Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 104 Ouch, what a rich man!

Chapter 104 Ouch, what a rich man!

Whoosh, whoosh...

The rat man that the man turned into was still panting heavily at this time, and it seemed that his physical strength was still not replenished. He looked at Chen Yang with two strange eyes, but he was stunned when he saw that Chen Yang didn't look scared at all.

The Ratman panted, and asked with a bit of astonishment: "You, why aren't you afraid?"

Chen Yang shrugged slightly: "I'm so scared."

"My god you%¥¥..." The Ratman cursed, and immediately rushed towards Chen Yang like crazy. His two hands had already turned into rat claws, and each nail was like a sharp long blade. If you get scratched once, you will surely die.

However, the Ratman's physical strength is obviously not keeping up. It may be because he has not fully mastered the ability, so the lower body is still a human body. The running speed is really not fast. With Chen Yang's current strength, he can completely beat this guy , but Chen Yang didn't bother to do anything, so he started running and circled the rat man.

After a while, the Ratman was so tired that he fell to the ground, panting heavily. Chen Yang looked weird. This supernatural person didn't seem to be very strong!

Seeing that he was terribly tired, Chen Yang couldn't help asking: "Then what, can you still run?"

Humiliation, naked humiliation!
The rat man stared at Chen Yang: "You, you wait, wait, wait for me to rest for a while, I, I will kill you..."

Chen Yang felt a little speechless. The so-called Rat Man was too weak, right?

By the way, what about Sima Qing!
How long has it been, why haven't you come yet?

Chen Yang frowned, and suddenly a woman's voice came from next to his ear: "So you haven't fully controlled the ability yet?"

Forehead! ?

Chen Yang looked sideways, and at some point, Sima Qing, who was posing with the sun mulberry, appeared beside him, and immediately shocked Chen Yang: "When did you come?"

"Just came." Sima Qing replied casually, and said to the rat man: "Chen Yanbiao, I know that your body has undergone a change, which has caused your life to be difficult. Now there is an opportunity in front of you. Go back with me, and you will Someone teaches you how to control the changes in your body, and you can live like a normal person in the future."

Chen Yanbiao was still panting heavily, and suddenly let out a sneer: "Hehe, you, you think I don't know. After I go back with you, I will definitely be used by you. Think, think well!"

"Using you? You don't have the qualifications to be used!" Sima Qing curled her lips: "If you had been shot before, now the state has extrajudicially given you a chance to redeem your sins!"

"On June 27th, you killed four women on Guocheng Avenue. This is the death penalty!" Sima Qing said coldly: "The sins you committed yourself can only be repaid by yourself. I will give you ten seconds to think about it. !"

Chen Yang found that when Sima Qing talked about something, it was completely two people, with a very correct attitude, and the whole person became serious.

"I won't think about it!" Chen Yanbiao sneered: "I think this is very good now. No one dares to control me, and no one can control me. I am free. The law is just some words to me. I like this feeling. I want to Kill whoever you kill!"

"I like this feeling, I like this kind of life!"

Chen Yanbiao burst out laughing suddenly, Sima Qing's expression darkened immediately, and the umbrella in his hand was immediately handed over to Chen Yang: "Take it!"

With a commanding tone, Chen Yang took the umbrella subconsciously, and in the next second, Sima Qing stepped on high heels and rushed towards Chen Yanbiao, and suddenly kicked in a roundabout way, before Chen Yanbiao could react, the whole body Immediately, he was kicked out and slammed into a tree.

"I don't have the patience to talk nonsense with you!" Sima Qing said with a gloomy face, "I'll tell you again, follow me honestly, otherwise, this is where you will be buried!"

Chen Yang was taken aback for a moment, not to mention, this Sima Qing is quite powerful, and Chen Yanbiao was kicked and bled from her kick.

"The little girl is quite amazing..."

Chen Yanbiao slowly got up, his eyes gradually turned red, and his lower body suddenly swelled up, and even the lower body became the body of a mouse.

Um! ?

From a semi-finished product to a finished product?
Chen Yang was also taken aback, but there was nothing to worry about. If Sima Qing couldn't solve it, wouldn't there be him?
Even though Chen Yanbiao had become a perfect body, Sima Qing's expression was still extremely indifferent, without any change at all.

"Thank you so much. I didn't know that I could become like this. It seems that your kick just now made me become like this!" Chen Yan stared at Sima Qing with blood-red eyes: "A steady stream of power flows from my body. Popping out, it feels good, good!"

Chen Yang felt that Chen Yanbiao's thinking was a little too extreme, like a fool, which really made people uncomfortable.

If you don't hit him, you are really sorry for him!

At this moment, Chen Yanbiao suddenly moved, like a black shadow, and shot directly at Sima Qing.

So fast!

Chen Yang couldn't help but look shocked, even the vision at the stage of strengthening his body couldn't capture his figure at all!
In the blink of an eye, Chen Yanbiao had already arrived in front of Sima Qing, with a horrible smile on his ugly face, and his sharp mouse claws directly pierced Sima Qing's body, but before Chen Yang could see what was going on, a muffled sound came out. , with a scream, Chen Yanbiao's head was stepped into the ground and remained silent.

"Really, wasting my time!"

Sima Qing curled her lips, took out her mobile phone while speaking, and made a call.

"Come here to collect people. The location is in the XX woods. I didn't kill him, but I was disabled. You take it back and deal with it yourself. Okay, that's it, hang up!"

After putting away the phone, Sima Qing walked back to Chen Yang and took the sun umbrella.

"Let's go, someone here will take care of it, let you treat me to dinner first..."


Then, a high-end western restaurant.

"You're quite rich!" Sima Qing blinked, "Bring me to such a nice place!"

"It seems that you are the one who wants to come in..."

Sima Qing waved her hand: "Don't worry about these details, you should feel very honored to invite a goddess like me to dinner!"

Chen Yang suddenly didn't know how to answer, and felt that he was not on the same channel as Sima Qing.

"Well, let's talk about the Keliete next." After Sima Qing ordered the dishes, she said with a smile: "This Keliete, who was originally engaged in biology, seems to have researched a special The serum can greatly stimulate a person's potential, but the body of an ordinary person cannot support this serum, so he searched everywhere for test products. The three you killed before were all his test products. There is only one Alec left, and he should still be with Klett."

"Originally, our Great Heavenly Dynasty couldn't control foreign affairs, but now that Klett has come to our Great Heavenly Dynasty, he is under our jurisdiction. He himself is a death row prisoner. According to the regulations on international superhumans, we He can be executed here."

"That's about all I know, do you have any questions?"

Chen Yang frowned: "Then when are we going to deal with him? He has been troubled by me three times. I don't want my friends or relatives to be hurt again!"

"Well, we have to wait for a while. Although we know that Keliete is here in Huanglian Mountain, I don't know where it is. People from the Information Department are searching for his location. Anyway, if there is news, I will I'll let you know right away!"

Sima Qing said while eating: "Besides, he probably won't come to trouble you now, the strongest under his command is that Li Jinxi, since you have killed Li Jinxi, he has no manpower left! "

Sima Qing smiled slightly: "Of course, if his people enter Jiangnan City, we will notify you as soon as possible!"

"Thank you then!" Chen Yang nodded.

"You're welcome!" Sima Qing drank a glass of red wine: "Then please settle the bill!"

Chen Yang shrugged and asked someone to come over to pay the bill.

"Mister, hello, you and this lady spent a total of [-]."

Forehead! ?

Chen Yang subconsciously glanced at the bottle of red wine, it was Lafite in [-], thinking that no wonder it was so expensive!
"Swipe your card!"

Chen Yang took out the gold card and gave it to the waiter, Sima Qing's eyes lit up immediately.

"Hey, rich man! I really can't tell!"

(End of this chapter)

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