Chapter 1646
"The old ancestor has won the award!" Chen Yang said quickly: "Now Sima Kang has been arrested, and the bitter trick I played can temporarily restrain them, but there is no guarantee, then Senior Sima will not go to rescue Sima Kang. If senior Sima Wuji is caught, the most troublesome thing is that they will definitely get the yin and yang mirror, and they will definitely be able to grasp all our traces by then, there is nowhere to escape, and I can't continue to be in the base camp of the ghost clan Keep staying, Yin Yang Mirror can completely see through my identity!"

Ancestor Chiyi nodded slightly: "This is really troublesome, but I don't know where Wuji and Qianfeng are, and it's not easy to find them now!"

Chen Yang thought about it, and then said: "There is no need to worry for now, they don't know the location of Senior Sima Wuji, even if they can find it, it will definitely take a lot of time. Hurry back, as long as I am in their base camp, I can keep track of their movements at any time, and the initiative will be in our hands!"

"Then can I help you with anything?" Patriarch Chi Yi felt that in the whole situation, the only one who could act was Chen Yang, and the only one he could rely on was Chen Yang. Yang's plan works.

"I don't need the help of the ancestor for the time being, but if something happens in the future, I will naturally need the help of the ancestor! Before that, can the ancestor stay in the boy's Qiankun ring?"

"Of course there's no problem with this, then it's all up to Xiaoyou Chen. The old man is also ashamed. After practicing for so many years, he really can't help you much. I'm ashamed!"

"Old Ancestor, don't blame yourself!"

Needless to say, Chen Yang immediately included the Chiyi Patriarch in the Qiankun Ring. Now that there are not only Du Jia and Man Li in the Qiankun Ring, but also an old Chiyi, the power in Chen Yang's hands will be even greater. It's a bit thicker.

Afterwards, Chen Yang didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately set off towards the base camp of the ghost clan. In fact, it didn't matter whether Chen Yang went back or not, because the avatar was there, and he could tell Chen Yang the information he had, but After all, the avatar is an avatar. Although the way of thinking is the same as that of Chen Yang, his coping ability and adaptability experience are not as much as Chen Yang's. Chen Yang is afraid of revealing his secrets. To be on the safe side, it is better to go into battle by himself, not to mention Sima Kangtie. The key to the cage is in his hands.

As for Taoist Fang Yun and Patriarch Baili in the Qiankun Ring, Chen Yang actually didn't intend to kill them, but trapped them in the Qiankun Ring first, because Chen Yang planted a soul engraving on Bimas, So the current soul engraving has reached the upper limit, and it is impossible to plant soul engravings for other people.

Taoist Fang Yun and Patriarch Baili are actually talents. Taoist Fang Yun has many special supernatural powers, and he is completely an auxiliary talent. A master of alchemy for thousands of years, although Chen Yang is really unhappy with this guy, but after all, his mother is also a talent, it is really a pity to kill him like this, so it is better to save his life and serve Chen Yang well Serve.

Therefore, Chen Yang wanted to keep these two guys alive, and when Chen Yang's strength improved, he would plant soul engravings on these two guys.

It didn't take long for Chen Yang to return to the base camp of the ghost clan, but he was not in a hurry to go out. Instead, he communicated with the avatar first. Although he couldn't use his consciousness, the avatars could communicate with each other.

Fortunately, Chen Yang didn't go out, and now the avatar is discussing matters with everyone in the conference hall. Of course, it goes without saying what to discuss. Patriarch Baili was arrested, which is a big event for everyone. Now everyone is naturally discussing what to do How to rescue Patriarch Baili.

But King Lingdong over there obviously sensed that something was wrong, and felt that Patriarch Baili's behavior was a bit weird, because they knew Patriarch Baili very well, so they naturally felt that Patriarch Baili would not do such a stupid thing, and it was already It's not stupid, it's just mentally retarded. At that time, no one would rush forward in that situation, but Patriarch Baili killed him directly as if he had been beaten with chicken blood. It felt like he was deliberately giving away his head.

Others also felt strange, the blood orphan said, could this Baili Patriarch be a fake?Maybe it was someone else pretending to be?
It's just that this guess was quickly vetoed by King Lingdong. What kind of person is King Lingdong?
Chen Yang almost died laughing, Xue Gu was right at all, Baili Patriarch was pretending to be him, but the King of Smartness actually vetoed it, this situation is really embarrassing.

The avatar was silent on the other side, and I was probably taken aback. I didn't expect Xue Gu to guess right, but after breaking up, I guess he was holding back a smile, because this smart king is really cooperative, and the avatar probably couldn't bear it. I can't help but want to give this smart king a thumbs up.

Everyone must be very distressed now, and they probably don't know how to make a choice. Not long after, the spirit king decided to send some ghosts to continue searching for the traces of the ancestor Chiyi, and the rest stayed in the base camp. In short, Sima Wuji couldn't be allowed to take advantage of it.

And they also believed that Patriarch Chiyi would not kill Patriarch Baili, because now Patriarch Baili was his life-saving straw, not only would he not kill him, but he would even protect him.

Now that the plan has been made, everyone started to act. The avatar said that he would stay in the base camp, but King Lingdong didn't say anything, and sent the blood orphan out. Bring more ghosts, so as not to be attacked by others, Xuegu naturally agreed, and then left the base camp with the ghosts.

King Lingdong must also feel that things are a bit of a headache, and he must also be aware that things are moving on an unpredictable trajectory. Originally, things should go smoothly according to their plan, but now the development of the whole thing has passed. Out of their control, they don't know what will happen next, but they are very clear about their true purpose, so King Lingdong decided to stick to the base camp all the time, and even guarded Sima Kang himself for the sake of safety .

Now it's a headache, and Chen Yang has no chance to save people. If King Lingdong has been guarding Sima Kang's side, it will be difficult for Chen Yang to find a chance to attack, not to mention there are so many ghosts, the matter will be true. trouble.

"This is going to be difficult. Sima Kang won't be able to rescue him for a while. Of course, there is no rush. There is plenty of time now. Besides, these guys haven't found the positions of Sima Wuji and Immortal Qianfeng. It's hard to lure this guy away with a lot of noise!"

"It's not impossible. I can pretend to be Taoist Fang Yun, get close to this smart king, and send him directly into the Qiankun Ring with a slap. Now there are Mancrack in the Qiankun Ring, as well as Patriarch Chiyi and Guteng King Jing and Bimas, it is not an easy task to kill this guy! In fact, the most troublesome thing is these ghosts. We have to find a way to lure these ghosts away, otherwise my identity will be exposed directly, and they will definitely I won't trust anyone anymore, and Sima Kang probably won't be able to save him!"

For the time being, Chen Yang can't think of any better way to lure these ghosts away. It's not that there are no ways, but these ways seem too clumsy. King Lingdong seems to be a very cautious person, and Chen Yang is afraid that this guy will doubt him. On the body, if someone deals with him at that time, then Chen Yang will not find any opportunities in the future.

This matter must be a one-time success, so the best way is the best way. As a result, Chen Yang thought about it for several days. As a result, this morning, news came from Xuegu that he had found Qianfeng Great Immortal. The location is being tracked.

As soon as Chen Yang heard the news, he knew that he must go to help, otherwise, Immortal Qianfeng would definitely not be able to escape!

(End of this chapter)

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