Chapter 988 No blood? (3 more)
Very ordinary, this is a fourth-class bloodline!
Except for the fifth-class bloodline emperors, bloodlines of this level are already extremely rare.

Even if every year, among the recruits of the Holy Academy, he has not seen a few strong men with fourth-class bloodlines, Lin Xiu actually said that they are very average?
"Since you said that, Lin Xiu, I would like to see what kind of blood you have!" Lian Nian said coldly.

"What's the hurry, it's not my turn yet!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said.

Then it was Moyue's turn to go up, Moyue's face was very calm, when she went up, the palm of her hand touched the blood vessel pillar, and she saw the light change from green to blue, then from blue to yellow, then yellow to red.

Fourth-class blood!
"This...isn't true? How could this be?"

"Isn't this Lin Xiu's maid? How could someone have fourth-class blood?"

"The maid is so powerful, isn't Lin Xiu's bloodline a fifth-class bloodline?"

"..." The people around were obviously stunned.

"Master, I didn't disappoint you!" Mo Yue smiled at Lin Xiu.

"General, general!" Lin Xiu said again.

Or average?
When everyone heard Lin Xiu's words, they really wanted to beat him up. Fourth-class blood, is this normal?
"Next, Tang Qing!" the examiner said again.

Tang Qing also stood on the stage, and to everyone's surprise, Tang Qing's blood was also fourth-class!

Are the two women next to Lin Xiu fourth-class bloodline owners?
Who gathered around this young man?Why are they so talented?
A few more people passed by, but they still had bloodlines below the third class. Among the 200 people, there were not many who had third-class bloodlines. Except for Liannian, Tang Qing and Moyue, there were no fourth-class bloodline owners.

Finally arrived at Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu walked to the stage.

"His bloodline must not exceed the fourth class!" Lian Nian only felt his palms clenched tightly, and his face was a little ugly.

"Master Lian Nian, I don't think his bloodline will be very advanced!" said the blue-clothed youth.

"We'll laugh at him again when his bloodline level is below level three!" Xiaohuo said.

Although this is what they said, the three of them have no idea, because Lin Xiu's maid is already so strong, will Lin Xiu be weak?
Furong looked at Lin Xiu, and there was a trace of fanaticism in her eyes. If Lin Xiu's blood can reach the fourth rank, or even the fifth rank, then he is really a genius. A genius will finally appear in their Spring Garden ?
Both Mo Yue and Tang Qing's eyes fell on Lin Xiu, who didn't know how far Lin Xiu's blood would be.

Everyone's eyes fell on Lin Xiu, but Lin Xiu's palm had already touched the bloodline pillar.

There was no reaction on the bloodline pillar, not even a ray of light.

"..." Year after year.

"..." Examiner.

"..." Furong.

The people present were also stunned. Could it be that there was no blood in this scene?
Only people without blood can make this blood column unresponsive.

"How did this happen? Doesn't he have blood?" Fu Rong's face turned pale all of a sudden. Even if Lin Xiu only had third-class blood, it wouldn't be like this, but now Lin Xiu looks like he doesn't even have blood. , Such a person has no way to gain a foothold in the high-level martial ancestors!
"Hahaha... I thought his blood would not be very strong, but what I didn't expect was that he didn't even have blood. Such a person is not qualified to be a member of our Holy Academy!" The man in blue Immediately laughed.

"Such a waste, we should drive him out earlier, what right does he have to stay in our holy courtyard?" Xiaohuo also said.

"Lin Xiu, you really disappointed me. I thought you were qualified to be my opponent. It seems that I think highly of you!" Lian Nian also shook his head and said.

No matter how strong the martial soul is, if the bloodline is not awakened, it cannot be fused with the martial soul, and its future growth will be limited. Such a person is not even qualified to cultivate to the peak of the martial arts ancestor.

"Wait a minute!" Lin Xiu said a little depressed, "Does the blood need to be summoned?"

"The bloodline doesn't need to be summoned, as long as you have the bloodline, it will show up. Of course, if you have just obtained the bloodline for less than a month, you may not be able to feel the bloodline column, but this possibility is rare!" I heard the examiner say.

When Lin Xiu heard it, he understood that he had obtained the blood of the golden dragon, but in less than a month, the blood pillar could not feel his own blood.

If this is the case, it seems that I have come in person!

"Lin Xiu, what are you doing up there? Don't be ashamed if you don't have any blood at all!"

"Come down quickly, we are still waiting, if you have no blood, get out of the Holy Court by yourself!"

"I thought it was so powerful, but it turned out to be just a three-life martial spirit, with no blood at all!"


Everyone's voices came, but Lin Xiu's body suddenly exuded a terrifying aura at this moment.

At this moment, the entire venue was silent, and what was even more frightening was that the people present only felt as if there were thousands of giant mountains pressing down on them, and their bodies knelt down involuntarily.

Wherever Lin Xiu looked, the people around immediately knelt down, and Fu Rong stood in the corner, but at this moment, she could feel that Lin Xiu's aura had become quite terrifying.

The existence below the third level of the Martial Ancestor could not resist Lin Xiu's aura!

This... Could this be Lin Xiu's blood?
At this moment, everyone's hearts were shocked. They didn't know what happened, they just felt that they couldn't even stand up!
And under the huge power, these people don't even have the ability to speak.

The examiner in front of Lin Xiu was also under considerable power. Lin Xiu put his palm on the bloodline pillar. At this moment, a ray of light appeared on the bloodline pillar, green, blue, yellow, and then red.

Everyone thought that the light was about to stop. After all, this was already a fourth-class bloodline, but the red light had turned into golden light.

Fifth-class blood!
In the next instant, the golden light turned into a piece of white light, and the sixth kind of light appeared on the blood vessel pillar!

Both the examiner and Fu Rong's mouths were wide open, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

This is not a fifth-class bloodline, but a super bloodline!

Sixth-class bloodlines are only possible for those who have cultivated to the holy realm. Will there be another strong man in the holy realm in their holy courtyard?
In the Wanfa Continent, the number of holy lands is actually not small. The so-called holy lands are everywhere, and the Martial Ancestor is better off. There is no way to enter the holy land.

(End of this chapter)

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