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Chapter 987 I Didn't Expect It To Be So Unbeatable!

Chapter 987 I Didn't Expect It To Be So Unbeatable! (2 more)
This number really exceeded the expectations of those present. They never imagined that Lin Xiu's martial spirit would be so strong.

The number displayed on that soul-testing stone is 9999!

It's only a little bit away from [-]!
This is absolutely impossible!

Not only the examiner, but everyone present were stunned. They couldn't believe that such a thing would happen.

Martial soul worth 9999!

Hasn't it been proven that this is already the strongest martial spirit?
Now Lin Xiu finally understands the meaning of the number one martial soul in the mainland!

The Gate of Devouring was upgraded through the Wuhun Treasure Box. Its power was already the first in the mainland at that time, but later Lin Xiu discovered that there are other spirits that are not weaker than the Gate of Devouring, such as Xie Zu The Martial Soul after the mutation.

But in terms of real power, the power of the Devouring Gate is actually much stronger than them!
Of course, this time Lin Xiu came to pretend to be aggressive, he didn't just pretend to be aggressive!
"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully pretending to be aggressive, and got double rewards for pretending to be aggressive, 200 points of pretending to be aggressive!"


The people around finally reacted, but this kind of change was unacceptable to them, and they only heard Lian Nian say: "Impossible, he cheated, how could his martial soul be so strong?"

"That's right, we have never seen a martial soul with a value of more than [-]. How strong is his martial soul? I'm the first one not to believe it!" said the blue-clothed youth.

"He must have cheated, otherwise, with his martial spirit, how can he be so powerful!" Xiao Huo also said.


With these three people taking the lead, other people also spoke. After all, Lin Xiu's martial soul value was indeed beyond their imagination. They couldn't believe it was true. Lin Xiu's martial soul value was really so powerful. ?
In fact, even the examiner didn't believe it, but he said: "Don't talk nonsense, there has never been a mistake in the soul-testing stone, and Lin Xiu didn't cheat either!"

"Everyone, calm down. Lin Xiu's martial soul has the ability to devour. If you want to try it, you can ask him for advice in private. I have already seen that his martial soul does have such power!" I only heard Fu Rong say the same.

The people around were in an uproar, but since even the examiner and Fu Rong said this, what else could they say?
But at this time, Lin Xiu laughed and said: "Since everyone has said so, I think it seems a bit exaggerated to use this martial soul. How about it, I will try another martial soul!"

"Change another martial soul? Does he have a third martial soul?"

"How is it possible? The owner of the Three Lives Martial Soul? I have never seen it before!"

"It can't be true, right? He really has three martial spirits?"


In the eyes of everyone, a giant appeared behind Lin Xiu.

This giant's head reached to the ceiling. As soon as it appeared, the aura of this huge martial spirit was already very astonishing. When everyone saw Lin Xiu's martial spirit, their faces turned pale. The aura of a martial soul is too amazing!

The examiner's eyes were full of strangeness. Could it be that a peerless genius is going to appear in their Chunyuan this time!

Fu Rong's face revealed a look of joy, this is the owner of the Sansheng Wuhun, and all of them are above the prefecture level, just based on this, he is already considered a genius!
Lian Nian's eyes were full of jealousy, this Lin Xiu came here to beat him, right?

"In this case, let me try again!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

If you want to pretend to be aggressive, you can't just pretend to be aggressive once, you have to pretend to be aggressive continuously!
Lin Xiu is exactly like this now, this time he pretended to be aggressive, he didn't mean to just let it go, this time, he continued to pretend to be aggressive!

Martial Soul, Emperor Yan!
With a wave of Lin Xiu's hand, Emperor Yan punched the soul-testing stone in front of him.

Right in front of everyone, Emperor Yan's punch shattered the soul-testing stone in front of him.

The soul-testing stone was actually shattered!

How can it be!

Everyone present was stunned by this scene!

This martial soul has already exceeded 10000 martial soul value, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to destroy this soul-testing stone!
"This...doesn't I need to pay for it?" Lin Xiu said helplessly, "I didn't expect it to be so ungrateful!"

So unscathed?
Don't hit your sister!

The depression in the examiner's heart, he has been here for so long, but he has never seen such a terrifying person, with two people with a martial soul worth close to 1, this young man's martial soul is probably the strongest he has ever seen One!

The eyes of other people looking at Lin Xiu also changed, this is simply a monster!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully pretending to be coercive, and got triple coercion rewards, 300 pretense points!"

"Ding... spit value +"


At the end of this round of tests, there was no passion anymore, because everyone could feel that a terrible pressure appeared on his head.

The two martial souls both have a martial soul value of 10000 or even infinitely close to 10000. This young man is not something they can compare with.

Fortunately, there is another test, the blood test!
This is the second round, and bloodlines are divided into five levels.

The first class is the weakest, the fifth class is the strongest!
The blood veins only need to place the palm of the hand on the blood vein column to display the grade of the blood veins, and the colors of the blood veins are also different, they are green, blue, yellow, red, and gold!

"Lin Xiu, your martial spirit is very powerful, I can't match it, but in terms of blood, I will never lose to you!" I only heard Na Liannian say again.

Lin Xiu was a little surprised when he heard it. Could it be that he has a strong bloodline for years?
Lin Xiu saw the bloodlines from years ago, and they seemed to be green or blue. That is to say, even if people here have bloodlines, they are usually first-class or second-class bloodlines.

I have been so confident for so many years, could it be that I have a fifth-class blood?
"Oh? What is your bloodline?" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"You'll know after you've seen it yourself!" Lian Nian sneered, only to see a powerful aura gushing out of him, and Lian Nian's palm had already been placed on the bloodline pillar.

Green light appeared first, followed by blue light, then yellow light, and finally stopped at red light!
This year after year, but has a fourth-class bloodline!
Fourth-class bloodline, fire dragon bloodline, plus the Hellfire Dragon Martial Soul on his body, no wonder he is so confident. If these two bloodlines are combined, the power will be quite terrifying. Even if he fights at a higher level, it is not impossible of!

"So that's it, your bloodline seems to be very ordinary!" Lin Xiu nodded, taking it for granted.

(End of this chapter)

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