many existences that we can't afford to provoke. If you accidentally offend them, even I can't help it." I can save you!" Shen Tie said with a sigh.

"But cousin, this Lin Xiu is just a Martial Emperor..."

"Even so, his strength should not be underestimated. He can deal with so many of you at the same time. Do you think he will be an ordinary person?"

"This...cousin, what shall we do? Just leave it alone?"

"Whatever? We are the Shen family. He is just a casual cultivator. I have already found out his identity, but he is just the holy son of the Zhengqi League. Although this identity is extraordinary, this is Shengzhou City. His identity , will not have any effect at all!"

"Really? Cousin, what do you mean..."

"I will personally take action to deal with him!"

"Great, thank you cousin, cousin, I knew you wouldn't put him in your eyes!"

Shen Ping flattered Shen Tie.

In the Ling Mansion and Zhang Mansion, it was similar. Ling Batian of the Ling Mansion was only 27 years old, on the second floor of the Martial Ancestor Realm, with great strength and outstanding talent.

Zhang Zhong, Zhang Fu's use of the sword martial soul is also very extraordinary.

The three can be regarded as the top geniuses on the mainland, and these three people seem to have pointed their finger at Lin Xiu.

And this incident has already spread throughout the city of Shengzhou.

"Have you heard? Last night, thousands of people gathered in that Tianyun Inn, as if they wanted to deal with Lin Xiu!"

"I've also heard that this Lin Xiu is really bold. He dared to kill Fang Dong. He offended Fang Nan this time. He's dead!"

"This time, Fang Nan has already spread the news. To deal with Lin Xiu, as long as he kills Lin Xiu and takes his head, he will be able to get the quota to enter the Winter Garden!"

"Yesterday, thousands of people besieged and killed Lin Xiu. It was really a bloody storm!"

"With so many strong men coming, is this Lin Xiu dead?"

"Who said that? I heard that that Lin Xiu is very powerful. He has three heads and six arms. He can fight a hundred with one, and his martial spirit is as huge as a thousand feet. With a single slap, he killed many people... the last one Driven away by him alone!"

"How is it possible? He is so powerful"

"I heard that more people arrived at the Cloud Inn that day early this morning. Is it true? We'll find out if we go and have a look!"

"Let's go and have a look!"


The news of Lin Xiu has spread throughout Shengzhou City. Lin Xiu's pretense points had already been exchanged for Martial Ancestor Pills, but after one night, he had already obtained 100 million pretense points.

There are quite a few strong men in this holy state city, and it is now open, so those who come here are not only warriors who want to join the holy state city, but also many people who want to see it.

Lin Xiu was a little depressed because he planned to go to the Chunyuan resident early in the morning to have a look, but now the inn was surrounded by people early in the morning.

"It seems that we can only force our way out!" Mo Yue said.

Lin Xiu sighed and said, "As a celebrity, it's really troublesome, so many people welcome you everywhere!"

Are they here to welcome us?They're obviously out to deal with us, okay?Tang Qing and Mo Yue were stunned at the same time, looking at Lin Xiu with helplessness.

"Ding... spit value +"


Lin Xiu had already left the inn with the two of them. This time, there were more people than last night. Nearly 2000 people gathered here. Of course, this time, most of them came here to watch the excitement.

"Everyone, you really don't have to be so polite. You came here to welcome me specially, which would make me very embarrassed!" Lin Xiu said kindly.

(End of this chapter)

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