Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 105 Dinner

Chapter 105 Dinner
"No money, I have to move bricks for ten years for your meal..."

Chen Yang pouted.

"Ah, don't be so stingy!" Sima Qing sneered, kicked her bag and stood up: "Then I'll go first, I still have a lot of things at hand!"



Sima Qing waved her little hand and left.

Chen Yang shook his head and got up to leave. On the way, he put all the four diamond rings in the treasure chest, contacted Wu De Xingjun, and sent him directly. Anyway, he also explained everything that should be explained before. Yes, there is no nonsense.

As for the jewelry store's report to the police, the Special Events Investigation Bureau received the news in time and informed that the case had been solved, so there was no need to investigate.

In a flash, two days have passed, and there is no news from Wu De Xingjun, and Chen Yang is not in a hurry.

But having said that, I haven't seen anything unusual about Tiantian in this period of time, even if she took out for a walk and met a stranger, she ignored her.

Chen Yang couldn't help thinking, that Zhenjun Erlang's Roaring Sky Dog is a god dog after all, and the Sky Dog's collar will make it enchanted, but Tiantian is just an ordinary husky in the world, at most it is just a beginning of wisdom, yes Isn't it that the dog collar doesn't make Tian Tian obsessed?

Chen Yang couldn't figure out the problem, and didn't bother to worry about it anymore. Since there was nothing abnormal about Tiantian, it was naturally the best.

Lu Yao also called Chen Yang back. Hearing from Xia Xiaofei that Chen Yang had already helped her participate in the wedding competition, it was a joy. He went out to eat with Lu Yao and Xia Xiaofei for two consecutive days, and Lu Yao was also more than happy. I obviously let go a lot before, and gradually talked more.

The best way to cultivate a relationship is at the dinner table. In the past two days, the relationship between Lu Yao and Xia Xiaofei and Chen Yang has improved a lot.

At noon, this Sun Zizai called. As soon as the call was connected, Sun Zizai hurriedly said, "Master Yang, Li Yibai has arranged a dinner party, and the invitation has already been sent."

"Dinner, then you go!" Chen Yang frowned and said, "Why are you calling me? You can't handle this kind of thing?"

"It's not that I can't handle it, but people know that I have a younger brother, and they also know that it was my younger brother who saved him last time. All the invitations have been sent, what should I say?"

"Damn, why are you so stupid, just say that your junior brother has traveled all over the world, would he still find someone to chase after him?"

Sun Zizai smiled wryly: "Master Yang, that's what I said, but it's not easy to offend someone from a famous family. If someone invites you, you can travel around the world. Isn't that a shame?"

Chen Yang thought for a while: "It's okay, just offend if you offend him. A person in a high position like him shouldn't care about it. After all, he is his savior and he hasn't confiscated his money. Are you looking for trouble? Don't think too much of others. "

Thinking about Li Yanran's character, if he can raise a girl like this, then he knows that Li Yibai should not be too bad in life.

"Then Lord Yang, I just said it straight!"

"Okay, okay, that's it!"

Chen Yang hung up the phone, and then led Tiantian back to the dormitory.

The dormitory was lively, and the three of Maoshi were rummaging through boxes and chests looking for clothes as soon as they entered. Chen Yang was taken aback: "What are you doing?"

"Li Yanran asked us to attend some high-end dinner party. We are looking for a suit. Axi, where is my tie? Where did I throw it?"

Mao Shi was looking in the small closet while talking.

"Why are you still standing there, you are also invited, first find your clothes, so as not to be embarrassing!" Liu Yuan hurriedly urged.



Chen Yang froze, "Why did Li Yanran invite us to the dinner party?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Now our dormitory and Li Yanran's dormitory are friendly alliances. Xin Yi and the others have gone, and they will definitely bring us with them!" Did you buy a suit? Hurry up and get ready, let's go and see what a high-end banquet is."

Zhang Rui laughed happily: "Maybe accidentally, some Bai Fumei catches up with me, and I can become a little boy in the future."

The three of Chen Yang: "..."

Zhang Rui coughed: "I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding, don't worry about it!"

Chen Yang didn't know how many people were invited to this dinner, but should he go?

It seems that it's not impossible, as long as you don't go there as Sun Zizai's junior, there should be nothing wrong.

Anyway, the suits are all in the closet, tidied up a long time ago, and you can just take them out and wear them when the time comes, then Chen Yang sent a message to Sun Zizai, telling him to go by himself at night, Sun Zizai was stunned, Chen Yang After some explanation, Sun Zizai finally understood.

When the time comes, just pretend you don't know him.

In a flash, it was night, and a group of four got into a taxi and arrived at the place where the banquet was held. Not to mention, it was indeed a high-end banquet. The entrance of the banquet hall was full of luxury cars at a glance. , the lowest-end ones are also BMWs, which made Mao Shi and the three of them a little at a loss.

"Isn't it better if we don't go in?" Mao Shi smiled bitterly: "There are all rich people here, if we go in, I'm afraid we will be embarrassed!"

"What are you afraid of, aren't you carrying one head on two shoulders? Besides, Li Yanran invited us here!" Liu Yuan arched Chen Yang's shoulders: "Yangshen, right?"

Chen Yang shrugged: "Don't worry about anything, they are in theirs, we are in ours, stay quietly, who will come to trouble us in idleness? If there is, we will leave and we will be done. Is it gone?"

"Yangshen is right, we can just stay with us, isn't there Xin Yi and the others?" Zhang Rui hurriedly urged: "Liu Yuan, call Xin Yi and the others to pick us up."

Chen Yang made a phone call, and Xin Yi, who was wearing a silver-white evening dress, walked out after a while. She really answered that sentence, there are no ugly women, only women who can't dress up, and Xin Yi walked out wearing an evening dress. When she came out, she looked like a wealthy daughter, which made Chen Yang and the others startled.

"Hey, am I so pretty today!?"

Xin Yi came over and laughed.

Everyone couldn't help nodding, and Liu Yuan quickly said: "Beautiful, so beautiful, as beautiful as a fairy!"

"Fuck you, you're still as beautiful as a fairy!" Xin Yi cast a reproachful glance at Liu Yuan, and said happily, "Let's go, let's go, the others are waiting for you!"

Chen Yang and the others nodded, and followed Xin Yi into the room. When they entered the banquet hall, it was really magnificent, and even Chen Yang couldn't help but look around.

There are quite a lot of people inside. The men are in suits and leather shoes, and the women are gorgeously dressed. They all look very elegant. This makes everyone feel like they are on TV, and only on TV can they see this kind of picture.

Following Xin Yi, everyone came to the corner, and saw the other girls, all of whom had changed into evening gowns, sitting around a table, and when they saw Chen Yang and others coming, they all waved in response.

After everyone was seated, they became much happier at this moment, chatting with each other, but Zhang Rui asked, "Where's Li Yanran?"

Xin Yi covered her mouth and smiled: "Today is Yanran's father's birthday, she must be busy greeting other people, how can she have time to spend with us!"

"That's true!" Zhang Rui nodded.

At this time, a girl quickly pointed in one direction: "Where is Yanran!"

Everyone turned their heads and saw Li Yanran wearing a beautiful evening gown. That very decent palace-style dress set off her graceful figure, and her round face exuded a sense of nobility and grace. Breath, slender jade legs are enough to make all the beauties present envy.

"As expected, she is indeed the goddess of our Jiangnan University!" Mao Shi couldn't help admiring, the others nodded with deep feeling, even Chen Yang couldn't help nodding, indeed, Li Yanran really has a kind of elegance that no one else can match Beauty, even in ancient times, is a lady of every family.

But at this time, Li Yanran suddenly hurried towards the door, Chen Yang looked along the line of sight, couldn't help grimacing, it was undoubtedly Sun Zizai, not to mention, after this guy put on a suit, he really looked like a dog, Has the air of a big boss.

After Li Yanran welcomed Sun Zizai in, the entire banquet hall suddenly went dark.

"Welcome everyone to today's dinner..."

(End of this chapter)

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