Chapter 989 Who? (4 more)
There are many ways to enter the holy realm, but for warriors, there is only one, and they must have a strong blood and martial soul to be able to do it.

The current Lin Xiu meets these two conditions, and it is the most perfect condition. If this person is not dead, there will definitely be another evildoer in the Holy Land in the future!
This person must be received in the Spring Garden!

"He...he doesn't have blood, but has super blood?"

"Bloodline above the fifth class? Someone has this kind of bloodline?"

"Isn't this a bloodline that only exists in legends? How could it appear here!"


Everyone's faces became quite ugly. They really couldn't believe that this would be true. Lin Xiu actually had such an excellent bloodline, which was no longer comparable to their bloodline.

They were still mocking Lin Xiu just now, but when Lin Xiu's blood came out, he was so powerful that he even made them kneel down directly.

"Everyone, why do you give me such a big gift? How can I bear it?" Lin Xiu turned his head and looked at them with a smile.

Your sister's gift, it's obvious that you yourself exerted your power and power to push us all to the ground!Even if we want to stand up, we can't stand up at all, okay?

"Ding... spit value +"


Lin Xiu even found that even his maid started to complain about him.

"Damn young master, it's fine if you let other people kneel down, even I have to kneel!" Mo Yue cursed directly.

"I also... can't control myself!" Tang Qing's face revealed a gloomy look.

They were forced to kneel on the ground, but they didn't even have a chance to resist. Lin Xiu's power was really terrifying.

Lian Nian's face turned red even more, and he looked at Lin Xiu full of envy, jealousy and hatred, this bastard made him kneel down again.

But soon, there was no hatred in Lian Nian's eyes, because he could feel that the gap between himself and Lin Xiu was too great.

Even if he hated him, he couldn't stop hating him. Remembering to hate people at this level would only bring disaster to him.

If Lin Xiu was just a little behind him, maybe he would be jealous of Lin Xiu year after year, and even try to get rid of him, but it is different now, because although Lin Xiu's realm is a little lower than his, his talent is not at the same level as him at all It's up!

Lin Xiu's talent, even in the Wanfa Continent, is an extremely rare genius. This kind of genius, the future achievements cannot be compared with Liannian. Because of this, Liannian is quite depressed and helpless.

However, even if you pass the two rounds of assessment, there is still the final round of assessment!

All those who want to join the Holy Court have to fight. 100 of them are selected, and 200 people will be sent out from each branch of the Holy Court to fight with the disciples of other branches of the Holy Court. , only 200 people can be dispatched.

In the end, only 100 people were able to join the Holy Court!

It is estimated that there will be 1 people who come to participate in the enrollment in Shengzhou City, and only 800 of them can join the resident. This is already the first round of assessment!
Now these two rounds of assessment are only to assess their qualifications to enter the Holy Court. This battle assessment is the most bloody and violent round of assessment. If you want to participate in this round of assessment, you must be prepared to be killed, because This battle is about life and death!
The third round of assessment will be held tomorrow, and you will only know if you can enter the Holy Court tomorrow!
But today's incident has been spread, not only this Chunyuan can know, even the other three branches around it also know about it, after all, they will also place their own in other branches eyeliner.

If there are powerful and talented warriors in other branches, they will know immediately.

Even in other branches, there are geniuses, but compared with Lin Xiu, these so-called geniuses are far behind!
At least in this continent, Lin Xiu is the first genius!

"Master Lin Xiu, I wonder if you are in the room?" Only a voice came from outside the door.

After Lin Xiu heard it, he said lightly, "Who?"

"I'm Fu Rong, Master Lin Xiu, I wonder if I can come in and talk?" A voice came from outside.

Lin Xiu opened the door, only to see Furong's chubby figure appearing outside the door, he said calmly: "Miss Furong, what do you want me to do?"

Lin Xiu didn't want to talk nonsense, so he cut straight to the point. After all, Lin Xiu's training time is very precious, and he still needs to study the Haoran Zhengqi Art, so he doesn't have extra time to waste on entertaining Furong.

"Since Master Lin Xiu said so, I don't want to talk nonsense. This time, Fu Rong, I have news and want to tell Master Lin Xiu. We have already got the news. This time, the people in the Winter Court may kill you!" Fu Rong said to Lin Xiu.

"So that's it. Thank you, Miss Furong, for reminding me. However, I don't care about it. I'm just a disciple of the Winter Courtyard. If they want to kill me, let them do it!" Lin Xiu said calmly.

Fu Rong saw Lin Xiu's appearance, she was a little worried and said: "Master Lin Xiu, I am not underestimating you, but these people's strength is indeed quite powerful, especially the Buddhist disciple Wuchen, who is proficient in Buddhism. Tianlong Babu Yin, and Tian Shu, the Haoran he cultivated..."

Fu Rong told Lin Xiu everything she knew. Lin Xiu listened and didn't interrupt. Lin Xiu knew that Fu Rong had revealed the news about the disciples of the Winter Court to him.

In the Winter Courtyard, there are three disciples with outstanding strength. These disciples are even more powerful, and they practice different skills. This time, they came for Lin Xiu.

After Fu Rong passed the news, she left. Just as Lin Xiu closed the door, the door rang again.

Lin Xiu asked, "Who is it?"

"Master Lin Xiu, I am an unknown junior. I am here because I have something to discuss with Master Lin Xiu!" said the person outside the door.

Lin Xiu opened the door, and there was a thin middle-aged man outside. He rubbed his hands and said, "Master Lin Xiu, I wonder if I can come in?"

"Come in!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

The man didn't talk nonsense, because Lin Xiu ignored the nonsense he said and just looked at him, which made the middle-aged man very embarrassed.

The middle-aged man finally explained the reason for coming here: "Master Lin Xiu, I am actually from the Summer Academy. I came here this time to attract Master Lin Xiu! If Master Lin Xiu, you are willing to join us in winter." If we are in the courtyard, we will definitely treat young master Lin Xiu well!"

(End of this chapter)

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