Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 1647 Lead the snake out of the hole

Chapter 1647 Lead the snake out of the hole
Chen Yang still followed the old method, after transforming into a clone, he immediately rushed in the direction of Xue Gu.

Chen Yang actually didn't know much about the Great Immortal Qianfeng. This big man in the casual cultivator world only left a name on the Tianji Transformation. Chen Yang didn't know what kind of magic weapon he had in his hand, only that he His supernatural power is somewhat similar to Taibai Jinxing's supernatural power of wishful control, but his supernatural power is more targeted. He can not control everything, but can control soil or stones. It is said that there was a big battle back then. Chen Yang didn't know who he was fighting with. He only knew that the Great Immortal Qianfeng had controlled countless mountain peaks and directly suppressed his opponents. That's why he got the name Qianfeng.

Chen Yang does not know whether this kind of supernatural power is powerful or not. Anyway, to Chen Yang, this kind of supernatural power is just an auxiliary supernatural power, but this is only for Chen Yang, and other people may be able to use the auxiliary supernatural power. Naturally, it is also possible for sexual supernatural powers to become offensive supernatural powers.

Now Chen Yang only hoped that even if the Great Immortal Qianfeng was found, he would insist on coming here by himself, rushing all the way, but Chen Yang came one step late in the end, because Chen Yang saw a large number of ghost clans coming towards him. Returning in the direction of the base camp, after a closer look, he found that Immortal Qianfeng had been locked in an iron cage, and his whole body was covered in blood, obviously seriously injured.

"It's still a step late!" Chen Yang's face was a little ugly. He didn't expect that the Immortal Qianfeng would be caught so soon, but then again, this is a very normal thing. With tens of thousands of ghosts and so many people, few people could escape. If Chen Yang hadn't helped him before, even Patriarch Chi Yi would have been caught.

The current situation is really bad. If Immortal Qianfeng hadn't been imprisoned in an iron cage, Chen Yang might still try to save people, but now that the whole person is imprisoned in an iron cage, Chen Yang simply can't find him. No chance of saving lives.

Chen Yang was also helpless, so he had to quickly enter the Qiankun Ring and discuss the next countermeasures with Patriarch Chi Yi and others.

"I went one step too late, they have already arrested Immortal Qianfeng!" Chen Yang said with a gloomy expression, "In this way, we will lose one helper."

"There is no way to do this. After all, there are too many ghosts, and even Qianfeng can't stop them!" Patriarch Chi Yi said helplessly.

"Your Majesty, do you want me to rush into it?" Man Li said in a deep voice, "I can directly destroy the iron cage and bring Immortal Qianfeng out!"

"This can't be done. Although I know you have this ability, it's too risky to do so. Besides, he is a ghost clan after all. You may be able to escape easily by yourself, but if you want to bring another person, it's not so risky." It's easy, not to mention that the iron cage is extremely weird, it's a special kind of magic weapon, it's not like other magic weapons, it doesn't even rebound power, I'm afraid you may not be able to break it!" Chen Yang frowned: " You can never have an accident!"

"Now there is only one senior Sima Wuji left. As long as we find him before the ghost clan, the problem will not be too big. In addition, you can move freely among the ghost clan, so it is easy to find someone who can save you." Chances are, when the time comes, all of us will be inside the Qiankun Ring, if you need help, let all of us come out, we will definitely be able to save him!" Du Jia said hastily.

Chen Yang couldn't help laughing wryly, and the Chi Yi Patriarch on the side said: "This puts too much pressure on Chen Yang, and it is not so easy to save people. After all, it is the territory of the ghost clan. If Chen Yang is If surrounded by tens of thousands of ghosts, there is no way to escape, not to mention that there are more than tens of thousands of ghosts in the base camp, once a group of ghosts attack them, Chen Yang will only have a dead end!"

Du Jia couldn't help sighing: "That's true, it's too difficult for you, but who made you so powerful? I mean, many people say that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility?"

Chen Yang cried and laughed for a while: "Let's think of a way now. I don't know the position of senior Sima Wuji at all. If the ghost clan finds it by then, things like this may happen. Senior Sima Wuji will definitely I can't be found by them, so I will definitely go with the ghost clan next time, otherwise, it will be too late to save people, but having said that, it is basically impossible to find Senior Sima Wuji, He has a yin and yang mirror in his hand, so he can completely know the whereabouts of this ghost clan, so it is impossible for the ghost clan to catch him!"

"This is indeed the case. Wuji's yin and yang mirror has this ability, and the ghost clan can't find him at all! Unless everyone is released, but the smart king is cautious and will never do such a thing, otherwise , that is equivalent to giving Sima Wuji an opportunity to take advantage of!"

"So now it doesn't matter whether I leave or not. The ghost clan will definitely not find him, so I think their most important task right now is to find a way to rescue him. Among them, Sima Kang is the most difficult. Because he is guarded directly by King Lingdong, Zhuo Qinghan and the others are easy to save, as long as I go there as Taoist Fang Yun, I can save them, but this time, the identity of Taoist Fang Yun will definitely not be needed!"

"This is the most troublesome thing. If I save Zhuo Qinghan and the others, my identity will be exposed. After that, I will not be able to stay in the ghost clan's headquarters. Then Sima Kang will not be able to save them at all!"

Chen Yang had a wry smile on his face, but at this moment, Du Jia suddenly said: "You can think of a plan, after all, they treat you as one of their own now, you think of a plan, such as lure the snake out of the hole, take Zhuo Qinghan They let them all out, and deliberately lured Sima Wuji out!"

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows, and immediately grinned: "Sure enough, she is my daughter-in-law, she is as smart as me!"

Du Jia pouted: "Don't take advantage of me!"

Chen Yang chuckled: "My daughter-in-law, this method is not bad. Now I can pretend to be one of them, and naturally I can find a way, and it doesn't necessarily have to attract Sima Wuji. They still think that Baili Patriarch In their hands, they also know in their hearts that Sima Wuji has a yin and yang mirror in his hands, so they must be more cautious in dealing with Sima Wuji, but if they are looking for the ancestors, they will not be so cautious. As far as it is concerned, it is useless at all, so this plan should be effective, um, I will go out, and they should discuss the next thing in the meeting hall in a short time!"

After making the plan, Chen Yang immediately escaped from the universe and returned to the base camp of the ghost clan. Just as Chen Yang thought, after the blood orphan captured the Great Immortal Qianfeng, King Lingdong really summoned everyone to the meeting hall , but the most nonsensical thing is that the smart king actually put Sima Kang's iron cage in the meeting hall, and he never left it.

Chen Yang came to the meeting room, glanced at Sima Kang in the iron cage, and sat in his seat, and then the blood orphan came, and Chen Yang and King Lingdong hurriedly stood up to greet him.

"Congratulations to the second brother for catching the old boy Qianfeng!" Chen Yang hurriedly cupped his hands and laughed.

"Second brother's trip is really smooth! Haha! Sit down, sit down!"

There was a smile on Xue Gu's face, and he was sitting on the seat: "I have already taken the magic weapon of Qianfeng, after a few days, I will break its restriction, and then I will give it to my fourth brother! "

This blood orphan is a great master of crafting, so it is easy to break the restriction left by others on the magic weapon, Chen Yang quickly thanked: "Thank you, second brother!"

"Now there are only Chi Yi and Sima Wuji left. This Sima Wuji has a yin and yang mirror. It is really tricky to catch him, but Chi Yi is easy. The problem is that the third brother is really difficult in the hands of this old boy. Do it!"

Seeing that this was an opportunity, Chen Yang quickly said, "Brother, I have a plan!"

"Fourth brother, tell me quickly!"

"Let's lure the snake out of its hole!"

(End of this chapter)

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